View Full Version : Kataphron are troops?!

Isaac Gutierrez
05-18-2015, 04:28 PM
In the white dwarf 68, the rules for them mark them as troops, so would that mean that in the mechanicus codex they would come as troop choices? Do you guys think that could be possible? They can all have supreme weapon choices, and can come in units upt to 12, armed with graviton cannon that would be 72 grav shoots. It is a total overkill, but the fact that a troop choice has that possibility seems like too much for me.

05-18-2015, 05:13 PM
I don't think "troops" means that much anymore. Especially if it's another codex without an HQ such that troops aren't objective secured. Not that it's ever bothered me, I always secure objectives by killing everyone nearby.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-18-2015, 06:10 PM
I find it refreshing to have a troops choice in a 40k army that don't have 2 arms and 2 legs.

Erik Setzer
05-18-2015, 09:51 PM
I find it refreshing to have a troops choice in a 40k army that don't have 2 arms and 2 legs.

Tyranids have four arms...

Mr Mystery
05-18-2015, 11:00 PM
Mechanicum seem to be getting a proper HQ.

Chap with the tall headgear from the poster.

Can't wait for the Codex! Got a nicely burgeoning Mechanicum force here at Mystery Towers!

05-18-2015, 11:46 PM
Mechanicum seem to be getting a proper HQ.

Chap with the tall headgear from the poster.

Can't wait for the Codex! Got a nicely burgeoning Mechanicum force here at Mystery Towers!

You mean that codex supplement "Skitarii" or the full codex?

Mr Mystery
05-19-2015, 12:51 AM
Well, seeing as I already have the Skitarii one......:p

And I should be getting Horus Heresy Volume V on Saturday, as Forgeworld have a stand at Comicon.

05-19-2015, 01:45 AM
In the white dwarf 68, the rules for them mark them as troops, so would that mean that in the mechanicus codex they would come as troop choices? Do you guys think that could be possible? They can all have supreme weapon choices, and can come in units upt to 12, armed with graviton cannon that would be 72 grav shoots. It is a total overkill, but the fact that a troop choice has that possibility seems like too much for me.

At £140/$232 for 12 I think it's very possible. GW deeply believes troops choices should cost north of £100/$200. So do their shareholders. And with rules like these they hope to persuade you of it as well.

05-19-2015, 02:02 AM
At £140/$232 for 12 I think it's very possible. GW deeply believes troops choices should cost north of £100/$200. So do their shareholders. And with rules like these they hope to persuade you of it as well.

That unit would also cost 600 points - a good third, near quarter of a 1850 battle and be as easily neutralised by one squad of cheapy infantry.

It's got to fire at one target as well. Having four squads of 3 is a way around that but the same 'ways to nobble it' apply. Blast them with a heavy flamer or Immortal Gauss blasters and they're stuck. It's a lot of points in one unit.

However, the idea of 12 mini gun tanks is just too cool.

05-19-2015, 02:07 AM
That unit would also cost 600 points - a good third, near quarter of a 1850 battle and be as easily neutralised by one squad of cheapy infantry.

It's got to fire at one target as well. Having four squads of 3 is a way around that but the same 'ways to nobble it' apply. Blast them with a heavy flamer or Immortal Gauss blasters and they're stuck. It's a lot of points in one unit.

However, the idea of 12 mini gun tanks is just too cool.

Good point.

And they do look cool.

05-19-2015, 02:15 AM
GW deeply believes troops choices should cost north of £100/$200.

Aside from Dark Angels (ten Deathwing Terminators plus Land Raider = £115, and you can bet they won't be Troops for long), Black Templars (ten Initiates plus ten Neophytes plus Land Raider Crusader = £101) and now maxed-out Kataphrons, is there any Troops choice that actually costs more than £100? Even twenty Sisters only come to £80ish, and they're metal. (I suppose you could push it over by adding a transport they can't fit into).

05-19-2015, 11:00 AM
Aside from Dark Angels (ten Deathwing Terminators plus Land Raider = £115, and you can bet they won't be Troops for long), Black Templars (ten Initiates plus ten Neophytes plus Land Raider Crusader = £101) and now maxed-out Kataphrons, is there any Troops choice that actually costs more than £100? Even twenty Sisters only come to £80ish, and they're metal. (I suppose you could push it over by adding a transport they can't fit into).

You must not play Orks, Imperial Guard, or Tyranids.

05-19-2015, 12:40 PM
Gee, I guess I must not. All those many, many battles with my green tide must have been made up. Yooz ign'ant squig'ead.
On top of which... a full mob of 30 Boyz only comes to £54. A full blob of 50 Guardsmen only comes to £92. A full brood of 30 Gaunts comes to £54. So what da zog is you talking about?

Mr Mystery
05-19-2015, 12:43 PM
Dollars, I suspect.

Is easily misread and confused!

05-19-2015, 12:52 PM
Gee, I guess I must not. All those many, many battles with my green tide must have been made up. Yooz ign'ant squig'ead.
On top of which... a full mob of 30 Boyz only comes to £54. A full blob of 50 Guardsmen only comes to £92. A full brood of 30 Gaunts comes to £54. So what da zog is you talking about?

Actually I don't have a Tyranid or Ork codex, so I was just guessing. But for IG I usually add a few Heavy squads, and you forgot the platoon HQ.

Edit : I should add it came to mind because I'm building a mechanized infantry platoon, so I will eventually field a troops choice with six chimeras.

05-19-2015, 01:28 PM
Zoggin' 'eck, boss. That's half your army in one slot. Though I will admit it's well above £100.

05-19-2015, 02:43 PM
I have the problem that I like to build my armies based on the supposed army organization. So I'm slowly building a marine company, a guard platoon, and almost finished with my harlequin masque (two more bikes and some vehicle crew to go).