View Full Version : Tournament Space Wolves

05-06-2015, 06:26 PM
I'm looking to make a SW list for a local monthly tournament with a points total of 1650. The meta is pretty aggressive with no restrictions barring a 2 source limit on army lists. This list will be from the champions of fenris detachment as well as imperial armour 2, 2nd edition. I could use some help in recognizing any glaring weaknesses.

Wolf Lord: Wolf Mount, Krakenbone Sword, Fellclaws Teeth, Storm Shield, Runic Armor

5 Wolf Scouts: 5 Snipers

5 Wolf Scouts: 5 Snipers

5 Grey Hunters: Melta, Rhino

5 Grey Hunters: Melta, Rhino

5 Grey Hunters: Melta, Rhino

3 TWC: 3 TH/SS

Space Marine Legion Fellblade: Pintle mounted HB, Battle of Keylek Legacy of Glory

This list will be weak against flyers, however with the Fellblade I plan to wreck any ground threats by the first couple turns, using the TWC as a deterrent to keep opponents at outside 18in. The scouts will be 7sed to harass enemy troops and MC while the grey hunters either make screens along with the rhinos or sit on objectives. I understand you don't make a list with a Fellblade, you make a list around a Fellblade. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!