View Full Version : Help me plan a Thunderhawk list

05-14-2015, 04:29 PM
I'm thinking:

Chapter Master two Lightning Claws, terminator armor

1 Terminator Squad 5 man Heavy flamer 4 x chain fists

1 Terminator Squad 9 man Heavy Flamer 8 chain fists

1 Scout Squad rifles and camo cloaks and vet sgt

1 Scout Squad rifles and camo cloaks and vet sgt

Thunderhawk with Turbo laser.

I reckon that puts me around 1800pts ish.

The scouts would deploy first and hold the field and home objectives until the Thunderhawk comes in lights up a nice big target with all it's missiles and laser, mows down infantry with the heavy bolter.

The Thunderhawk lands and dumps a top of terminators in the enemies face with the tool to enable them to chew through a Knight Titan if necessary.

The big issue is making sure the Thunderhawk comes in early before i'm tabled.

I was thinking maybe a Damocles Rhino could be used to help with reserves but then how do I get it to survive until turn 2.

All thoughts welcome.

05-16-2015, 08:00 AM
I've face a Thunderhawk a couple of times and all I have to offer is that landing to deploy troops cripples the effectiveness of the big bird. The game where it tried to bring in troops, there wasn't enough on the table until it arrived to woory me and the turn it landed to let them out it was easy meat. The game where all the troops were on the ground and it was empty, it murdered me from the skies with impunity.

Arkhan Land
05-16-2015, 10:43 AM
Maybe try a Land Raider Proteus can take its Explorator Augury Web which can re-roll reserves

05-21-2015, 07:37 AM
Thanks for the feed back.

I am aware that the landing of the Thunderhawk is going to have to be a one turn deal or else it will get blasted out of the air.

I'n hoping that 9 hull points will help keep it in the air but the rear armor is dire so that will have to face a board edge if possible.

I reckon using at as just a COMBAT AIR PATROL unit isn't as awesome as shoving terminators in your opponents face.

Thanks Arkan Land I have the rules for a Land Raider Proteus...ill look them up....sounds like a good idea!

Lord Krungharr
05-25-2015, 02:36 PM
What about putting on a Skyshield Pad w the Ready for Takeoff upgrade? If the Hawk could fit on top of it, and the Pad was reinforced for strength that is :) It can only Hover Turn 1, but you could go 6" and disembark the Termies and then Flat Out as a Fast Skimmer since it's a Hovering Flyer right? Or get them really far across by 12" + 18" turn 1, disembark/assault turn 2, and then Zoom the Thunderhawk and blast stuff from there on out.

Having a DA power field guy in there might be good too, or invisible it!