View Full Version : Paypal For Sale - Prospero Spire Guard themed Inqusitor Henchmen Detachment

05-12-2015, 04:43 AM
I'm looking to sell my Prospero Spire Guard detachment, they were converted to represent Inquisitor Henchmen units from the old Grey Knight codex for my Pre-Heresy themed Thousand Sons.

If you wish to use them as a Henchmen Detachment this is what you get...
Inquisitor Coteaz,
X2 Fire Strike Teams: 9 Warriors (5 Carapace Armour, 3 Plasma Guns, 6 Bolters) and 1 Jokaero Weaponsmith.
Fire Support Team: 6 Warriors with 4 bolters and 3 Plasma Servitors.
(I do have a 2nd Inquisitor (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/020/a/3/pre_heresy_thousand_sons_hidden_one_agent_by_proit eus-d4n130i.jpg) for this attachment if you'd like to purchase him as well)

However if you prefer they can be fielded as a Imperial Guard attachment with a bit of adjustment as the plasma guns on the platforms are removable.

If you interested let me know below or contact me via PM?

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/223/d/a/prospero_spire_guard_heavy_weapon_teams_by_proiteu s-d5aob1z.jpg