View Full Version : Deff Rollers: Is it really that bad? Really?

03-02-2010, 09:40 AM

03-02-2010, 09:43 AM
No, it's irrelevant, especially if you were playing it the way they FAQ'ed from the get-go.

I even felt obligated to blog re: jwolf's post ... just ... either "duh" or off the mark, and all irrelevant anyway; the deffrolla is not a big deal, and the fact that someone would freak out to the point of saying it actually took away from their FUN? For the love of mary ...

03-02-2010, 09:50 AM
By the response to the post, it was relevant to a class of players, and they got to talk about it. I saw it more as a provocative article than as an informative one.

Also there was apparently a lot of people who was playing it as a shock only. More victims to raw RAW.

P.S.: The Doom of Malathingy is a Tyranids unique model that has the ability, during every shooting phase, to cast away any disguise wore by asshats, making them losing their temper while trying to crack a silly code.

03-02-2010, 09:50 AM
I doubt it's all that bad. It makes Deff Rollas pretty scary to mechanised forces but then again it's not actually all that hard to take out a battlewagon given it's pretty poor side and rear armour values. I'd guess that given the number of mech armies people face most armies have decent anti tank and so can take out the battlewagon before it gets to deff rolla your landraider etc.

Doom of malanthingy is bad. It'll kill your soul, sometimes even if you're in a car... maybe...

03-02-2010, 09:59 AM
Basically, all this did was change the target priority of battlewagons. If it has a deff rolla, shoot it until it dies. Generally speaking, against Orks, killing their transports has always been a good idea. Orcs, with their mighty 6 + armor save, walking across the battlefield is much better than them driving across in their vehicles. Not to be TOO obvious, but, the longer it takes them to get to me, the more chances I have to shoot them dead. Yes, deff rollas are nasty, but they aren't going to suddenly make the Orks the unstoppable force of the game.

03-02-2010, 11:45 AM
No, they aren't that bad still. Sure, if they can get to my Exorcists they can roll right over them with those deff rollas.

That's a pretty big if. I reckon most won't even survive the fist turn, myself.

03-02-2010, 11:53 AM
That's b/c you move your exorcists 6" right or left and SIDE ARMOR! YAY!

Lord Azaghul
03-02-2010, 11:57 AM
This is why outflanking sentinals are fantastic. You only have to immolized the thing! And isn't the battle wagon still open topped?

03-02-2010, 12:01 PM
Yup. Means if, say, a monolith ordnance round or an exorcist shot or a meltagun penetrates one, it's rendered useless on a 2+. Keep in mind that they will immediately "reverse" half their immobilizations for a lot of lists, b/c they'll have a kff big mek. Stops 'em for a turn at least.

03-02-2010, 12:09 PM
Is a deff rolla a weapon? So it can be destroyed on a weapon destroyed hit or is it an add-on?

03-02-2010, 12:11 PM
Upgrade. It's active 'till the BWag dies.

03-02-2010, 12:15 PM
I agree that this is not a game-changer. It's really quite difficult to get a deffrolla in contact with any vehicle that is not already charging you. What that means, in my mind, is that deffrollas now provide orks with:
A way to deal with charging Rhinos, Chimeras, and similar transports
A way to deal with charging Land Raiders; and
A way to deal with monoliths - a niche that was not well covered before.
Number 1 was already extensively covered by tankbustaz, lootaz, deffkoptaz, warbuggies, warbikes, and big gunz, so I don't see that this really changes anything with respect to them.

Number 2 is annoying, but it means that orks' ways to pop a charging Land Raider go from roughly zero to one. A deffrolla isn't a ranged option, either, so while the Land Raider may die, it will do so after getting several turns of movement.

Number 3 is also annoying, but orks had even fewer ways of dealing with monoliths than they did ways of dealing with Land Raiders, so I don't see that necron players need to be shaking in their boots - especially since a deffrolla only has a 13% chance of destroying a monolith in the first place. And as if that weren't enough, most necron players I know could adapt just fine to big expensive ork units haring off after their not-contributing-to-phase-out monoliths, all for a 13% chance to kill them.

03-02-2010, 09:47 PM
It's not a big deal. It's just a slow news day and they need something to fill the gaps. ;)

If a raging battlewagon is ruining your lovely Land Raiders, just put a sacrificial Rhino in front of it. If the BW destroys the Rhino instead of the LR, you now have a chance to nuke it. If the BW doesn't go for the obvious bait, then it'll have to go farther to hit you, possibly giving you another turn to shoot at it. Just bait with cheap vehicles instead of squishy units.

03-02-2010, 10:06 PM
I don't get the big deal. Yes, it means that Orks have an anti-tank option, but all it does is increase, by one, the number of armies that can reliably deal with landraiders.

At best, it provides a very low cost, high reward option for Orks. Otoh, twenty points per battlewagon adds up in a hurry.

03-03-2010, 07:35 AM
I dont think it is game breaking at all. The contents of battle wagons have always been scary so you didn't want them getting near you even before teh uberz deff rolla rules came into being.

What it does is encourage Ork players to play demolition derby with their vehicles and that is never ever a bad thing.:)

03-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Indeed, encouraging fluffy unit usage is always good!

03-03-2010, 02:24 PM
So I'm somewhat puzzled.

This seems to have been the subject of at least 3 front page BOLS articles that Ive seen (might be more for all I know) with much wailing and gnashing of teeth..........

Its the end of mech!!!!!!!! Has mech reached its peak?????? Oh my god, they've broken the game!!!!! etc. etc.

Now it seems to me that there were alot of people who were playing Deff Rollers effect vehicles anyway, so is this FAQ such a problem?

I dont think it changes anything really. In some groups the Orks may have just found a way to ram AV14, but if it gets that close your doing something wrong and by that time at orks have reached your lines and close combat has been engaged.:rolleyes:
And on a side note and completely unrelated, what the bloody hell is the Doom of Malathingy anyway?[/QUOTE]

The Doom of Malathingy is a cheap Tyranid character that has a power called Spirit Leech. This power has the unwritten rule that it manifests "Rules Debates" all over the webs and thus leeches the spirit of the game. Persons can be afflicted by this rule via measuring to any device that happens to be on a forum with a rules debate, their web enabled device counts as a "proxy" for the person using it. Nerd rage often ensues. :D

03-03-2010, 02:28 PM
Deffrollas lose badly to all foot eldar, btw.

03-03-2010, 02:30 PM
Deffrollas lose badly to all eldar :p

Commissar Lewis
03-03-2010, 03:07 PM
Personally I think the new deff rolla vs. vehicle thing would make for an awesome demo-derby type special game. A bunch of BW and other vehicles speedin' around ramming crap and deff rollas crushing crap.

But as a Guard player I bellow "Bring it down!" to my lascannon HW squad and they usually bring crap like that down. Unless they're being idiots at the time.