View Full Version : Mr Saturday's Miscellany

Mr Saturday
05-08-2015, 03:57 AM
Here's where I'll put the odds and ends that don't require a dedicated plog.

First up: Cylons!


If, like me, you grew up on a heady diet of shiny 70s and 80s sci-fi, you'll know why I enjoyed painting this so much. Cylons were off the charts on the cool scale, and I still can't decide who would win if a cylon centurion and a stormtrooper had a bare knuckle fight. So when Crooked Dice released this set of 'Mrk2 Argonauts' at Salute, I was all in. ALL IN.

I bought a squad on ten, 9 cylons and a centurion. There are three armed poses and two unarmed poses, for when the cylon is out at a bar or something. (My centurion will be one of these. He don't even need a gun to mess you up.) They are clean sculpts, requiring minimal cleanup and come with 2 head options. The cylon one, and argonaut one.

The scheme was super simple. Ultra shiny armour and black everything else. The armour is GW chainmail washed with 1:1 Lahmian medium and Nuln Oil. The chrome effect meant I couldn't darken the armour too much. Wash neat Nuln Oil into the recesses. Hit it with a heavy overbrush of Necron Compound, then Mithril Silver. Finally, gloss varnish the hell out of it. The black areas were wet blended up to pure white.

I intend to use these as a Pulp Alley league, so I need to tell them apart. I painted a faint A on his base, as he is trooper Alpha. Now I need to find Baltar, and some of those crazy disco-faced robots who gave the orders to the centurions with such eloquence.

05-08-2015, 12:16 PM
lol bloody brilliant!

Mr Saturday
05-11-2015, 08:34 AM
Cheers! He was fun to do. I want to convert a Lucifer model once the cylons are done. There might be glitter involved.

Mr Saturday
01-06-2016, 10:45 AM
Here we have a Martian Assault Tripod from All Quiet on the Martian Front. I love War of the Worlds, so when this appeared I was all over it. It's a very tall model, it's about 6" or so, on an 80mm base.


I used a Gladius Game Arts base for this guy, and added a bicycle from a Sgts' Mess bits pack. The burned skeleton is from another All Quiet model. After a wash of thinned Nuln Oil, I used mostly recess washes and glazes to work up the model. Painting larger models requires less contrast than smaller models, so again, I used acrylic medium to thin the glazes. Then basing. I had to do a little research for the burnt patch of ground under the skeleton. As the model is mostly neutral colours, I could get away with more vibrant base colours, hence the dirt road has a richer tone than I would normally use.


Mr Saturday
05-05-2016, 05:32 AM

Well, here's what I've been up to, a Frostgrave deadite warband. It still need a couple of guys, a bard, templar and maybe another crossbow, but for now, that's it done!