View Full Version : 40k Live Action Film - Interesting bit of info on a past attempt.

05-29-2015, 05:56 PM
Evening all,

I'm currently watching a Q&A session with Paul W.S. Anderson and his friend on YouTube with regards to Event Horizon. Around the 24 minute mark someone raises the question with regards to Warhammer fans liking the film due to its similarities with 40k's Warp, both of them state they are Warhammer fans and that they did in fact talk to GW about making a film but it never got anywhere.

It's nice to finally know who has tried to get one made and perhaps where at least one of the rumours came from.

That's all :)

05-29-2015, 06:09 PM
As much money as GW loves to make, I never understood why they never went for a big budget live action movie. I think the HH would make an awsome TV series or Movie series.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-29-2015, 06:17 PM
I've never understood why people want a *film*.

F**k films, they should do a big budget tv series - something like GoT or Spartacus ect. I want 10 one-hour episodes, not a few hours of action and then waiting years for a possible sequel.

05-30-2015, 02:07 AM
A game of golden thrones, perhaps?

*Blam!* HERESY!

05-30-2015, 08:26 AM
I would love a Gaunts Ghost series produced by HBO/Netflix or AMC... Just as long as that hack Paul W.S. Anderson isn't involved.

Captain Bubonicus
05-30-2015, 08:32 AM
The background is a little too "dark" for mass media, I think...

Can you imagine how much they'd have to "saccharine up" the background so people wouldn't lose their minds over the overtly fascist and xenophobic elements?

05-30-2015, 09:06 AM
The background is a little too "dark" for mass media, I think...

Can you imagine how much they'd have to "saccharine up" the background so people wouldn't lose their minds over the overtly fascist and xenophobic elements?

That's why god invented HBO. Just don't let David Benioff and D.B. Weiss anywhere near it.

05-30-2015, 09:19 AM
If they're happy enough to show Game of "rape all the livelong day" Thrones, I don't see why they'd have a problem with juvenat treatments made of children, lobotomised meat-robots, sacrificing psykers to the Golden Throne, killing innocents for being on the same planet as a daemon, and various alien races who think human meat is grrreat.

Mr Mystery
05-30-2015, 09:20 AM
Simple issue?

Marketing rights.

There's your stumbling block right there.

05-30-2015, 10:52 AM
I've got a feeling that GW wouldn't know how to go about doing a 40k movie, and they are superprotective of their IP. Sure there might be producers willing to do it but there is probaby a bigger problem.

What studio would be willing to front the $$ for a movie. I doubt any studio would feel there is a large enough market/desire for a 40k movie.

05-30-2015, 11:03 AM
They already made a live action film and for quality well it is certainly a thing that exists:


05-30-2015, 11:22 AM
Yeah Inquisitor is so bad it's quite good. However the Navy Officer/Inquisitor is taller than the Space Marine.

05-30-2015, 03:23 PM
this conversation has come up before and I found out that there were several reasons for there not being a 40k movie.
money was the main reason. to gain the capitol required thy would have to sell some of the rights to a studio/distributor which led to the second issue. this was the fact that the movie makers wanted to substantially change the IP (think Judge Dredd '95 edition) so that it didn't really look anything like 40k. also when they obtained the rights to make the lord of the rings franchise material they found out that they didn't infrastructure to deal with the demand during the movies fad phase when they were released. so having set up the infrastructure the movies fell out of fashion and sales dropped but they still had the infrastructure in place that was now largely redundant.

so in summary
1> money. the cost of making a movie is substantially more than even their biggest profit making year.
2> the studios that were interested wanted to modify it so far out of whack that it would most likely be main stream rubbish and unrecognisable from the original product
3> they are aware that the popularity will boom during the movies releases but plummet when the next big thing comes along which causes it's own problems.

this was from a guy who was quite high up in the company at the time.

05-31-2015, 08:39 AM
Right. It's too much money for GW to make on their own, they don't want to surrender IP rights to allow someone else tom ake the film, and 40k isn't nearly mainstream enough to have anyone important enough to make a film coming to GW with a deal they would be happy with.

05-31-2015, 06:12 PM
Making a movie goes either one of two ways; failure and it harms the brand or success and GW is forced to expand beyond a Model/Book company. If they are forced to expand into a new, bigger realm it goes one of two ways: Failure or Success.

Like imagine there is such a demand that companies are banging down the door to make Space Marine figures... so then GW has another company making models, that are more poseable, come already painted and they start to beat GW at their own game.

All throughout reading HH I thought that it needs to be made into an Anime Series. Sci fi costs a ton to do live action and make look good. Making an Anime series could help GW expand in Japan. The audience can handle the extreme amount of violence, and they have a geek culture that would eat it up. When they get hooked on the Anime, they'll be so hungry for more with the only option being actually picking up models... and selling their soul.

06-04-2015, 01:18 PM
Making a movie goes either one of two ways; failure and it harms the brand or success and GW is forced to expand beyond a Model/Book company. If they are forced to expand into a new, bigger realm it goes one of two ways: Failure or Success.

Like imagine there is such a demand that companies are banging down the door to make Space Marine figures... so then GW has another company making models, that are more poseable, come already painted and they start to beat GW at their own game.

All throughout reading HH I thought that it needs to be made into an Anime Series. Sci fi costs a ton to do live action and make look good. Making an Anime series could help GW expand in Japan. The audience can handle the extreme amount of violence, and they have a geek culture that would eat it up. When they get hooked on the Anime, they'll be so hungry for more with the only option being actually picking up models... and selling their soul.

You, sir, might be on to something. a Horus Heresy Anime series would be freakin fantastic! They would have unlimited possibility with the Warp in drawn form, specially effects...... that might be an independent project worth pursuing, to present to GW as a 'Hey, we can do this, it's awesome, let us produce this through you!" (whomever takes this idea and runs with it, I want 10% LOL)

I see Gotthammer posted Inquisitor, above. There was also a film called Damnatus that I believe was GW sponsored, but in German for some reason. It's been forever since I've seen it, but it was rogue-trader era, IIRC.

Arkhan Land
06-04-2015, 04:09 PM
They already made a live action film and for quality well it is certainly a thing that exists:



this **** is ****ing incredible.