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05-02-2015, 09:35 AM
via Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2015/05/new-space-marines-codex-on-its-way-with.html) 5-2-2015

According to Faeit, we'll be seeing a new SM codex that will include both Land Raider and Predator squads.... sounds pretty cool.

Wonder if BA will be able to take squadrons of these tanks.

via 'RR' on Faeit 212
'June 13th sees new Adeptus Astartes Codex release with two vehicle boxes. New land raider command variant included and new rhino command variant. Ornate design on additional armour plates etc. More marine kits to follow.

The codex sees predators/whirlwinds/indicators as 1-3 options. No surprise.
The codex sees land raider squadrons and huge bonus to ignoring damage when part of them.
More info to come...'

via Steve the Warboss 5-4-2015

Chapter-specific Boxed Sets coming alongside new Space Marine Codex:

-Ultramarines Sternguard Squad
-Raven Guard Assault Squad
-White Scars Bike Squad
-Salamanders Devastator Squad

via Steve the Warboss 5-5-2015

-Chapter Tactics remains
-Chapter Tactics unlock Characters and exclusive Relics
-Legion of the Damned are gone
-The Vanguard will be Fast Attack
-Black Templar are gone
(Black Templars are not "gone" in the Fluff and from the Universe, they will be only removed from the Codex Space Marines. Templars will become soon or later a own Codex again. For this Time you can use the current codex.)

Space Marine Captain
-5 points cheaper
-Chapter Master is now a upgrade for the captain

Maneus Calgar
-Is now a Lord of War

Iron Hands Character
-New Character
-Special Thunder Hammer with Area Damage
-Melta and Flamer combined Weapon

Space Marine Librarian
-Lexicanium is the base profile
-5 points cheaper
-Can be upgraded to a Codicier or a Episolary

Space Marine Command Squad
-Bike or Jump Pack option remains
-Honour Guard is gone
-Command Squads in Power Armour can be 5-9 Models large, not only 5

Terminator Command Squad
-Only when a Terminator Captain is in the Dettachment
-3 to 9 Terminators

Tactical Squad
-1 point cheaper per Marine

Land Speeder
-Can join Units with Bikes when the LS Squadron includes only one Model

-Predators, Vindicators and Whirlwinds can form Squadrons of 1-3 Tanks
-No Land Raider Squadrons in the Codex
-Land Raider Redeemer and Crusade are Fast Attack

-Three in one Codex
-Codex Astartes Battle Company
-Raven Guard Strike Squadron (can only chosen by armies with the Raven Guard Chapter Tactics)
-White Scars Hunting Party (can only chosen by armies with the White Scars Chapter Tactics)

Via Warhammer World 5-13-2015

Warhammer World Exclusives:
Land Raider Excelsior
Rhino Primaris

via Steve the Warboss 5-18-2015

Regarding Codex Space Marines
-Space Marines next after Mechanicus.
-3 Week Release

via 40KGamer 5-18-2015

I've been keeping my ear to the ground and the latest word on the street is that retailers were told to remove the Codex, Assault marines and Devs from their reorder lists.

Retailers are now chiming in to BoLS regarding Space Marines 5-20-2015

Since Monday 5-18-2015 the following products have been removed from compulsory re-order:

-Space Marine Assault squad (48-09)
-Space Marine Devestator squad (48-15)
-Codex: Space Marines (48-09-XX)

That lines up exactly with the kits said to be replaced with the new codex.

via bird in the trees 5-21-2015

Space Marine Assault Squad Kit

5 man box.
2 sprues.
New grav pistols.
New head style.
The entire squad can field alternate pistols, multiple are provided.
Special weapons are still 1 each.
Chainswords and bolt pistols default options remain.
Did not see shields, special cc weapons, or sgt options. Possible they might be on a separate sprue.

via Steve the Warboss: 5-21-2015

Assault Marine Box
-5 Miniatures
-Hands and Arms seperate like Tactical Marine Box
-5x Bolt pistols & Chainswords
-2x Plasma and Grav Pistols
-Same CCW like Tactical Marine Box
-Many Head and Breastplate options
-Most Bitz are Mk6
-no Power Axe
-no Shield
-no special Weapons

Devastator Marine Box
-5 Miniatures
-Same CCW like Tactical Marine Box
-5x Bolter
-1x Combiweapon with Plasma, Flamer, Melta & Grav option
-1x of every heavy weapon
-1x Grav Canon
-Some Mk2 or Mk3 Bitz
-Many Mk5 Bitz

via Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?407604-Warhammer-9th-Edition-Rumor-Discussion&p=7452286#post7452286) on Warseer 5-22-2015

I can confirm that Space Marines are coming, as well as Dark Angels. Three weeks of SM releases, one for DAs. After the AdMech stuff is done there is an Eldar armybox, and then it's Marines.

As for those rumours in the OP: eh, "rules rumours" are usually crap, as are these. I consider the "sprue rumours" to be nothing more than wishlisting too.

