View Full Version : OSL first attempts on mt burgeoning Deathwatch force. Input & opinions sought!

05-07-2015, 09:43 PM
Greetings everyone, thanks for taking the time to look over my thread here.

For starters, I've been working on a small deathwatch force for a while now as a side project & ally for my imperial guard. I've recently gotten started on my Deathwatch Terminator Librarian (assembled and then left on the shelf for a bit, long before the Deathwatch rumors started to be whispered I'll note) and have begun to try my hand at some new techniques, namely Object Source Lighting on the Psychic hood, and eyes of the Librarian.

I'd love some feedback and input on the Librarian's progress and how I can improve the OSL I've attempted for future projects.

That all being said, here's the Black Shield Librarian WIP, Sans Storm Shield, which will be attached later after more progress is made.




Also, here are a couple of finished Deathwatch marines so the style and aesthetic I'm shooting for with the Librarian is apparent. (Poor picture alert, sorry in advance, old cell phone camera at work.)

Sternguard Killteam Sergeant (Flesh Tearer)

Tactical Killteam Marine (Salamander)

And my Deathwatch Captain (Blood Angels)

Those are simply to show, though poorly due to a crappy camera, what the final product will look like, along with color palette, etc.

That all being said, I'd love some feedback on the Librarian, and the OSL effect I've attempted. What improvements I can make, if any, to the technique? Any glaring problems I've overlooked?

Also, before I forget to mention it, I will say that I've not painted the front of the collar in front of the Librarian's head for this reason: The source of the light is shining/glowing from behind his head, so I though the front of the collar would have the light blocked by his head. In case anyone mentions that as looking odd. It made sense to me but I am by no means an expert, this being my first ever attempt at OSL both with the hood, and his glowing eyes. If a wiser & more experienced painter suggests it, and gives good reason for the suggestion, I'll happily add paint to make the effect better or more believable visually.

So what say you, kind reader? I'd love some good feedback and look forward to getting some of it in the near future.

Till then, thanks for reading & take it easy for now.


05-08-2015, 07:41 AM
The eyes look good. It's hard to tell where the light inside the hood itself is coming from, though. Presumably those 3 dots at the back? For the amount of light being put out, I'd make the actual lights themselves a little brighter. I also feel the side of the head could maybe use a little more transition so it's "green over skin tones" not "green transitioning to skintones", but that one is a lot more subjective.

05-08-2015, 12:06 PM
Looking good :)

05-10-2015, 12:45 PM
I'm not a fan of OSL myself; I find it rarely looks as good as people tell me it does. The job you've done on that Librarian is solid, though. I like the shading around the interior of the gorget.

I also like your use of the Knight icon on the shoulder pad. Looks a lot better than I would have expected. You've got some nice, crisp painting going on here. Perhaps use a slightly thinner edge to your brush when painting lightning, but otherwise it's all good.

05-11-2015, 07:05 PM
I'm not a fan of OSL myself; I find it rarely looks as good as people tell me it does. The job you've done on that Librarian is solid, though. I like the shading around the interior of the gorget.

I also like your use of the Knight icon on the shoulder pad. Looks a lot better than I would have expected. You've got some nice, crisp painting going on here. Perhaps use a slightly thinner edge to your brush when painting lightning, but otherwise it's all good.

Glad you like it, and thanks for the kind words & feedback so far everyone. I drew inspiration for the effect from this image:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-p8ugviLfreg/Ti9ciNQnD1I/AAAAAAAAORw/s7rqoOTTfKs/s800/Space%252520Marine%252520Terminator%252520Libraria n%252520glowing%252520face%252520copy.jpg

I had to be a little more liberal/heavy handed with the effect since there was more open area around and behind the Librarian's head. I wanted the 'Energy flare' effect going on in the hood, and hope I pulled that odd somewhat effectively.

Yea, the lightning effect is one I'm still working to perfect, I'm going to be getting a better/more pointed detail brush for that kind of work before I attempt it again, but I am pretty happy with how the Captain's power sword turned out overall, it looks a LOT better than my first attempt, which was rather poor I'll freely admit.

As for the knight icon, I'm afraid I don't know what you're referencing? I took a grey knight shoulderpad with the open book and sword, saved the raised sword portion above and below the book flat, covered the bottom/tip of the sword with an extra purity seal at the bottom, and covered the top/hilt above the book with a shaved down skull, and the crowned it with a Laurel (A battle honor/decoration) to help 'disguise' the fact that it's a Grey Knight shoulder pad. No Knight icons were used in the conversions on the shoulderpad, or axe he's wielding.

What knight icon are you mentioning may I ask? Forgive my ignorance. :)

Thanks again for the comments and I hope to have more progress posted soon once I get a chance to work on this model more on Wednesday night.

Take it easy for now.


05-26-2015, 01:12 AM
Quick update on progress. Base is still WIP in the photos here, as is the force axe.

I've added slightly to the Hood's OSL effect, finished the glowing runes on the armor, finished off the storm shield, as well as finishing off/adding to the OSL effect on the interior of both shoulders. Some minor touch-up & detail work left to finish up, then I'll knock out the base, and the force axe. Once that's complete, the mini will be finished up and good to go.

Feedback appreciated. Thanks for looking everyone, further updates will be posted once I can make more forward progress. :)





Thanks for looking and take it easy for now everyone.
