View Full Version : 1500 Heavy Armor IG/AM + Skitarii

05-22-2015, 12:45 PM
Hello all! Trying to get back into the game. Love tanks! Love Adeptus Mechanicus! Tell me what you think. My thought is that the Dunecrawlers can use their weapons to reduce enemy cover saves while the tanks blow them into oblivion!


HQ - Leman Russ Punisher w/Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Knight Commander Pask (230)
Leman Russ Executioner w/ Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon Sponsons (185)

HQ - Comissar w/ Power Weapon (50)

Troops - Platoon Command Squad w/ Autocannon (40)
Squad 1 w/ Power Weapon, Autocannon (75)
Squad 2 w/ Power Weapon, Autocannon (75)
Squad 3 w/ Power Weapon, Autocannon (75)
Squad 4 w/ Power Weapon, Autocannon (75)

Troops - Veterans w/ 3 x Meltagun (90)
Chimera w/ Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter (65)

Heavy Support - Leman Russ MBT w/ Heavy Bolter (150)


Troops - 8 x Skitarii Vanguard w/ 2 x Arc Rifle (112)

Troops - 5 x Skitarii Rangers (65)

Heavy Support - Ongar Dunecrawler w/ Twin-Linked Phosphor Cannons (105)

Heavy Support - Ongar Dunecrawler w/ Twin-Linked Phosphor Cannons (105)

TOTAL: 1497

Austin Becht
06-03-2015, 08:29 AM
A little late, but here I go...

HQ is good, really good. Pask in a Punisher is beast. And the Executioner works well as a second tank.

Platoon...ummm...Platoons really like to be spammed, and really like to have CCS to back them up, so I'd almost not take it. I'd say go with Vets instead, possibly in a Chimera. They are considerably better, and far more points efficient, especially with their access to 3 special weapons. That would mean you'd lack orders, but it wouldn't be too much of a detriment with how good Vets are regardless. If you still insist on keeping the platoon, drop the power weapons: you aren't playing a priest, so they are worthless, and just eat points you could spend on more useful upgrades.

As for Vets, my favored build is 2x meltas, and a heavy flamer; gives the squad a multi-purpose role. Fish-men (Tau) really hate this build, especially when its mounted in a Chimera with a heavy flamer. However 3x meltas or 3x plasma is just as good. As for their Chimera: heavy-flamer/multi laser is best, unless the unit intends to sit back and not advance.

As for the Skitarii allies, don't take the Rangers: go all Vanguard. And max out the Vanguard squads. Having them get access to 3 special weapons is amazing, especially if you are choosing arc rifles or plasma calivers. Plus they are cheaper and more shooty then the Rangers. The Rangers have their uses, but the Vanguard, point for point, are just grosely superior. Oh and take the omnispex; its a no-brainer upgrade.

With the Onager's, I'd take the heavy stubber and cognis manipulator upgrades, if you have the points. Also, I'd take the icarus array, as at 1500 points your likely to see a flier or two. You probably will only need one with the icarus array, but there's no reason not to take it. Plus, Skyfire works against skimmers too! Its really a no-brainer. Of course, it all depends on your local meta, so if you don't see fliers or skimmer often, don't take the array. Otherwise, the phosphor is a really good choice.