View Full Version : A little advice for an interested newbie

05-08-2015, 11:51 PM
Hello there, and apologies if this is the wrong section to ask

I'm wanting to start a 40k army and am trying to answer the eternal question of what army to start with.

There are very few armies that I don't like at least some of the models for (pretty much just Orks, Space Marines (and variations thereof) and Tyranids that don't do it for me - sorry guys!) and so I'm looking for tactics and play style to capture my attention, then I come across the fact that Grey Knights can do a one off teleport and I'm thinking "hot damn that's cool. Porting round the battlefield to always be where you're needed. I could really get into that" but whilst out of the SM variants the knights are the ones I like the looks of most... Is there a faction that does it more/better?

TLDR version - What army would let me teleport the most?

05-09-2015, 01:26 AM
Grey Knights.
Though quite a few psykers can get access to gateway of infinity which allows a similiar sort of move.

Kaptain Badrukk
05-09-2015, 09:08 AM
Or Eldar and go Warp Spider heavy, they teleport all over the shop!
But yeah, Knights are pretty theme around teleporting.

05-09-2015, 10:10 AM
The best way to pick a army is what intrests you the most about the army so the core things people look into is.

Play style are they defeincive are they offencive are they more shooty are the more melee that sort of stuff if you play a lot of video games you can do this based on your play style.

Themed are they the type of thing your looking for like bugs or humanoid good willed or corrupted beings.

The fluff are they doing it out of selfishness or are they doing it for selflessness do they accept others or hide away and fend for themselves.

These are things you need to think about when picking a army because after all you will have these guys as your focus and main army also all the money you will be pumping into them and hell you can take other army's as allies if needed.

Here's a little example to a world of Warcraft player you like being a warlock and you like summoning demons then go chaos daemons oh but you want to abuse the power of the warp then go Chaos space marines oh but you want both then go both the choice is endless.

Teleporting army's are ones that abuse the deep strike mechanic the one army I know that does this well is chaos daemons because they have 2 things that can do this well Icons and instrument's the icon removes the random off chance that your models will kill themselves to mishap's the downside to this you have to land them close proximity to the other unit at least they will live longer I guess.

Wile the instrument's able you to piggy back a second unit with the first unit because when you roll to do "deep striking" you need to role a dice and score a 3 or higher to make them arrive so having a instrument's can technically pull in a second unit from reserves to lower this risk even more take a defence line and get coms tower and you can re-roll the result. :P

The sub faction in the chaos daemons is slaanesh daemons having a bonus to run because when you deepstrike you can no longer move in the movement phase but in the shooting phase you can opt to run instead of shooting and slaanesh daemons gain a bonus to this.

Sorry if you don't get most of this stuff being new to 40k but I hope it can help you out :D

Da Gargoyle
06-20-2015, 01:44 AM
If they have a Monolith, (A rare sight these days), don't Necrons have the ability to teleport troops around the battlefield? A shooty army with debilitating characteristics, reasonable flyers and intricate support mechanisms. No so sure Eldar are such a good choice for teleporting options. Only one unit that really does it.

06-20-2015, 01:54 AM
Necrons are the best army for mass teleportation. Monoliths are excellent as they can either act as a gateway for units in reserve to teleport in, or else to teleport squads that are on the battlefield already to them. With a couple of monoliths you can have them deep strike anywhere on the battlefield and then start teleporting units to wherever they're needed. I believe that the Necron lord can also teleport his squad around.

06-25-2015, 02:15 PM
A friend of mine who plays said that there is a necron flyer that can teleport troops, is that the Lord that you mentioned?