View Full Version : Army Transport -- Best Known Methods?

05-13-2015, 06:51 PM

My daughter and I are going to play in the tournament this year, but since we're so far away, the family will be flying. I've always played in local tournaments, so I've never tried transporting an army (let alone 2!) on a plane before. I'm hoping folks out there have some best known methods for getting the armies from point A to point B in only the number of pieces they started in. :) I'm guessing that carry-on is going to be preferred (that way you have control on the models, as well as knowing that they won't get lost), but not sure that's going to be possible.

So, ideas? Tips? Recommendations on transport methods? (BTW, I'm playing GK, and she is playing CSM.)



The Girl
05-17-2015, 09:05 PM
I'm moving this to 40K general in hopes that you'll get some responses :)

05-17-2015, 09:44 PM
I would not reccomend the GW hardcases, over priced and while all right for short travel, not what you are after.

There are two other companies I know of

The first is Battlefoam, they used to have a really good reputation but seem to be much quieter in hte market now. I myself have a battlefoam case though no foam (shipping to Aus is HARD and Expensive) but the casse itself is very good quality

the other is Armytransport, I have no personal experience but they seem to have a bit more presence in my area selling through a few of the LGSs

05-17-2015, 10:58 PM
Thanks The Girl. :)

daboarder- I have a couple Battlefoam cases. They transported most of my minis from Austin to OR when I moved up here -- successfully in the moving truck. Both my cases are pretty big though, and after seeing what my luggage has looked like after some domestic flights, I'm not sure if it will stand up in the hold. Not to mention how much it would suck to get there without the models. :) The more I think about it, the more I think it almost has to happen in carry-on. The only good news is that there will be 4 of us to transport the 2 armies if we do carry-on.

05-17-2015, 11:13 PM
in that case, perhaps one of those hard shell case suitcases? with the foam inside them, then wedge up any gaps with some towels?

If thats not your style then yeah carry on would be my reccomendation

05-18-2015, 10:23 AM
Might look at KR Multicase as well

05-18-2015, 06:27 PM
Those look interesting -- I'll have to check them out. Thanks.

05-19-2015, 03:02 AM
Those look interesting -- I'll have to check them out. Thanks.

However you do it sorri, please post up the results, its a good issue for people to understand and its not exactly the sort of thing thats often discussed

Arkhan Land
05-19-2015, 10:30 AM
I fly low-key count (smaller) vintage synths frequently enough, and heres my caveat: Even as carry on if you end up on a full flight they may force you to gate check your stuff if they run out of overhead room. if your **** isn't in a hardcase with some sort of shockfoam you might as well pack as much glue as needed to re-assemble everything assuming there arent any true breaks on the model pieces itself

my advice is to find a used flight case on craigslist music listings and then put your foam trays in there with some extra padding too. you see people selling them all the time for far less than the cost of some of the actual cases (GW/KR/ETC) sometimes you can find them chilling at a samash or guitar center for not too much. also if you get thats **** really cased well you can baggage check it sans concern. but I wouldn't do that as with baggage check you face the other danger - temperature

05-19-2015, 11:16 AM
Yeah, I was thinking of similar concerns. I was looking at Battlefoam again (maybe going with Pack Go or some Pack Plusses to add to what I have -- however about $700 seems high for what we'd need), and they all say rated and approved for carry on. We're flying Southwest, and I checked their sizing (10x16x24), and many of the bags just are outside some of the size ranges. We're doing the early check-in, so I should be able to find overhead space, but not fitting was also a big concern -- and regardless of temperature, I'd hate for checked (or even gate checked) bags to not make it and we can't play because we have no armies. Heck, I'm even thinking of getting some of the cupcake transport containers, adding a metal sheet to the bottom and magnetizing. That way we can put them under the seat in front of us if push comes to shove.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. This has given me lots to think about.

05-19-2015, 11:45 AM
If you don't want to spend the money of battleform trays you can make them yourself. I've made a number of them for my armies and then used gym bags to carry them. Your local fabric shop carries foam in various thickness, you will need a block of cushion foam 1" - 4" thick, depending on models, and then a sheet of 1/2" thick foam. Cut the holes you need for your mini's, then spray the top (or bottom) with some fabric spray glue, and lay the 1/2" sheet on top, trim and let set. After 8-10 hours or so, the glue is set, and now you have your own hand made figure trays.

Arkhan Land
05-19-2015, 01:28 PM
also another weird thought, but if you bring "alternative" packaging of anykind most TSA screenings will give it a swipe and wipe via those crazy particle detectors/spectrometers. Those pick up traces of stuff up like a week after its been around. I've never gotten in trouble just yelled at a lot.

05-19-2015, 11:55 PM
If you find a decent box to put it all in, you can make your own for super cheap!


05-20-2015, 12:57 AM
Thanks, that's cool, too! I was also thinking maybe some Really Useful Boxes would work. They're not cheap either, but I always have uses for them. I'd just need to get oens the foam fit in, or make foam to fit in them. Like I said, I have lots of foam, though it's not all the right kind (for the troops I'm looking at bringing). Thanks!

Lacy Jones
05-20-2015, 07:40 AM

Captain Bubonicus
05-21-2015, 09:05 AM
I use a "long-gun" (rifle or shotgun) case from Wal-Mart - they're usually on sale for $20 at the end of hunting season, and they're great for foot figures. Little skinny for vehicles, though - I pack those in another box with foam "peanuts."

05-21-2015, 11:20 AM
If you find a decent box to put it all in, you can make your own for super cheap!


Definetly what I was doing, just less organized. I never thought about the spray paint template idea.

07-02-2015, 02:27 AM
All, just a quick reply let people know what we did and how it went.

We ended up going with 2 17L Really Useful Boxes (http://www.amazon.com/Really-Useful-Boxes-17-Liter-Plastic/dp/B00FZ81SA8/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1435824918&sr=8-13&keywords=really+useful+box), one for each army. I ran GK with 2 storm ravens, 2 dreadknights, 1 dreadnought, Draigo, Librarian, and 2 6-man terminator squads. My daughter ran CSM with termie Sorc, 2 10-man CSM sqads in rhinos, 6 plague marines, 2 helbrutes, 1 heldrake, 2 oblits, a land raider, and a defiler. We each used some Battlefoam trays in the bottom of the boxes for the infantry models, and then we layered foam and models in on top, topping off with another piece of foam to maintain compression. I was surprised we were able to fit each army into it's own box, but it worked out really well. We had no issues going through security, and we found that if we put the boxes in the overhead sideways, they still took up about the size of a rollerboard (you could still fit one in the overhead next to it as well), and we could put a couple backpacks in front and partially on top of them. We got a couple weird looks *leaving* the planes, but none on the way in, and everything survived the plane trips, the taxi ride, and all the car/shuttle trips with no issues. No models were harmed in the making of this trip. :)

Hope that helps if anyone else is thinking of doing something like this. Though I must admit most of the people I talked to at WGC said they just threw stuff in a bag (mostly Battlefoam) and checked it. :) Enjoy!