Well, it will be right after the SM releases, so late June or early July. And quite a lot of stuff too, should be only WHF for a while.
There is a lot of WHF coming after the SM releases are done. Just not at the beginning of June.

Darnok is fairly accurate over time and he is laying out a schedule that looks like this:

May 23 - Cult Mechanicus (final week-3, Eldar Army box in here somewhere)
May 30 - Space Marines (week-1)
June 6 - Space Marines (week-2)
June 13 - Space Marines (week-3)
June 20 - Dark Angels (week-1)
June 27 - WFB 9th Releases begin

What this tells us is that we are seeing multiple rumormongers over the last few months placing WFB 9th int he second half of June consistantly, although there are differences over the exact week.

You will note that this changeover from the non-stop hectic releases for 40K to WFB lines up fairly closely with the fiscal year changeover for GW. They are certainly trying to stuff in all the 40K they can to round out their annual revenue numbers.

via B&C's Master Sheol (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/?p=4057290) 5-25-2015

Space Marine Week 1 Releases

In preorder this week:

- New Assault squad
- specific sprues with shoulder pads, torsos, heads and so on for UM, BA, SW and DA!!!
Yes!!! Plastic bits to bling our armies!!!

via B&Cs Timotheus & Master Sheol (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/page-44) 5-26-2015

Assault Squad & Chapter Upgrade Sprue

via Warseer's Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?409276-Space-Marines-Codex-Rumours-MKII&p=7454893&viewfull=1#post7454893) 5-26-2015

I've been told there would be two more upgrade sets, so UM and DA are only the first half of that. Devastators will be the second kit after Assault Marines. Add a few clampack characters, and that's the SM release. DA will only get a codex and a character (plus this upgrade frame). I don't know whether the older DA upgrade sprue will remain in production - I hope so.

via B&C's Timotheus (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/page-47#entry4059061) 5-26-2015

That matches with what my local redshirt told me today. I asked whether there will be more upgrade kits apart from the Big 4 and he said he doesn't think so.

05-02-2015, 09:40 AM
Space Marine Roundup (Continued)
via Citadel of Paint (http://citadelofpaint.blogspot.com/2015/05/new-space-marines-assault-marines-and.html#more) 5-27-2015

Space Marine Chapter Upgrade Sprues & Decal Sheets

Original Post

sounds interesting

05-02-2015, 09:47 AM
Via Games Workshop 05-30-2015

New Space Marine Assault Squad Pics!


---- Orginal Post -----------------

Sounds (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Tanks/DAMOCLES_COMMAND_VEHICLE.html) familiar. (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Tanks/LAND_RAIDER_PROMETHEUS.html)

05-02-2015, 09:54 AM
Via Games Workshop 05-30-2015

New Space Marine Conversion Kit, and Decal Sheet Pics!


---- Original Post --------

Don't kid yourself, BA and DA will prpbably get completely passed over for a year or two. Happens every cycle due to the large number of duplicate rules.Via Games Workshop 05-30-2015

[QUOTE]New Space Marine Assault Squad Pics!

05-02-2015, 09:56 AM
Via Bolter and Chainsword (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-devastators-and-codex-pg-68/)

New Devastator models, and weapons (heavy grav?). Plus limited Edition Codex first look!


Via Millest (http://millests.blogspot.com/2015/05/limited-edition-codex-and-devestator.html) 05-30-2015


Via Timotheus 6-2-2015

Hints for the week after the Devs (WD Issue 72) are:
- Utilizing the Empyrean (translated from german)
- Space Marines
- 'Eavy Metal

Age of Sigmar Preorder starts 4th of July.

Via 4chan (http://boards.4chan.org/tg/thread/40320964/space-marine-command-tanks) 06-03-2015

New Command Tanks


via one of Gary's birds (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Faeit212/~3/fpXXR_zH6-4/space-marine-details-from-white-dwarf.html) 6-3-2015

from White Dwarf:

2 weapons each of lascannon, multi melta, heavy bolter, plasma cannon, missile launcher & grav cannon.
6 sets of legs inc one kneeling
The firing rockets are optional and there are 2 in the box.
Yes there really is a cherub carrying a melta bomb.

Chapter Tactics appear to be for the army and then certain Doctrines can be applied on a turn by turn basis
- Tactical Doctrine: Effected models can re-roll 1's in shooting and assault phases this turn. Tactical squads and characters that have joined them, may re-roll all failed to hit rolls

There's White Dwarf Exclusive objectives in this issue for armies using Salamanders Chapter Tactics (1 of them "Weather the Storm" is to launch an assault and to not suffer a casualty to Overwatch just for example)

Space Marine codex is 200 pages (largest yet) including a Gladius Strike Force Detachment and 12 Formations.

Codex features Salamander Chapter Structure and White Scar squad & company markings.

Codex is £35/$58 US

Via Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2015/06/gladius-strike-force-detachment-for.html#more) 05-04-2015

Not a lot. It talks about a Battle Demi-Company which "forms the heart of a Gladius Strike Force".

