View Full Version : First games with the Craftworld Eldar -codex!

Lost Vyper
05-07-2015, 07:10 AM
Today was finally the day, when i tried my Craftworld Eldar -codex for the first time!

We played two games, 2500p against GK/BA and 1500p against BA. In the larger game, i tried different formations and the smaller was with FOC.
I enjoyed both of the games, and will upload the 2500p tonight as a BATREP, so go check that out in few hours (starting to edit it now) and the other match next week.

First impressions...you gots to remember SOOOO many rules...Exarch`s, units, formations, Warlord trait, powers...i missed few, like the Re-Roll to hit with Wraith Host at least couple of times (if 18" from SS). Units that worked well, were the Rangers, Warp Spiders, Jetbikes (with Cannons, altough no ObSec cost me couple of points...) and the Wraith Knight.

Was anything OP according to my opponent? Not really. The bikes were annoying according to him, but with the proper tools (Sternguard in a Drop Pod, Assault Marines, deploying Dred Knights on the OTHER side of the table, away from the stock WK), he could counter my army pretty easily). I even Mishapped with my other Spider -unit and rolled a 1...that sucked...it was still a TIGHT game.

My friend is a veteran and i can use these Formations against him and another veteran with a smile. For the guy who plays less and has played only for couple of years, i think iīll go with FOC without a WK, just to keep it nice :D.

- Lost Vyper

05-07-2015, 11:29 AM
So let me see if I understand you correct.

Codex Eldar is a fair and balanced army because you had a close game while forgetting a lot of your army's special abilities? Special abilities which obviously could had made a difference since at least one you forgot was a reroll to hit on D-weapons.

Then immidiatly after you express that a veteran find it a fair army, despite him only fighting half of your army's potential, AND that you would never use the special stuff against players who've only played a couple of -years-?

You seem to be believing in two opposing statements that are both equally true.

05-07-2015, 12:56 PM
I had a 2000 point game 2 days ago using my old Eye of terror ulthwe army vs csm.

Maugun Ra
Seer council
guardian battlehost w/vibro cannons, lance walkers and starcannons for the rest
Dark Reaper aspect shrine w/starshot

I believe it's not a tournament ready codex but one that really rewards 'fluffy' builds in that I had ample anti-tank, more than needed anti-light/heavy troopers and 15 s8 kink ignoring shots made light work of 2 out of 3 hellturkeys.
My opinion is that the ethos of the design team was to make a book where every stereotype
craftworld was a viable allcomer build, makes sense that they called the book Craftworld Eldar 😜

Lost Vyper
05-08-2015, 05:30 AM
So let me see if I understand you correct.

Codex Eldar is a fair and balanced army because you had a close game while forgetting a lot of your army's special abilities? Special abilities which obviously could had made a difference since at least one you forgot was a reroll to hit on D-weapons.

Then immidiatly after you express that a veteran find it a fair army, despite him only fighting half of your army's potential, AND that you would never use the special stuff against players who've only played a couple of -years-?

You seem to be believing in two opposing statements that are both equally true.

Sometimes i just do not understand the amount of complaining...i tried to make a point, that i do not feel bad using formations (which people have been calling OP before the codex even came out) against seasoned players, who can adapt and it can still be a fair fight (BOTH players agreed on this). Second point was, that they posses great amount of power, that another player may find too overwhelming and would not like to play against Eldar anymore. And i do have second and third and fourth armies i can choose, but i like to try out the new codex of my main army.

I really didnīt see YOUR point in that ramble. If you are a tournament player, i can relate then, it is a STRONG codex. But in the club games like we are having, itīs the players who decide the "doucheness" of the lists...fe. Our Space Wolves player does not have fliers, so we donīt use fliers in our lists against him either. That saves him the effort of bringing Aegis+Quad+Flakk "just-in-case" EVERY time we play.

I COULD take the Dark Eldar -allies and WWP 10 x WG with Scythes behind anything sweet and just vacuum, but whereīs the fun in that? Itīs nice, that when you are happy about your codex and see the potential to make so many different lists, that in comes the "skyīs still falling" -guy and b****es & moans...and, it was the first game, people do forget rules occasionally...

If you are an Eldar -player and feel good about the codex, for the fact, that it brought so many units back in to the game, HOLLA! :)
If you are an Eldar -player, who likes the codex for itīs cheesing possibilities, putīcha hands down, you make us all look stupid!

- Lost Vyper

05-08-2015, 05:37 AM
the problem Vyper, is that you've used a single anecdotal statement, one that has a number of fairly questionable circumstances and tried to use that to support a conclusion you have been vocally supporting since before the codex drops.

