View Full Version : Weathering on black (Chaos Land Raider)?

03-01-2010, 04:50 PM
Anyone have any tips for good ways to do weathering over an already dark color like black? I notice all the awesome weathering on the forgeworld tanks is usually done over subdued colors so that the rust and muck shows up.
I have been considering a black primer with a very very dark gray undercoat. I am going for a look that is old and used, but not covered in 6 inches of muck. Urban or desert weathering would be my first picks since the light gray concrete dust or the 'desert yellow' sand dust would show up on a dark background.

03-01-2010, 05:13 PM
I used the Tamiya weather powders. FW has some now as well, and given a good clear coat they hold up well:D Of course this will only get you dust and soot, possibly snow effects.

03-01-2010, 07:16 PM
I think you're right on wanting lighter - black paint goes grey over time; a light undercoat for chip effects will show up more. It might look good to use lark dark rust patches, with some lighter patches so you have some subtle more contrasts too (especially if you use some sort of texture effect - I read a good tutorial on it but don't remember where, but you can get an texture effect with powders). You should probably choose your mud/dust to not blend too much with the paint wear so that the elements stand out a little more (unless of course you want a more subtle effect over all!) Powders will do you good for many different light colours (I have a bunch of Mig one that I'm quite happy with).

03-01-2010, 08:12 PM
The classic weathering on black is silver chips where the paint wore off.

I am going to try this for my next Ork trukk. Spray it silver first, apply liquid mask, spray black and then remove mask to show the silver chipped paint.

Other good contrasts on black: rust, Nurgle goo

03-02-2010, 08:20 AM
you have to go lighter. I paint black with Adeptus BG base and i apply 3 washes of Badab black to build up to black. then go back and outline in Adeptus, then Codex for line highlights or Adeptus then boltgun then mithril for serious wear down to the metal.

Dirt and grim i use khermi brown (or whatever it's called), Deneb stone, codex grey, all drybrushed then washed with devlin mud. check the link for images, look at the rhino with white on the sides and teh drop pod with red wings.


03-07-2010, 09:21 AM
Dirt and grim i use khermi brown (or whatever it's called), Deneb stone, codex grey, all drybrushed then washed with devlin mud. check the link for images, look at the rhino with white on the sides and teh drop pod with red wings.


I like the weathering on the side of the drop pod. That is pretty heavy wear though, so I might just do that towards the bottom. On the Rhino the weathering works, but I think only because of the color scheme you have picked. The white and red give a good contrast and also let the mud show through. I may end up doing gold in the recesses of the LR like you have on the Rhino to get it to show through.

03-10-2010, 08:24 AM
cool, yeah the dpod is obviously getting beaten up coming in from orbit, you'd be surprised though how well the browns, greys, and stone shows up on black. as for the gold, it's actually dwarf bronze washed with gryphon sepia and high lighted with gold. hope it helps man. make sure to post some pics!