View Full Version : Campaign Report: Apocalypse on Solypsus 9

05-19-2015, 08:46 AM

Saturday our club had the fifth event of its Solypsus 9 campaign, a 16,000 point Apocalypse match pitting Chaos and Necrons against Space marines. A narrative recap and photos are here:


In keeping with running our events as narrative tournaments, there was a fair amount of story theming as well as individual scoring and prizes. This was done through personal missions and tactical achievements earning points within the larger context of the Apocalypse, explained in the post.


Hendrik Booraem VI
06-17-2015, 09:01 AM
This is phenomenal and I'm trying to understand the process of the campaign better so I can try to duplicate it with my gaming group!

06-17-2015, 09:14 AM

There's a detailed writeup of the mechanics here:


At some point I hope to make a clean PDF writeup, but all the core rules you need are there. I'd be happy to share the chits and map PDFs if you want to use them (email me: [email protected]).

There's also a long writeup here of our overall approach to these kinds of events:
