View Full Version : Where is my Wolf Priest

03-01-2010, 10:33 AM
This is the guy I'm looking for:

He is in the codex, but not on GW web site! The only alternative to this wolf priest is Ulrich and well... Guess why I would rather have this one...

Anyway. How do I get my dirty little hands on this small tin wonder?:confused:
In order to have something to lead my wolves I have the rune priest in power amour (almost done painting him) and he also makes a nice stand-in but I would just really like to have the real deal. Can you gentelmen (and ladies) please tell how I can get this mini?

03-01-2010, 10:40 AM
It looks like it's based of this mini. But I really can't help you further.

03-01-2010, 10:43 AM
if i remember correctly, this model was a special and limited one... i can´t remember on what event it was sold, but i´m afraid you must buy it from another player or collector on ebay.

03-01-2010, 10:47 AM
It looks like it's based of this mini. But I really can't help you further.

That is the one right. Just couldn't find a painted pic.

03-01-2010, 10:48 AM
Uhm, sebi is right: http://coolminiornot.com/25470
Games Day 2003.

03-01-2010, 10:49 AM
if i remember correctly, this model was a special and limited one... i can´t remember on what event it was sold, but i´m afraid you must buy it from another player or collector on ebay.

God(-Emperor) damn it!
Hate the thought of buying a overprized model on ebay...:(

03-01-2010, 10:52 AM
just surfed a bit on ebay, the last few times it was sold in germany it costed about 20 € or less... could have been worse.

daddy troll
03-01-2010, 11:15 AM
He was for the 13th company in the Eye of Terror campaign from a few years ago.

03-01-2010, 02:08 PM
wasnt it a 03 Gamses day mini but they had excess so stores solld them cheap or something?? talked about this on a wolf thread Ages ago

try solegends/ CCM for more info:D

Silver Drakes Legion
03-01-2010, 07:00 PM
Try bartertown or another trade forum. They generally go for $30 but you can trade for less if you have something they are looking for also.