View Full Version : Execution Force - is it any cop?

Mr Mystery
05-02-2015, 02:30 PM
How do?

So Execution Force is out today, and I'm hoping some will have given it a bash already.

I'm kinda tempted by it, but if the game itself is a bit pants, £75 may be a bit steep for the four Assassins.

05-03-2015, 04:34 AM
Played it last night. It's a fun little challenging game.
Not complex and after the first game you'll breeze through it.

But like everyone else we got it for the new minis, assuming the assassins are going to be 18 quid each when released later this game is worth it.

Erik Setzer
05-03-2015, 10:15 AM
Played a game with some guys yesterday, here's my rough thoughts:

It's a very simple game. It's quick to play through, maybe 60-90 minutes tops. It's fun, but so limited that it'll become repetitious easily, and you'll want to set it aside for a while before dusting it off and giving it another go.

The mechanics can be a bit odd. If you get an unfortunate situation, two Cultists could end up popping an Assassin in a turn. If they don't cap him in one turn, he can heal pretty easily. Chaos Marines are even easier at taking down Assassins, so it's good they're limited. And while the Sorcerer initially doesn't seem as easy to take down, he can actually be a pushover Vindicare shot him for two wounds, Cullexus threw his anti-psyker grenade, and that was it. The turn we got into the room with him, my Eversor, who'd just ripped through most of the baddies, didn't even get a chance to do anything, it was over that fast.

I'd recommend only buying it if you absolutely can use the models inside for 40K, or are doing so with a group of people where everyone pitches in some money... but then you'll also probably want to agree the models are part of the game and people can't grab them out to go play 40K. As a board-game, I'm not sure I can recommend it at that price. Yes, I had fun. But it was over quickly and I know it'll get boring after a few games and I'll need to wait a while before I can fully enjoy it again.

I did get a copy, but looking at it as a 40K figure bundle that happened to have a quick board game attached to them.

YMMV, of course.