The Demi-Company shown consists of:
Command Squad
3 x Tactical Squads
Assault Squad
Devestator Squad

It says the Gladius Strike Force is the most commonly used strike force however there are others.

Lance Strike Force relies on Bikes, Speeders and Transport vehicles.

Javelin Strike Force requires a lot of marines from the 7th Company. The entire Strike Force is deployed by air.

Strike Force Ultra is made up entirely from 1st Company Veterans in Terminator Armour. Deployed by Stormraven, Land Raider & Teleporter.

In another tidbit it mentions an "Armoured Task Force of Vindicators & Thunderfire Cannons " - could well be one of the 12 formations.

------- Orinignal Post -------------------

Don't kid yourself, BA and DA will prpbably get completely passed over for a year or two. Happens every cycle due to the large number of duplicate rules.

Thats true - but alas the change to predators isn't the thing that I'd fix with the BA codex anyways.

05-02-2015, 10:23 AM
via Captain Citadel (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?55396-New-Space-Marine-Codex-Rumor-Roundup&p=497298&viewfull=1#post497298) 6-5-2015


Via Warseer's Sinsigel (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?409276-Space-Marines-Codex-Rumours-MKII&p=7461011&viewfull=1#post7461011) 6-5-2015

" I apologise if I'm uploading info that has already been posted.
FLGS nearby started showing SM codex for preview.
I simply skimmed through the codex so there will be many gaps and slightly inaccurate parts.
Points costs will not be posted.

Chapter Tactics still remain, although every one of them has been 'buffed'.
White Scars for example all get hit & run whether the model has bulky rule or not.
Combat Doctrines only gives to-hit rolls.

Devastators do not have Slow and Purposeful.
They do get a wargear allowing the squad to re-roll failed to hits for a single shooting phase.
Tactical squad can carry grav cannon & amp, although it's almost twice as expensive as lascannon.

Vanguards get bonus to charge distance, while Ironclad & Venerable dreadnoughts get 4 attacks minimum.
Assault centurions' siege drill now strikes at S10
Legion of the Damned is still in the codex, and it's DS ability has been slightly buffed.

Most vehicles, if taken in squadron of three, gain significant buff.
Multiple Stalkers(now with interceptor) can ignore cover, where as three vindicators can instead fire a single shot with apocalyptic blast which ignores cover.

That's all I can recall with any degree of clarity."

via Forge the Narrative (Facebook) (https://www.facebook.com/ForgeTheNarrative/photos/pcb.364464597077648/364464197077688/?type=1&theater) 6-6-2015


Via El Descanso del Escriba (http://descansodelescriba.blogspot.com/2015/06/pues-si-en-wfb-van-ser-redondas.html) 06-07-15

14479 14480

40k on Square Bases?

Via Spikey Bits Hobbies Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/spikeybitshobbies/permalink/869961113072269/) 06-07-2015

Fast Attack Pods are Fast!


Via Leman Russ SW (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308934-new-codex-space-marine-thread/page-132#entry4076525) on Bolter & Chainsword

(Raw Transcript from multiple pages compiled by myself)

I have seen the new Marine Codex the command tanks are not in it. Tac Squads can take Grav, All dreadnoughts now have 4 base attacks. Only LOW is Calgar. No master of the Forge but

Techmarines can take Conversion Beamers. Iron Hand Chapter Tactics now add +1 to feel no pain.

Raven Guard lost Scout but not get Shrouded turn 1 and +1 to roll for Night fight. Most others stay similar.

Sallies get 4+ FNP against flame weapons and preroll to wound with them. Scars can no longer scout land raiders. Templars can't take Librarians and get rage if they take damage from

shooting the previous turn or overwatch. Bolter Drill can use special ammo now. Tac Doctrine lets tacsquads preroll all hits in shooting and assault.

Raven Guard got shafted I was really disappointed with them. Jump packs stay the same so can use them in both phases but lose of scout is huge.

Formations looked ok nothing amazing. The termi one can DS from turn 1. No assault marine formation :(. Bike are troops if you take any HQ on a bike, no need to be five man now. Temis

squads of both kinds got a 5 point drop but TH SS cost the same as before after buying the upgrade for them. Centurions are pretty much the same. Ultras get the 3 doctrines other chapters

can use the tac one once a game if they take the decurian which is call Gladius Strike force.

Yeah grav canons on tac Squads. RG can add +1 to the dice roll for night fight. No grav on dread that I saw.

Templars get counter attack too after getting shot. Other armies only get the tac doc if they take the extra expensive formations. The docs look a lot better Ultras probably have the best

chapter tactics still. Twin links grav centurions in pods seems scarey. Chapter Master is now an upgrade for a captain.

Iron Hands get 6+ as standard or +1 to any other FNP, vehicles and characters have IWND and tech marines +1 to repair.

