View Full Version : Uses for square bases in 40k

05-23-2015, 05:28 PM
If the rumours are true there are going to be a lot of square bases kicking around soon. Has anyone found a good use for them in 40k. Other than Rogue Trader Whirlwinds and Bases for objective markers? That's not going to make much of a dent in my tub of bases.

05-24-2015, 04:05 AM
Fantasy used square bases because it makes ranking up models easier, 40k only really uses round bases because it looks better I think.

The only problems I can see with using square bases in 40k on your models:

People might try to be cheesy and use that extra bit of surface to clip ruins and claim they have a cover save.
People who have no idea that assault is dead anyway might refuse to play you because they claim "you have a bigger area for assaulting".

That's really it.

Cpt Codpiece
05-24-2015, 04:24 AM
do guard still have ranked bonus for shooting?
thats gotta be a bonus, one solid block of white shirts in an easy to position block

05-24-2015, 06:17 AM
Fantasy used square bases because it makes ranking up models easier, 40k only really uses round bases because it looks better I think.

The only problems I can see with using square bases in 40k on your models:

People might try to be cheesy and use that extra bit of surface to clip ruins and claim they have a cover save.
People who have no idea that assault is dead anyway might refuse to play you because they claim "you have a bigger area for assaulting".

That's really it.

Well using them on modles would solve the issue, but I'm hoping for more creative solution. Like buildings or ammo stores or something of that sort.

Lord Manton
05-24-2015, 06:30 AM
A giant paved road right through the middle of your board!

05-24-2015, 06:52 AM
A giant paved road right through the middle of your board!

Yep that's the biskit. I was thinking sidewalks for my ruins. Does anyone have pictures to go with then ideas?

05-24-2015, 11:55 PM
An idea that you may find appealing it to use them to build modular terrain. Perhaps a wall section on each one so that when placed side by side they form a continuous wall. Have a few corner and end pieces and his way, you can make each section as long as you like. Of course, glue dfiferent numbers of them togethe so it isnt too tedious.

Perhaps converted onto vehicles to make extra armor?

Dice holders for objectives/wound counters and whatnot by building up the edges so that they hold the dice snugly. This would help prevent you from accidentally picking them up with the other dice after rolls or from getting knocked off their correct set number when a rolled dice accidentally hits it.

05-25-2015, 06:06 AM
An idea that you may find appealing it to use them to build modular terrain. Perhaps a wall section on each one so that when placed side by side they form a continuous wall. Have a few corner and end pieces and his way, you can make each section as long as you like. Of course, glue dfiferent numbers of them togethe so it isnt too tedious.

Perhaps converted onto vehicles to make extra armor?

Dice holders for objectives/wound counters and whatnot by building up the edges so that they hold the dice snugly. This would help prevent you from accidentally picking them up with the other dice after rolls or from getting knocked off their correct set number when a rolled dice accidentally hits it.

Thanks those are some great ideas.

05-26-2015, 04:06 PM
With a little plasticard/greenstuff you could do some shipping crates/containers. Or turn some upside down and remove enough of the wall to glue them together and fill with water effect for small channels/drainage ditches or reflecting pools sort of thing. with the appropriate bits maybe do some objective markers with them.

05-26-2015, 05:41 PM
I use square/rectangular bases for mini scenery items like tank traps and small ruins:

A Minefield using the Arachnarok Spider base. The mines come from the old and sadly now OOP Mines, Bombs & Boobytraps set.

A couple of small ruined building sections, built from bricks made from leftover sprue. I believe these are on Monstrous Cavalry bases.

Tank traps made from Forge World Resin gates mounted on regiment bases.

A bigger ruined building, again made from leftover sprue cut into bricks and built on an Arachnarok Spider base.