View Full Version : REPENT! Why I think the sisters are coming

Tim Currey
05-10-2015, 12:00 PM
Welcome everyone

First up I just want to make clear, this is not a rumour or anything but just an opinion. I don't know if there are sisters ready to go on pallets in storage or not like the rumours say.
I just humbly believe that sisters of battle are on their way, and probably sooner than we think.

Think about it
The demand is there
The time has never been better? With all this skitarii, cult mechanicus, daemonkin, harlequins?
Surely this shows GW are more prepared than ever to support a larger range of factions?

I really do think that sisters will come this year, and it's going to be big. 4-5 week release window, great beautiful new kits in plastic, a wonderful codex. It's gonna happen I can feel it. Wether it's part of a campaign or not, I don't know. But I think this will be the year that sisters players have been waiting for. Hey it might even get me to play them finally

05-10-2015, 12:17 PM
it is definitely possible. it was reported that the sculptors were having issues with the robes on the bolter arms and how to pose them. now we have Skitarii with robed shooting arms which I am sure will have helped the learning process a lot and may mean sisters are done too. Skitarii are easier to release in bite size pieces with their pair of smaller codices, whereas sisters are an existing army in need of a full relaunch, so it makes sense to do the smaller forces like Skitarii and Harlequins first. I do think they will be out in the next twelve months.

Mr Mystery
05-10-2015, 12:41 PM
I'm hoping we see them soon.

Imperium has been getting a lot of love recently, so it makes sense to polish off their armed forces with the Gunnery Nunnery.

Mike X
05-10-2015, 02:49 PM
I'm hoping we see them soon.

Agreed. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sisters have always been my favorite opponent.

05-10-2015, 05:12 PM
One rumor has them coming fall after next.

GW has trended in releasing extensive or possibly failing projects in the fall as well. See Necrons and Dark Eldar as examples.

So, Sisters are likely to come in the fall as well. The real question is which one, and how much new stuff will they get?

05-10-2015, 07:34 PM
Well give me more time to stash more money in to my growing sisters of battle fund. lol

05-10-2015, 08:09 PM
it is definitely possible. it was reported that the sculptors were having issues with the robes on the bolter arms and how to pose them. now we have Skitarii with robed shooting arms which I am sure will have helped the learning process a lot and may mean sisters are done too. Skitarii are easier to release in bite size pieces with their pair of smaller codices, whereas sisters are an existing army in need of a full relaunch, so it makes sense to do the smaller forces like Skitarii and Harlequins first. I do think they will be out in the next twelve months.

The "sculptors were having trouble" comment came back when they were still doing finecast. They've come along way with their plastic kits.

05-11-2015, 06:08 AM
it was with regard plastic multi pose kits.

05-11-2015, 08:27 AM
And nothing's more than semi-poseable today.

I regret the demise of multi-pose kits but if it gets us plastic Sisters, all will be forgiven.

05-11-2015, 03:04 PM
And nothing's more than semi-poseable today.

I regret the demise of multi-pose kits but if it gets us plastic Sisters, all will be forgiven.

yeah. Honestly, I'd have been happy with even finecast, atleast then I could have taken the knife to them for some serious conversion.

Da Gargoyle
05-18-2015, 12:15 AM
I'ld like to see the full range back. I used to have a force called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. But I knew their time was limited when GW took the Arco Flagelants out of the bedroom and put them on the battle field. The girls just could not concentrate while the whipping boys were there.

05-22-2015, 03:37 PM
Heck, I'd even be alright with them getting the Forge World treatment. If I must pay $90 for a troops choice, it should be a damned fine troops choice.

Arkhan Land
05-23-2015, 07:54 AM
I kind of had a thought about that recently about how deeply it would tie over the FW IS 40k! push if they did a FW sisters. alas I kind of hope they dont, kind of dont care, I have three metal sqauds I scored for cheap some time ago. what I really want is a real godamn codex

05-23-2015, 08:03 AM
i second that. I just want a good codex, not like the last two pieces of trash they passed off as codex. I've got my army already, minus an exorcist, since i gave that to my DA. i was using a whirlwind as the exorcist. I may pick up a character or something.