(In reference to The Emperor's Champion)
Fear, reroll ld, FNP, can't remember the others, only the FNP stood out as being really good. EC has no stances, 2+ 4++ 2 base attacks, I5 WS6 plus a pistol, In a challenge can preroll to

hit and wound and causes ID on a 6

Sternguard are the same rules wise. A few of the units have got cheaper by a few points. Not sure on Termi weapons, assault squads can take an evissorator for every 5 guys

Honour Guard and Command Squads are Elites now you don't need characters to take them. Fist is still unwieldy. All termis are 5 cheaper TH SS upgrade is 5 points more.

Calgar the same just LOW and can choose his Warlord trait so will pretty much always have FNP. He still lets you use a doctrine twice and now they are better he is better.

Calgar can pick his Warlord Trait from the marine list the best one being FNP. Shrike and any jump unit he joins can infiltrate. Vulcan master crafts melt weapons. Khan gives scout to bikes

rhinos and razors. No Iron Hand character. You can take a librarian formation where one librarian can know any of the powers the others have if they don't cast and warp charges are on 3+

Lysander has 4 wounds and Eternal warrior still and Fist or Dorn is +6S. Kantor makes Sternguards objective secured

Didn't read Grimaldus, Helbrecth gives all units Hatred and Fleet once per game. Kahn, Sicarius and Him still only ap3. Sicarius lets you effect reserves and give one tac squad a usr.

The best formation from what I saw is strike force ultra. Can arrive turn 1 get +1 shot if ds or +1 a if assault from a vehicle

All vehicles can squadron you get bonus if you take 3. Whirlwinds get shred and pinning. Preds get monster and tank hunter.

Assault and Devastator Doctrine applies to all other squads on 1s like the Tactical Doctrine.

Basically they all allow to reroll ones for either shooting or assault depending on which one it is. Tacs reroll everything for the tac doc. Assault marines and assault centurions reroll

all hits in combat for assault. Devs and Dev centurions reroll shooting to hit for theirs.

(Ultramarines) can use it twice. The best formation from what I saw is strike force ultra. Can arrive turn 1 get +1 shot if ds or +1 a if assault from a vehicle

via Iuchiban (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?409276-Space-Marines-Codex-Rumours-MKII&p=7463054#post7463054) 6-8-2015

Marine "Decurion"
The basic "Decurión" is the Demi battle company:
- 1 Captain or Chaplain
- 0-1 Command squad
- 3 Tactical squads
- 1 Assault squad, Bike squad, Attack bike squad, Land speeder squad or Assault Cents.
- 1 Devastator squad or Dev Cent squad.
- 0-1 Dreadnought of any type.

This formation may use any battle doctrines once per battle

If you take 2 Demi-Companies, you get a full Company. (First company with a Captain and the second with a Chaplain). If done so, any unit that is able to purchase a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod, may do so without any additional cost.

Termins are now 175 points (Both types), altough hammer and shied cost +10 points

Devastator, for +5 points, may once per game, reroll to hit. Grav cannons + amp cost 35 points.

Chapter master upgrade is not one per army.

No Land Raider Squadrons, but one Formation (3 Land Raiders of any type). They reroll to wound vs Gargantuan Creatures and to penétrate vs Superhevies. If they are at 6" of any other Raider of the formation, they ignore any result on the damage chart but destroyed.

To get the benefit of the tank squadrons you need 3 of them. You lose the benefit if you lose a tank.

Warlord Traits
Calgar (275) may choose his warlord trait from the codex.
They are:
- Warlord gains Fear. Test is done with 3D6.
- Warlord and his unit get Furious Charge
- Warlord has FnP
- Every shooting phase pick a unit at max 12". Shooting weapons of this unit get the Rending SR
- Any unit in the same Detachment may use Warlord's Ld
- Any unit at 12" reroll Ld tests (Moral, Pinning, Fear)

His army may use one additional doctrine, once per game.

BTW doctrines are cumulative. If you have an Ultramarines detachment, using a DemiCompany and Calgar, you may use the same doctrine 3 times during the battle.

Tigurius (165). Pretty much the same.

This is for the Gladius Detachment.

Let's go with the formations:

Demi-Company (See above)
- Tactic Doctrine may be used once per game (cumulative with other doctrines)
- They get objetive secured

Anti-Air Defence Force
- 1 unit of Hunters
- 1 unit of Stalkers
- If one Hunter hits a flyer with the main weapon, all Stalkers in the unit get +1BS when firing at this flyer.
- Unit of Stalkers: Mínimum 2

1st Company Task Force
- 3-5 Units from:
Assault Termis
Sternguard Veterans
Vanguard Veterans
- Fear
- Fearless
- At the beginning of the game, pick an enemy unit. Units in this formation have Preferred Enemy against the picked unit
- Enemy units get -2 to L, if they are a 12" of a mínimum of 3 units of this formation
Restrictions: None

Strilke Force Ultra
- 1 Captain
- 2 Termi squads
- 2 Assault Termi squads
- 1 Venerable Dreadnoght
- 1 Stormraven
- 1 LR Crusader or Redeemer
- All units stay in Reserve. Start rolling on your turn 1.
- After coming from reserves, or disembarking, shooting weapons of the Termi squads get +1 shoot (For Example, Assault Cannon becomes Heavy 5)
- When disembarking from a transport, assault Termi units get +1A.
Captain must have Terminator Armour
All units must enter via DS, unless embarked in a Transport.

