View Full Version : Using plastic minis in Horus Heresy

05-13-2015, 03:32 PM
Hey guys! So my buddies and I are starting Horus Heresy in the near future and I've decided to play as the magniflorious Word Bearers (how could I resist the dudes that started the Heresy!?!). I already have Erebus, the Mhara Gal Corrupted Dreadnought, a Chaplain and a Praetor but I've been seriously considering using plastic Chaos minis for things like Termies, Tactical Squads, Assault marines etc.

I'm playing a late Heresy-era Word Bearers army, fully corrupt and given wholly to Chaos so I reckon it'd fit the general aesthetic to use a lot of these Chaos minis. I'm still going Forgeworld for unique units (just picked up some Gal Vorbak!) but I thought I'd save a bunch of money by going plastic for the more numerous infantry.

So here's my question: assuming you guys came up against such an army (with a lot of plastics mixed in with the FW stuff), would you think less of it or the player using it? I ask because among certain Heresy players I've seen, there seems to bit of resistance to plastics and a little bit of snobbery towards players with multiple non-Forgeworld elements in their army. So I'm wondering if this is a more general attitude among Heresy players. Obviously I want to stay true to theme so we all have fun with our Heresy project, so I just wanna make sure using plastic kits for 30k isn't something that's generally frowned upon. Silly question maybe, but I care what people think, sue me! :p

05-13-2015, 03:34 PM
No :)

05-13-2015, 03:47 PM
go for it, they are your models and your money :)

I have made quite a few plastic heresy marines, and I would say go on a bits site and pick up some plastic pieces to mix in to chaos boxes. space marines have quite a few mark IV helmets and chest pieces available. also I find removing a lot of the armour trim from plastic marines, making them a little plainer gives them a better old fashioned heresy look. I bought twenty plastic chaos raptors and removed all the trim, chaos symbols, horns etc. and they look like a vicious heresy era assault squad.

05-13-2015, 04:23 PM
Thanks folks! :D

Looks I'll be picking up a bunch of Chaos marines to use as Corrupted Legion Tactical Squads then!

05-13-2015, 04:29 PM

05-13-2015, 06:52 PM
I've been working on my Preheresy World Eaters since 3rd edition came out. A lot of my models are Khorne bezerkers with the chaos stuff scrapped off. I've been going back to the oldest stuff and adding FW backpacks(since the Choas ones suck) and FW shoulder pads.

You can look at some of my World Eater models on here from this 4k battle versus my friends 40k word bearers army


05-13-2015, 08:48 PM
Anyone who gives you **** for not having an all resin army and using plastic conversions is a pretentious ****.

05-14-2015, 03:27 AM
I've been wondering about what army could flip between 40K/30K with minimal change to looks and my conclusion was Space Wolves - all that furs and stuff everywhere and even MkVII looks fairly old skool.

Mr Mystery
05-14-2015, 03:31 AM

And remember - the FW bits are fully compatible with the plastic range, so you can really go nuts mixing and matching.

05-14-2015, 04:33 AM
bear in mind as well there are rumours of plastic heresy units coming at some point. Word Bearers can definitely get away with using chaos troops anyway. If the plastic heresy rumours don't pan out then I will be using plastic marines and chaos marines for my World Eaters. buying resin 30k assault squads, shoulder pads, and chain axes would cost a fortune.

05-14-2015, 07:46 AM
there seems to bit of resistance to plastics and a little bit of snobbery towards players with multiple non-Forgeworld elements in their army. So I'm wondering if this is a more general attitude among Heresy players.

It is only legal to play Horus Heresy games with Horus Heresy miniatures which you have bought for full price from Forgeworld or GW web store or physical shop. Please remember that this legality also extends to paints, glues, brushes and basing materials. Please ensure that all your hobby supplies are official GW products. Failure to comply with this will result in you being arrested by the Game Workshop Police, detailed at the Emperors pleasure and perma-banned from the hobby.


Arkhan Land
05-14-2015, 12:47 PM
non-gw tape measures are the biggest culprit in my opinion

05-14-2015, 01:20 PM
Awesome to see that folk aren't uptight d-bags about this! I know there are some hardcore (and sometimes mildly snobbish) collectors out there with armies worth the same as my friggin' house but... well, I like food and electricity so I'll go ahead with the plastics :p

At least by the time the final books roll out, my Siege of Terra-era Legion will look right at home!