View Full Version : 30k Raven Guard Decapitation Strike 2500

05-30-2015, 03:03 PM
Hi everyone,

I am new to playing 30k games and I was thinking of using my 40k Raven Guard as a 30k army now and then. The list below has been built around the Rite of War in the HH3 book. It is bang on 2500.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Strike Captain Alvarex Maun


2x Tactical Squad (10 men each), in Drop pods
1x Assault Squad (10 men), with 2x hand flamers. Sergeant upgraded to have Artificer armour and power weapon.
1x Tactical Support Squad (10 men), entire unit has got Volkite Calivers.

1 Apothecary upgraded to have Artificer armour
3x Deathstorm Drop pods, all with drop pod assault upgrade and krak missile launchers.

1x Dark Fury Assault Squad (5 man squad, Raven Guard legion specific).
1x Legion Seeker Squad (10 men) in a drop pod.

1x Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron: 3 Predators, each with Executioner Plasma Cannons, Lascannon Sponsons and Machine Spirits.

My thinking is this:

Maun can join the Tactical Support Squad along with the Apothecary for added survivability. They can either infiltrate in or deploy as normal.

The Deathstorms can drop in turn 1 and (try to) pop any armour or high priority targets.
The predators can take on armour with all the guns. But I can use the machine spirit to fire the plasma cannons at infantry units.

Turn 2, the rest of my drop pods should arrive thanks to Maun's re-roll. Taking strategic objectives/ helping the rest of the army wipe stuff out. The Dark Fury and assault squads should be able to find targets to charge in to.

Cheers for looking. Any ideas or improvements would be welcome.


05-31-2015, 03:16 AM
looks good to me. I was about to start a 30k raven guard army when rumours of plastic heresy infantry came out, so I decided to hold off and see what happens.

you have a decent number of bodies on the field, and some hard hitters.