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View Full Version : Building the Red Crusade

Joshua Nathaniel Bergeson
05-07-2015, 11:35 PM
Hello there. I apologize if there are similar topics to this one, but this might include a lot of tangents and different topics as I pursue this epic quest to create a massive 40k army. Me and a friend have been working on a campaign for some time now. And my side of the campaign covers an alliance of Necron, Khorne Daemonkin, 30kMechanicum, and Imperial Knights. (I understand that some of these are not tournament legal. This campaign is for our own enjoyment.)

Anyways I don't have time to put the bulk of the questions/info I am searching for. So I will begin with one of my main issues. I love the Transcendent C'tan from the Escalation book, and really want to model my own custom C'Tan. I personally don't like any of the current models, NightBringer, Deceiver, and Generic.

My C'tan is T'Kriga Yaga, the Bloodsiren. I want to make her female, but savage and terrifying looking. Her inspiration was drawn from the female Titan from Attack on Titan. I was hoping someone might point me in the right direction in finding suitable models to begin with and customize to my needs/preferences. I've tried looking but it seems very difficult to find female miniatures of a high quality at all, much less one big enough to be transformed into a Transcendent C'Tan.

I thank you for any advice! Also if you want more info I would totally be willing to flesh out the fluff we've been working on for this campaign. I would definitely appreciate constructive criticism on this topic for sure!

05-08-2015, 09:21 AM
Sounds good. If I may suggest and if it is within your power, using IA 13's Dark Harvest to represent your Necrons.

That really doesn't help you find a bloody model to start with, though. I was thinking of using the Undead Morghast (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Morghast-Archai) for Transcendents myself. I know there are a few Kickstarters doing some amazing work that may fit your bill, but their time frames to getting you models is questionable.

Maybe google for female Vampire models on a larger scale?

05-08-2015, 08:08 PM
Take a look at the Ultraforge Treewoman and/or the Pleasure Demon. Both would require some serious conversion work but might be a decent place to start. and they are rather on the affordable side for larger models, approx $35 to $45 is what I usually see them for.

05-09-2015, 11:34 AM
Check out Hasslefree's 40mm and 54mm range: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=siouxsie~hf4006&category=fantasy-%26%0D%0Asteampunk~40mm-%26-54mm-scale

This will probably be a good start.

Joshua Nathaniel Bergeson
05-10-2015, 10:57 PM
Thanks to all of you. Some really good ideas!

Charistoph: I really like that Morghast! Never really gotten into Warhammer fantasy, though that model alone makes me curious. But I could see that being converted into a C'Tan pretty nicely.

Lurker: You hit the money with that Pleasure Demon! She is just about the perfect place to start, minus the wings. Will have to convert the hands as I want the Bloodsiren to have wicked, scythe-like claws. Also want to add a mass of cyber tendrils coming from her head in place of hair. Anyways thank you very much!

Digitarii: Those models wouldn't quite hit the mark, but actually some of them would go really well for me and my friends Mordheim collection! Thanks!