Reclusiam Command Squad
- 1 Chaplain
- 1 Command Squad
- All units at 6" benefit from the Fanatic SR, not only the Chaplain unit
- Unit must purchase a Razorback. Chaplain may not leave the command squad.

10th Company Task Force
- 3-5 units of:
Scout Squad
Scout Bike
0-1 Telion
- Precisión shots during first turn
- If the unit has not the Stealth SR, they get it until the move, shoot, charge, etc.
- Scout bikes must purchase the mines.

Storm Wing
- 1 Stormraven
- 2 Stormtalons
- Make only a reserve roll for the whole unit
- Stormraven gets the Strafin Run SR, if at least a Talon is alive.

Centurión Siege Breaker Cohort
- 2-4 Assault Cent squads
- 1 Ironclad
- If they destroy a Transport, unit inside the 2D6 S6 AP4 hits, Ignore cover.
- Reroll to penétrate vs buildings

Land Raider Spearhead
- 3 Raiders of any type.
- See previous posts

Librarius Conclave
3-5 Librarians
- Pick one Librarian, This guy knows all the powers of any Lib of the formation at 12". Those Libs may not cast powers this turn. Picked Lib harness warp charges with 3+ if one Lib is at 12" or less. If 2 Libs at 12" or less, harnessing is with 2+.

Armoured Task Force
- 1 Techmarine
- 0-3 TFC
- 3-5 Units of
- 0-1 Chronus
- Ignore crew shaken and stunned if at 6" of a Techmarine or a Techmarine gunner
- Thechmarine and Techmarine gunner get +1 to Ominissiah rolls (repair vehicles)

Suppression Force
- 1 Whirlwind unit
- 1 Landspeeder unit
- One landspeeder may pick an enemy unit at 12". Whirlwinds reroll to hit vs this unit. If the picked unit is out of range of the whirlwinds, the may fire ignoring it.

Chapter Tactics
Chapter tactics are:

- Can use one battle doctrine (Tac, Dev or Assault) once per game. Can use Tac once, Dev once, and Assault once.

White Scars
- Reroll when running
- Bikes get skilled rider, and +1S to HoW attacks

Imperial Fists
- Reroll "1" to hit when using bolt weapons (Bolt pistol, boltgun, heavy bolter, assault bolter and combi-weapons)
- Reroll to penétrate against buildings. Devs and Dev cents have tankhunter SR.

-Black Templars
- Crusade + Adamantium Will
- No Libs
- If a unit loses a model during any shooting phase, that unit gets Counterattack and Rage.

Iron Hands
- Characters and vehicles have the "It will not die" SR. Techmarines have +1 to repair
- Non, vehicle models get FnP (6+). If model already has FnP, gains +1 instead.

- FnP (4+) vs flamers. Reroll to wound and to penetrate when firing flamers.
- All characters improve one weapon to Mastercrafted

Raven Guard
- Shrouded during until turn 2. May add +1 to night fight roll
- May use jump packs both in Movement and Assault phase. Reroll to wound HoW attacks.

Some info about the Special Characters

Kor'sarro Khan
- Gives Scout to the Bikes in his army
- Give 1D3 victory points if he kills the enemy warlord in a challenge.
Warlord trait: 12" bubble of rerolling L tests

- No changes
Warlord trait: FnP

- No changes
Warlord trait: Fear. Fear tests with 3D6

- No changes
Warlord trait: FnP

- Sternguard vets have objetive secured SR
- Oath of Rynn: same
Warlord trait: FnP

- No changes
- Warlord and unit have Furious charge

- Cenobyte servitors give FnP at 6"
- Units in same Detachment use warlord L

via Descanso del Escriba (http://descansodelescriba.blogspot.com/2015/06/dos-imagenes-mas-filtradas-del-codex.html) 6-9-2015

Chapter Tactics


Original Post:

People don't run Predators as is, and it's not due to a lack of slots. Though if the squadrons do offer some nice buffs... A bunch of, say, BS5 lascannons as a reasonable price would be pretty good.

I seriously doubt whatever buffs Land Raiders get will actually fix them, though. They're just far to vulnerable to melta, haywire, grav, gauss, etc, and don't have very much firepower for their cost, and the units they transport will drive up and kill one unit before getting shot to death... they really need a pretty significant conceptual rewriting to make them work. They haven't been good for like three editions, now.

05-02-2015, 01:28 PM
via Bolter & Chainsword 6-9-2015

Space Marine CONFIRMED Rules (in German & French)


Get on it german & French speakers!

Blood of Kittens is on the case - In English

Space Marine Rules (http://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2015/06/09/rumor-it-tired-reading-german-space-marine-rules/)

Original Post

Don't kid yourself, BA and DA will prpbably get completely passed over for a year or two. Happens every cycle due to the large number of duplicate rules.

Isn't the BA codex like 6 months old?

DA players will certainly want an update I bet.

