View Full Version : Best Supporting Autarch?

05-07-2015, 12:11 PM
Ive decided to run an Autarch in my new Eldar build as im running the Crimson Death formation and wouldnt mind the help of the reserve modification but every Autarch ive seen though tends to be A. Costly, and B. Very quickly killed, as most seem to equip it as a standalone charachter to go off and murder something by itself, and its not always alive to do that job.

My list has roughly 115 points spare, has 3x Wraithguard, 3x5 Wind Riders and 3 Crimson Hunters. Its pretty light but relatively tough and quick but im wondering where the Autarch will fit and how is best to equip him. Wings and a Fusion Pistol? Jetbike and Power Weapon? Warp Generator and Reaper Launcher?

Any suggestions?

Archon Charybdis
05-07-2015, 12:53 PM
Is that the entirety of your list? If so, especially if you're concerned about durability for your Autarch, put him on a bike and give him a Reaper Launcher or a Fusion Gun and put him with one of your Windrider squads. It'll make him T4 and highly maneuverable so he can stay out of combat.

05-07-2015, 01:08 PM
Haven't received my book yet (it got dispatched today) so i haven't hammered out all the exact points, but from what ive gathered from reading other lists ill be running...

Spiritseer - 80

5x WindRiders - Shuriken Cannons - 135
5x WindRiders - Shuriken Cannons - 135
5x WindRiders - Shuriken Cannons - 135

5x Wraithguard - WraithScythes, Wave Serpent - 270
5x Wraithguard - WraithScythes, Wave Serpent - 270
5x Wraithguard - Wave Serpent - 270 (Spiritseer here)

Crimson Death formation - 440

Its an 1850 list so that should leave me... 115 points to play with and id like the Autarch.

05-07-2015, 01:22 PM
As Archon Charybdis says, his survivability is a concern. As such I agree with his recommendation that you use him on a bike with a reaper launcher and a jetbike and just toss him in a jetbike unit.

05-07-2015, 01:25 PM
Hmm, wonder if i can still find one of those Jetbike Autarchs from the last release.

05-07-2015, 02:47 PM
As Archon Charybdis says, his survivability is a concern.

He can ride with Wraithguard in Serpents. Space for 12 Models available, 5 WG take up 10, Seer 1... still 1 left
Majority T6 is hard to come by and he brings another anti tank/TEQ weapon.

05-07-2015, 04:00 PM
He can ride with Wraithguard in Serpents. Space for 12 Models available, 5 WG take up 10, Seer 1... still 1 left
Majority T6 is hard to come by and he brings another anti tank/TEQ weapon.

That was my other consideration. It does make that unit the primary target for my opponent but it does give me options. A fusion Pistol fits in amongst the Wraith Cannons pretty well (i wouldn't take the Reaper if he's on foot) and possibly leaves room to have something thats at least Capable of fighting in melee if it comes to that.

Dave Mcturk
05-12-2015, 08:42 AM
the superb master of every aspect of eldar warfare !

best option - purely for the reserve bonus - bring a cheap tarch with fusion gun for 80pts and hide him somewhere - possibly even off board ! :rolleyes:

05-12-2015, 09:58 AM
Actually he can be a solid melee unit either but not in that environment.
Still better than a DE Archon.

Archon Charybdis
05-12-2015, 09:53 PM
Still better than a DE Archon.

Got something to say, filthy mon keigh?

But in terms of general utility for the army, you're probably right. I stopped taking the Archon and just opting for a Court of Sslyth and Medusae. In terms of combat the Archon's probably still better, though an Autarch with laser lance is nothing to sneeze at, and fairly cheap. The only real problem is Shining Spears lost Hit and Run which makes them a little more of a liability--if they can't break something on the charge they're probably screwed.

05-12-2015, 10:04 PM
Ive settled on 2 Potentials based on the tweaks i made to my list once i got my book.

At first i was planning:

Autarch - Skyrunner, Laser Lance, Banshee Mask - 100

In a unit of Shining Spears this guy makes a fantastic counter to things like, oddly enough Wraithguard with Wraithscythes etc. I was planning on running a unit of 6+ Autarch so 17 S6 ap3 Attacks that cause fear and cant be overwatched is pretty sweet.... however, After i tweaked my list the Spears disappeard and suddenly Warp Spiders showed up which meant i switched to...

Autarch - Reaper Launcher, Warp Jump Generator - 105

Taking advantage of him gaining the Jetpack rules i figured 'why not' with the heavy weapon. Theres no official answer on if the Autarch interferes with Flickerjump but my local group are fine with it working (since he still has the Generator and is capable of making Warp Jumps) so i figure a non combat option is probably the best, especially with the obscene amount of movement the Warp Spiders can make.