The post you've made seems to be a significant case of confirmation bias, but even if it is not, there is much more data to be aquired before we can determine the strength of the Eldar codex, a single game does not cut it.

NOW, all that being said, this second post of yours seems to clarrify what you were trying to get across in a way that the original post does not.

05-08-2015, 06:36 AM
"It is not OP if you only bring stuff your opponent is comfortable with and try to stay away from too powerful units. Besides that it is perfectly balanced as you will forget about some special rules anyways"
Eldar Codex in a nutshell.

Unbeaten in 6 games, 4 of them even with giving my opponent 250 points bonus, 2 of them with a RANDOM army (yes, we ROLLED the units that I was allowed to use). The other 2 games were not extremely one-sided (opponent did not get tabled turn 4), the best result for my opponent was 17 - 11 in Maelstrom with White Scar bike spam.
And I did not even ally in DE for Taxi and WWP.

05-08-2015, 07:09 AM
the problem Vyper, is that you've used a single anecdotal statement, one that has a number of fairly questionable circumstances and tried to use that to support a conclusion you have been vocally supporting since before the codex drops.

How is that any different than the detractors using absolutely no experience to put forth their conclusions?

05-08-2015, 08:27 AM

So dude shows up at a tournament with a blood angel drop pod spam list and skitarii, plays against a 5 lists, a Knight/CWE list, a Wraith host CWE list, a Necron Decurion, a Daemonkin list and Nids.

From the run down, it seems to me that he had the hardest time with the Necrons and Daemonkin.

However, what was the most unsurprising to me was just how potent skitarii are. I always thought they were going to be a problem - and I'll take this little bit of anecdotal evidence as more proof that I was correct.

I know its going to be tough for people to swallow, but Eldar aren't unbeatable.

Lost Vyper
05-08-2015, 09:46 AM
Funny lists...tournaments have nuttin to do with fluff, i know, but still :

Imperial Knight with new Craftworld Eldar Army. His army contained an Adamantite Lance, a CAD Eldar with a Seer on Bike, 1 Unit of 9 Scatterbikes, 1 Unit of 3 Scatter biker and 2 Crimson Hunter. *LOL*

He played very well the missions, and Eldar were taken down quite easily. I find, that Grav-guns or S7 are the Wave Serpent killers. Holoīs were auto-take on old lists, now itīs useless IMHO. 4+ Jink seems so weak :). I actually played two games and in both, the Jinking killed the WSīs, enough glancing hits and the SS doesnīt even matter. My friends Heavy Bolter Devastators run his AA and really kill Walkers! Razorback as their ride, they are annoying! As i face BA often, i find Sternguard with dude with Auspex and possibly Presience and Assault Squads in Pods most scariest things. Landraider, meh, oddly enough, Lances work on it, but not on Rhinos or Razorbacks :0. And GK Terminator Death Star, if they roll Gate...Dredīs not so much anymore, cos i usually reserve 4+ armor dudes or keep them in the WSīs...

Time will tell...possibly another week without a game due to peopleīs work schedule...bummer...

- Lost Vyper

Erik Setzer
05-08-2015, 09:53 AM
Um... Yeah... So you're saying that Eldar shouldn't be an issue in basic play because in a competitive setting some Eldar got beat by a guy running a list that includes such gems as 5 Sternguard with combi-gravs in a Drop Pod, two units of Tactical Marines with combi-melta and melta in Drop Pods, and a buttload of Drop Pods so even the Skitarii can drop into the middle of the enemy army and unload at close range with BS7 on the first turn? And if the guy wants to be a real nasty SOB, he can do like the guy I played against with a Drop Pod army, and just opt to go second, so the opposing army loses a full turn of shooting at his army.

Oh, wait, he did just that:

Game 1: "I won the dice roll for first turn and made Vincent go first."
Game 4: "I won the dice roll to make him go first..."

Wait... you can Scout move fortifications?!? Double-U Tee Eff?!?

So, again, your point is that Eldar aren't that bad because someone used the shenanigans of buying empty Drop Pods, using Battle Brothers allies to drop in Skitarii (and claim objectives with DPs), DP drop rule letting him strip an opponent of a full round of shooting, and even went so far as Scouting a fortification, and beat a sub-optimal Eldar list with it, to say that Eldar aren't that bad?

No, Eldar are still bad. This guy just had the fortune of not facing a real tournament Eldar list while figuring out his own ways to abuse the game.

Seriously, if you can read that army description and tactics without being sick, kudos to you for having a strong stomach or lacking a soul.