05-02-2015, 02:07 PM
Via El taller de Yila (http://eltallerdeyila.blogspot.com/2015/06/formaciones-del-codex-de-marines.html) (and others) 6-10-2015

Space Marine Formations


---original post----

Kinda "want" and "dread" in equal measure.

I'd like to see a DA Tactical Squad in (non-pushfit) plastic, partly because BA got one and I'm jelly, partly because we might finally get some shoulder pads with the winged sword moulded on, and partly because the Company Veterans sprue doesn't offer a lot of body variety. I'm equally jelly of the Chapter-specific Dreadnoughts (that are in the Codex where almost nobody will argue with them instead of a FW publication). I'd like to see if there will be a "Penitent Discipline" in the datacards. I'd like to see if the Nephilim will get some more dakka (because that avenger mega bolter is just sad when compared to the avenger bolt cannon, never mind the avenger gatling cannon), what will happen to rad grenades (actually, you can probably file that one under "dread" as well) and whether the Darkshroud gets to do anything useful.

Getting access to the Hunter and Stalker would be nice, but since BA didn't get that either, I can't see it happening.

But I also see the great "no role shifting" nerf coming like the tingling in the air that lets you know the Deathwing are about to teleport in and wreck somebody's face. I can't see a future in which Deathwing and Ravenwing get to be Troops, and I doubt that whatever their specialist detachments and / or formations get will be the equal of Objective Secured (because when is it ever? Reanimation Protocols boosts being the one exception so far).

05-02-2015, 03:28 PM
Via Game Trust (http://www.gamestrust.de/tabletop/news,warhammer-40-000-space-marines-wd-bilder-cover-vorschau-librarius-formation,id43746.html) 6-10-2015


Teaeser: Halle der Helden = Hall of Heroes / Hall of Fame, Bitz und Kleber = pieces and glue

---originial post -----

Deathwing and Ravenwing armies are a long standing staple of the Dark Angels, that isn't going to change.

05-02-2015, 03:41 PM
Via El Descanso del escriba (http://descansodelescriba.blogspot.com/) 6-10-2015

Marine Datasheets (go to site for complete listings)


---orignial post ---

Oh, I have no doubt we'll get Detachments and / or Formations to let you do a Deathwing and / or Ravenwing army without any power-armoured Infantry.

I just have this nagging feeling it'll be entirely lacklustre. So utterly dull that we look at the Archangels formations with a pitiable whine and just go paint something else.

05-02-2015, 04:15 PM
via Games Workshop 6-13-2015

Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armor

Space Marine Skyhammer Annihilation Force

Sons of Ultramar Painting Guide

via Games Workshop 6-13-2015, made readable by Elite 40,000 (http://elite40k.blogspot.com/2015/06/analysis-skyhammer-annihilation-force.html)

Skyhammer Annihilation Force Rules:
Shock Deployment: All units in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force start the game in Deep Strike Reserve. Instead of using the normal deployment and reserve rules for these units, you can, during deployment, choose whether this Formation will arrive during your first or second turn. The entire Skyhammer Annihilation Force automatically arrives on the turn you choose—no Reserve Rolls are required. Ignore this Formation's Drop Pods for the purposes of the Drop Pod Assault special rule.
First the Fire, then the Blade: On the turn they arrive from Deep Strike Reserve, the Devastator Squads in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force have the Relentless special rule and the Assault Squads can charge even though they arrived from Reserves that turn.
Suppressing Fusillade: A unit targeted by a Skyhammer Annihilation Force's Devastator Squad in the Shooting phase must take a Morale test at the end of the phase on 3D6, regardless of how many casualties were inflicted. If the test is failed, the enemy unit does not Fall Back, but must immediately Go to Ground. If the test is passed, the enemy unit is unable to fire Overwatch for the rest of the turn.
Leave No Survivors: Assault Squads in a Skyhammer Annihilation Force can use their Jump Packs in both the Movement phase and the Assault phase. If an Assault Squad from a Skyhammer Annihilation Force charges a unit that has Gone to Ground as a result of the Suppressing Fusillade special rule, that Assault Squad can reroll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls in the ensuring Assault phase.

------Original Post-----------------

Deathwing and Ravenwing armies are a long standing staple of the Dark Angels, that isn't going to change.

So were assault marines as troops for BA.. and Wraithguard as troops for Eldar (in some fashion)

05-02-2015, 07:02 PM
Deathwing and Ravenwing armies are a long standing staple of the Dark Angels, that isn't going to change.

Honestly with the current design philosophy there's no real reason for them to stay troops. I would expect some type of formation this time around.

Andrew Thomas
05-02-2015, 11:20 PM
Oh, I have no doubt we'll get Detachments and / or Formations to let you do a Deathwing and / or Ravenwing army without any power-armoured Infantry.

I just have this nagging feeling it'll be entirely lacklustre. So utterly dull that we look at the Archangels formations with a pitiable whine and just go paint something else.

Honestly with the current design philosophy there's no real reason for them to stay troops. I would expect some type of formation this time around.

