View Full Version : 2k - IG - fully mechanized

05-20-2015, 04:44 PM
So a friend of mine is wanting to sell off a slew of unopened boxes of IG and thinking of picking up what he's got and adding to it to flush out a full 2k of mechanized cavalry (i'd have to get 3x LR's and and the vendetta kit). lots of guardsmen of course but won't use them in this list. i'll toy around with a gunline and ADL's perhaps later. My 2 older armies are IF and 'Nids so IG would be a nice change of pace for me (different gameplay and different units - although i still always fall back on repetition hehe - also there is no such thing as overkill).

IG - 2k Mech Cav

Headquarters: 300 points

300 - Tank Commander Squadron
- Command Vanquisher w/ HF
- Vanquisher w/ HF

Troops: 620 points

155 - Veterans Squad
- 10 Veterans w/ 3x MM
- Chimera w/ ML & HF

155 - Veterans Squad
- 10 Veterans w/ 3x MM
- Chimera w/ ML & HF

155 - Veterans Squad
- 10 Veterans w/ 3x MM
- Chimera w/ ML & HF

155 - Veterans Squad
- 10 Veterans w/ 3x MM
- Chimera w/ ML & HF

Fast Attack: 170 points

170 - Vendetta

Heavy Support: 910 points

340 - Leman Russ Squadron
- Demolisher w/ HF
- Demolisher w/ HF

310 - Leman Russ Squadron
- Executioner w/ HF
- Executioner w/ HF

260 - Leman Russ Squadron
- Exterminator w/ HF
- Exterminator w/ HF

tallies up to 2000 points on the dot.

think this list pretty much covers everything. Vanquishers and Vets target high AV, Vendetta goes after fliers and high AV, Demo's and Executions deal with infantry and hordes, Exterminators and Chimers go after low AV and TEQ/MEQ.

I could swap out the vanquishers for maybe annihilators but it's FW so don't want to have to deal with bickering before playing.

Folks might scratch head at exterminators over battle tanks but i like the number of S7 shots they pump out. and i've got plenty of higher S attacks elsewhere.

Any thoughts of where i should adjust or swap out? kept upgrades to a minimum for more units?

wondering if it would be worthwhile to find points to swap the heavy flamers for lascannons on the vanquishers?

tips, advice, suggestions, C&C is always appreciated.

