View Full Version : Hell strke

03-01-2010, 12:16 PM
So after reviewing my BOLS the other day I saw the new Faq'd and then decided to see if there wer any new one for my IG, As i read them i notice an bullet point for the Hell strike.
Q. Do Hellstrike Missiles use the large blast
template or are they non-blast ordnance?
A. They are non-blast ordnance weapons

So as i am picking up my jaw, I started to consider this, for awhile in my area, ( including the red and black shirts at my GW store) it has been understood that the Hell strike was basicly a battle cannon shot. But carefull examination show that the entry is only an example. Also with a little research I have yet to find another NON blast Ordance wpn! So WTF is this supposed to mean that the Valkrye shoots a lead pipe, that its only good to killing vehicles and cant fire anything else while doing this? Well i hope that this rules get some review and changed in the future, or it a better choise to only take Vendettas.

03-01-2010, 12:22 PM
Nice catch, apparently Ordnance weapons use the Barrage rules, which state "all barrage weapons use blast markers". Catch 22 much?

A Valkyrie with a lascannon and 2 Hellstrike is 115pt.
Hellstrike is ordnance S8 AP3 and apparently no blast

A Vendetta with 1 TL lascannon and 2 Hellfury is 130pt.
Hellfury is S4 AP5 Large Blast.

If we suppose that the TL can't possibly cost the same as the mono lascannon, the hellstrike and hellfury should have a similar cost range.

Hellstrike has ordnance means you don't need LoS, you get a cover save, but test for pinning with -1 Ld.

Hellfury missiles have a blast but are much less powerful, need LoS, and allow no cover save.

So all in all I'd say that it would be pretty unbalancing to give the Hellstrike a large blast (the only advantage it has on hellstrike other than the no cover).

Maybe give it a small one, or maybe they really meant for it to work only on point blank hits (sort of like a 1/4" blast).

03-01-2010, 12:49 PM
Ordanence is different to barrage

03-01-2010, 01:03 PM
Hellstrike missiles have never been battle cannon shots. Re-read page 58:

In return, [ordnance] weapons are better at penetrating armour (see page 60). Unless their profile specifies otherwise, all ordnance blast weapons use the large blast marker. - p. 58.

Ordnance weapons (including Ordnance Barrage) hit with such force that the target's crew are turned to mush. When you roll to penetrate a vehicle's armour with an ordnance weapon, roll two dice instead of one and pick the highest result! - p. 60

Hellstrike missiles say that they are ordnance weapons. They do not say that they are ordnance blast weapons, and it's never been implied that they do. People just miss the fact that page 58 doesn't say that all ordnance weapons use the large blast marker.

What this means is that a Hellstrike is essentially a krak missile on steroids. Krak missile armor penetrating ranges from 9-12, with an average of 11.5. Hellstrike missile armor penetrating ranges from 9-12, with an average of 12.5.

03-01-2010, 01:12 PM
I apologize, I read "ordnance barrage" forgetting that it was different from just "ordnance".

Lord Azaghul
03-01-2010, 01:13 PM
So after reviewing my BOLS the other day I saw the new Faq'd and then decided to see if there wer any new one for my IG, As i read them i notice an bullet point for the Hell strike.
Q. Do Hellstrike Missiles use the large blast
template or are they non-blast ordnance?
A. They are non-blast ordnance weapons


This was mentioned in the first (and only I think) faq for the new IG book.
The missle always struck me has rather worthless; 'cause ordnance also means that's the ONLY weapon you can fire that turn!

Multiple rocket pods are the only missle to be using on the valk!

03-01-2010, 01:17 PM
The hellstrike basically makes your vehicle stop and fire a BIG antitank shot (8+2d6 AV pen.) at extremely long range. Sadly, with BS3.

Lord Azaghul
03-01-2010, 01:38 PM
If they would have twin-linked that or something, it would be more viable.
Its a real shame, cause those are nice looking missle (I probably save mine for a manticore)
I think the hellfury is just as bad, unless you happen to be playing against guard

03-01-2010, 01:47 PM
The hellstrike basically makes your vehicle stop and fire a BIG antitank shot (8+2d6 AV pen.) at extremely long range. Sadly, with BS3.

Actually it's s8 + 2d6 picking highest result.

03-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Did I mention Ordnance is not my strong point? :P

03-01-2010, 07:56 PM
Unfortunately thats the way they always were, its a shame as I still dont understand whats so bad about them having a blast template since they are one shot and you can only fire that weapon each turn. The other option lets you shoot lots of templates plus your main weapon which is pretty awesome and still worth the points over the template version of hellstrikes if you ask me.

03-01-2010, 08:04 PM
Maybe the hellstrike becomes more viable in large points/planetstrike/apocalypse matches where the long range antitank can truly shine?

03-01-2010, 08:09 PM
Maybe, but then in apoc id just take a vendetta instead :D

It feels to me like gw were trying hard to stop the valk from being overpowered/keeping its base points cost down while still sticking to the fluffy image they had of it with a missile under each wing :). Wouldve been nice if those big *** missiles lived up to their name a little more :P

03-02-2010, 06:11 AM
maybe, but then in apoc id just take a vendetta instead :d

it feels to me like gw were trying hard to stop the valk from being overpowered/keeping its base points cost down while still sticking to the fluffy image they had of it with a missile under each wing :). Wouldve been nice if those big *** missiles lived up to their name a little more :p

amen brother

03-02-2010, 11:41 AM
Did I mention Ordnance is not my strong point? :P

Don't you dare :p me {:)

03-04-2010, 12:37 PM
I think that people keep overlloking something when they are considering the Hellstrike. Yes, on a single Valkyrie, it isn't terribly effective. However, in a squadron, we now have three shots possibly being fired at the Vehicle. Still not terribly effective, but to me it seems like they may be decent and they will keep the costs of the Valkyries down.

Lord Azaghul
03-04-2010, 02:18 PM
Maybe, but then in apoc id just take a vendetta instead :D

It feels to me like gw were trying hard to stop the valk from being overpowered/keeping its base points cost down while still sticking to the fluffy image they had of it with a missile under each wing :). Wouldve been nice if those big *** missiles lived up to their name a little more :P

Missles I dub the 'heckstrike' and 'heck fury'

03-04-2010, 02:20 PM
well Bloodangels were so short changed, just saw the new codex and the Stormraven gunship carries a missle that is Str 8 ap 1 hvy.

Lord Azaghul
03-04-2010, 03:40 PM
Hey at least there are BS4.
And AP 1 is better for pen chart rolls AND its not an ordance weapon so if its a fast vehicle they can fire other defensive weapons.

03-04-2010, 04:44 PM
Did I mention Ordnance is not my strong point? :P

You didn't have to mention it....you just showed us. LOL jk madness

03-04-2010, 07:19 PM
Hey at least there are BS4.
And AP 1 is better for pen chart rolls AND its not an ordance weapon so if its a fast vehicle they can fire other defensive weapons.

and doesnt recognize sarcasm either.