View Full Version : The Mighty Underdogs!

05-19-2015, 03:30 PM
So I was pretty pleased to give the new eldar a run for their money with a very basic Inquisition/Militarum Tempestus/Knight (single paladin) list and it got me thinking....does anyone else really do this? Make a fun fluffy list and see how they do vs. an optimized face stomper list? I realize optimization is in the eye of the list maker ;)

Id love to see the list composition and what it went against and how it fared.

For meself it was vs. an Eldar player who used the new formation for the 6" run and the aspect shrine formation. I took it in the end on VP and it was a bloodbath!

05-20-2015, 08:39 AM
If you brought a knight and he didn't, that doesn't really sound like you were the underdog.

05-20-2015, 09:50 AM
havent played against many knights? It died turn 2 lol they arent that bad really. more than 1 yes but just 1 isn't much.

Erik Setzer
05-20-2015, 10:30 AM
havent played against many knights? It died turn 2 lol they arent that bad really. more than 1 yes but just 1 isn't much.

I had one die on turn 1 and it still got more than its points worth.

Granted, I also treat mine as a mobile bomb...

05-20-2015, 10:51 AM
havent played against many knights? It died turn 2 lol they arent that bad really. more than 1 yes but just 1 isn't much.

Something can die early and still be worth it's points. How much of the rest of your army survived 2 more turns because knight soaked up fire?

I'm not saying your list was over powered, just that it doesn't sound like you can really claim "underdog" status. It sounds like it was a fun game though.

05-20-2015, 11:39 AM
Something can die early and still be worth it's points. How much of the rest of your army survived 2 more turns because knight soaked up fire?

I'm not saying your list was over powered, just that it doesn't sound like you can really claim "underdog" status. It sounds like it was a fun game though.

Fair nuff, underdog is in the eye of the beholder. Yah it soaked a wee bit of fire in turn 1 but I hid from the long range stuff. Assaulted a falcon but the goodies inside blowed it up real good. The funny part, he lost his autarch and the 2 fire dragons in the explosion. Rolled 6 on all three dudes separately. Laughs were had.

Yeah Erik, I run mine up the middle for the same reason.

Erik Setzer
05-20-2015, 11:56 AM
I actually worry about killing a Knight sometimes. Had one charge my Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage last week, thankfully didn't get a 6 with his weapon and I amazingly made both Daemon save, then tore the Knight apart with the BT's axe. The Knight blew up where he was, rather than scattering onto the Daemon... think it still did a wound, but didn't hit him with another D.

A Falcon, Autarch, and two Fire Dragons sounds like a good haul. Over 200 points easily. And probably distracted the rest of the army.

Imperial Guard actually have nice firepower for buzzing through Eldar infantry. An abundance of Wraithlords/knights is where things start getting dicy.

05-21-2015, 06:46 AM
OP, I do this all the time. My last tournament list looked like this:

2 Detatchments (Ork Horde/CAD)
-Warboss w/Killchoppa
-Weirdboy Warphead
-Kaptin Badrukk
-3 Mekz w/ Mega Blastaz
-1 unit Burnaz (12) (joins Warboss and Painboy in Battlewagon)
-1 small unit Tankbustaz (6)
-1 unit Shoota Boyz (23) w/ a couple of Rokkitz (joins Weirdboy)
-2 units Slugga Boyz (11 each w/ Powa Klaw Nob) in Trukk (w. Wrekkin Balls and Planks)
-2 units Grots (10)
-2 DeathKoptaz (Big Shootaz)
-Battlewagon (4 Big Shootaz, Kannon, Stikk Bomm Chukka)
-1 unit Lootas (12)
-Deff Dread (Skorcha, Mega Blasta)
-1 unit Flash Gitz (5)

I played a Lictor-shame list and almost pulled out a win. If I would have put the last wound on one of the Flyrants, I would have at least tied, maybe won. The Warboss killed two Mawlocs with the Killchoppa, before being dragged down by Lictors and Tyrant supporting fire, we swept away nearly all the spores in the shooting phase, and really just went to town across the board. Lost 7-5.

But, most of my games go like this. I actually beat a Khorne Daemonkin army at the same tournament when my 6 Tankbustaz blew up the Lord of Skullz with Tankbusta Bombs (it was epic). My only solid loss of the day was to a Skitarii force.

But, yes. Three cheers to the underdog. And a hearty Waaaaggghhhh!!!