I've been working on a fandex to try to solve some of these issues. First playtest was a little disappointing, as my opponent was spamming Burning Chariots and got the first turn, but I'll try against some net lists to see if I can find a sweet spot.

Arkhan Land
05-03-2015, 01:50 PM
My hopes are that that if we see the heavy tanks in sqaudrons that some of the current/older Apoc traits will come in, IE the combined fire Big Big blast with D over the little hole for vindiactors and the "Killshot" D-hits for the predators.

Excited for the possibility of these new weird variants which I will of course have to build out of RT bits as is my longstanding tradition

05-03-2015, 03:05 PM
So were assault marines as troops for BA.. and Wraithguard as troops for Eldar (in some fashion)

you can still take wraithguard as troops, that is what the Iyanden book is for.

05-03-2015, 03:09 PM
The Iyanden book doesn't let you take Wraithguard as Troops; that was a function of the Spiritseer in the 6th Edition codex, so it didn't need to.

05-03-2015, 03:12 PM
fair enough. ravenwing and deathwing armies still aren't going anywhere though.

05-04-2015, 03:51 PM
via Steve the Warboss 5-4-2015

Chapter-specific Boxed Sets coming alongside new Space Marine Codex:

-Ultramarines Sternguard Squad
-Raven Guard Assault Squad
-White Scars Bike Squad
-Salamanders Devastator Squad

Mr Mystery
05-04-2015, 03:52 PM
If I'm right in thinking, Steve the Warboss doesn't have a very good hit ratio?

05-04-2015, 04:10 PM
warbosses never do...


05-04-2015, 04:19 PM
If I'm right in thinking, Steve the Warboss doesn't have a very good hit ratio?

Considering he was the source for multiple of the ZOMG SISTERS NOWZ rumours...

Patrick Boyle
05-04-2015, 06:16 PM
I could see that maybe being true for the box art(nevermind that the Sternguard box is pretty much already Ultramarines), but chapter specific kits for Chapters that don't technically have their own codex, on units that are used across...well, 2 armies more generally now? Not buying it. Especially not buying 4 infantry boxes for codex refresh like this. So far I don't really buy these or the command vehicle kit rumors. I guess we'll see...

05-04-2015, 06:23 PM
via Steve the Warboss 5-4-2015

Don't FW already kind of fill the chapter specific bits market ?

Cpt Codpiece
05-04-2015, 06:23 PM
ultra sternguard could well be TWV, if they are my scythes of the emprah will be pleased :)

05-04-2015, 09:56 PM
Considering he was the source for multiple of the ZOMG SISTERS NOWZ rumours...

There has been some corroboration that Sisters are at least being worked on, which implies that he's either a copycat, or he's seeing what they're working on but not what their release schedule is.

05-04-2015, 11:47 PM
ultra sternguard could well be TWV, if they are my scythes of the emprah will be pleased :)

I could see this happening, but not as specific chapter boxes.

Ultramarine sternguard could instead be an honor guard squad, who are similarly ornate, and need a plastic kit. Painted as Ultramarines on the front. Could mix in parts for the command squad as well.
Bike squad as a new generic bike squad, designed like the ravenguard command squad bikes (attached wheels, ect) painted as White Scars on the box.
Assault squad as the new generic one, painted as Raven Guard.
Devastators painted as Salamanders. Same weapons sprue, new legs and bodies sprue (maybe with a new weapon or two as well)

Would make sense, and bring nearly all the old marine kits up to the new style bodies/arms.

Path Walker
05-05-2015, 02:05 AM
He's full of ****, just makes up stuff to go along with what other rumour mongers are saying, eg, when Khorne Daemonkin was rumoured to be coming:

"via Steve the Warboss on Faeit 212
-New Khorne Berzerker Box
-Khorne Berzerker on Moloch Box
-Chaos Lord of Khorne Clam Pack"

05-05-2015, 03:15 AM
box art changes would be more likely.

marines really need new bikes, the current ones are horrendously dated.

Path Walker
05-05-2015, 03:19 AM
Totally, I think they're the worst plastic model they still do now that they've finally updated the jetbikes.

05-05-2015, 03:30 AM
yeah, the new Ravenwing command bikes are larger too, I tried putting standard marine legs on the ravenwing bike and the feet didn't reach the pedals.

Mr Mystery
05-05-2015, 05:32 AM
Looks to Ork Buggies and Trakks, raises eyebrow....

But still, Marine Bikes are long overdue an overhaul.

As for these rumours, I don't think it would be new box art. GW tend to stick to a single colour scheme across a given range, to prevent confusion for non-hobbyists.

Believe me, it helps when a relative of a nerd comes in saying 'he wants some little blue robots for his birthday'. All vanilla Marine boxes feature Ultramarines on their front, narrowing it down in this case - though it is of course much, much easier if the kid is one of your regulars like. (though 'he collects Orcs/Orcs/Orks' remains a perennial pain in the bum, and much emphasis on retaining the receipt and that swaps must involve a still sealed product)

But point still stands - having different Chapters across different boxes just creates confusion as to which army they are for.

