View Full Version : Skitarii tips and tricks

05-06-2015, 06:43 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm creating an 800point force mainly based around Skitarii what have your experiences been like playing with or against Skitarii units.... What's good and what's bad?! Any really good combos with orther imperial forces?!

Hauptmann Joe
05-06-2015, 12:47 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm creating an 800point force mainly based around Skitarii what have your experiences been like playing with or against Skitarii units.... What's good and what's bad?! Any really good combos with orther imperial forces?!

Hi, I found some good advice: 1. Skitarii Vanguard, Arc Weapons, and Drop Pods by greysplinter
2. Codex Imperialis Codex Adeptus Mechanicus: Skitarii. Review part 1 of 2 (2 of2)
3. Cadia's Creed: Warhammer 40k and the Imperial Guard , look in april

I for myself play Space Wolfes count as Iron Hands, and use Grey Hunters and Long Fangs only. With a Tactical Cybot in
every squad. Ulric the slayer is my "Iron Father" and I use only Las and Plasmacannons in the Long fang's. I can spare a
drop pod from the fast attack slot and put a full Ranger squad in it, omnispex, 3 arcrifles and 2 arc pistols on the alpha.
A 5+ inv. save is also a good idea.
They come round one and destroy one Land Raider or Necron Mono for sure.
I recommend Rangers over Vanguard: scout, move through cover and precision shots and the range of the weapon are
I use also Sicarian Infiltrators in combination with drop pod grey hunter squads. The marines can hurt everyone now.

The second HQ is a Runepriest with jetpack and joins another Ranger squad, so they now no fear and with scout, crusader and move trough cover will find their way. The Runepriest can "jump" to the Sicarians when deployed correct.

The Onager with neutron laser and a second cognis heavy stubber comes 120 points, a squadron 360 points.
When someone try to attack them in close combat 6 cognis stubber with bf 2 make snapshots, see walker rules.
An Onager has a 4+ inv. save all around when you field a full squadron, and they will march where others can't.
Deploy Rangers and Sicarians near them and they benefit from the doctrina support. Maybe some sort of jumpjetmarines
could help here, or bikemarines. (what you have and like)

I also use 1 Xenohunter Inquisitor with Conversionbeamer, he joins a small Rangersquad and makes the scout move to
bring his weapon in the right fireposition. He gives the Rangers stubborn.
He also get three servoskulls. Those are great to bring in drop pods (shock troops in general), stop your enemy from scouting and infiltrateing "AND" helps template weapons to hit better (neutron lasers!!!!).

Hauptmann Joe

Nefarius Drapesh
05-07-2015, 04:01 AM
10 Vanguard with the warlord and 3 plasma. Warlord in a maniple detachment gets preferred enemy.
A squad of 5 rangers with 2 transuranian arcebi for home objective sitting.
The 3 ruststalker and 1 infiltrator formation can possibly get into melee first turn and buy time.
Not sure if a pater radium on a vanguard alpha is worth the points, but could be a nice gimmik,too.
Conversion fields on the ruststalker leaders also look nice.
4 of 6 doctrina imperatives prefer a gameplay with turns clearly divided between shooting and melee. So try to use the protectoris alpha in a turn when your army is not threatened by possible closecombats and the conqueror alpha is optimal for a turn when your whole army is in closecombat. The 2 lesser doctrina are nice to optimize a little bit...

My 2 cents

Mr Mystery
05-07-2015, 04:07 AM
At such low points, might want to experiment with smaller squads.

The upgrade weapons for Skitarii are pretty damned good - Arc Rifles in particular can make very short work of any armour your opponent might field, whilst still being potent against other targets (S6 is unusual on Haywire weapons).

I'm not sure 10 man squads make much sense at that scale either. They only open up a single additional weapon upgrade slot, and you may find the firepower of a full squad to be overkill.

But do upgrade to the Omnispex. Knocking -1 off your opponent's cover save is always hilarious!