05-05-2015, 06:39 AM
changes i would make....
sicarius, telion and chronus become generic characters. the smurfs get the lions share as is, and it would be nice to have some options if youre not inclined to play some mother frakking smurfs.
white scars vangaurd get the option to buy their vangaurd on bikes. because thanks for your 500 years of service to the chapter, dear veterean, youre an amazing rider but here, take this jet pack isnt fluffy.
raven gaurd would get the option to equip their sterngaurd with scout armor. or better yet...
artificer scout armor. 3plus armor with shrouded. make it an option for characters as well... i have enough scouts to literally play a 10th company list. i want my hq choices to fit the theme. and it would be cool.
caltrate, calgon, whatever his name is as a lord of war.
pedro gets tweaked so hes useful despite what color you paint him. nobody really comes down hard on this, but still...
dreads as monsterous creatures. nuff said.
finally, id bring back the multiple levels of characters... anybody remember those?
the marine dex atm is rather solid, middle of the road.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-05-2015, 06:57 AM
Well, with the Eldar codex being released so soon after the last one it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume this one might get replaced too.

I'm glad I only get the books for the backround though, I'm not sure how id feel about it if I was into the game side.

05-05-2015, 07:09 AM
I doubt we'll see any sweeping changes to this, just an update to 7th format with a few tweaks.

Erik Setzer
05-05-2015, 07:26 AM
I'm glad I only get the books for the backround though, I'm not sure how id feel about it if I was into the game side.

Given that the 7th edition Ork codex copied and pasted, word for word, a lot of the 4th edition Ork codex, I'm not sure you're getting much of a good deal buying them for background.

Though Orks might just be a special case. (It does seem everything about them screams "Play a REAL army! Buy Space Marines!")

05-05-2015, 07:30 AM
They rarely make sweeping changes to SMs, despite many established units suffering similar problems to aspect warriors (too specialized, expensive, and simply not potent enough), but aspect warriors did just get a redo. Maybe it will be time for tactical terminators, assault marines, and devestators to shine.

05-05-2015, 08:01 AM
Man, I wish Blood Angels could get predators in 1-3 unit squads. Would make playing with my baals so much easier.:p

05-05-2015, 08:09 AM
Man, I wish Blood Angels could get predators in 1-3 unit squads. Would make playing with my baals so much easier.:p

C'mon man... get some baals :P

Erik Setzer
05-05-2015, 08:12 AM
Man, I wish Blood Angels could get predators in 1-3 unit squads. Would make playing with my baals so much easier.:p

Maybe there'll be a FAQ for Blood Angels and Space Wolves noting relevant changes to them?

05-05-2015, 09:48 AM
I doubt we'll see any sweeping changes to this, just an update to 7th format with a few tweaks.

They rarely make sweeping changes to SMs, despite many established units suffering similar problems to aspect warriors (too specialized, expensive, and simply not potent enough), but aspect warriors did just get a redo. Maybe it will be time for tactical terminators, assault marines, and devestators to shine.

I think the biggest changes will be organizational. For one thing, it will look a lot like Blood Angels with many units no longer having slotless access, i.e. Techmarines, Command Squads, etc. For another, I doubt we will see Bikes as Troops again, but to see it replaced with a large Formation ala the Eldar Warhosts or the Necron Reclamation Legion.

I see them getting at least two, maybe up to four, core Formations centered on Tacticals (Battle) and Bikes (Strike), and possibly Assault Marines and Scouts.

None of this affects the actual units' rules, per se, but it would definitely affect how people construct their Codex armies.

Though, I have to wonder if Bikes will lose Grav Gun access if they do not get a new kit...

Maybe there'll be a FAQ for Blood Angels and Space Wolves noting relevant changes to them?

I wouldn't bet on any FAQ changing Predators, etc, in other Marine codices to Squadrons. They usually update equipment (see Black Templar codex at the beginning of 5th Edition), but not organizational changes. It would be nice, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't expect it.

05-05-2015, 10:24 AM
via Steve the Warboss 5-5-2015

-Chapter Tactics remains
-Chapter Tactics unlock Characters and exclusive Relics
-Legion of the Damned are gone
-The Vanguard will be Fast Attack
-Black Templar are gone
(Black Templars are not "gone" in the Fluff and from the Universe, they will be only removed from the Codex Space Marines. Templars will become soon or later a own Codex again. For this Time you can use the current codex.)

Space Marine Captain
-5 points cheaper
-Chapter Master is now a upgrade for the captain

Maneus Calgar
-Is now a Lord of War

Iron Hands Character
-New Character
-Special Thunder Hammer with Area Damage
-Melta and Flamer combined Weapon

Space Marine Librarian
-Lexicanium is the base profile
-5 points cheaper
-Can be upgraded to a Codicier or a Episolary

Space Marine Command Squad
-Bike or Jump Pack option remains
-Honour Guard is gone
-Command Squads in Power Armour can be 5-9 Models large, not only 5

Terminator Command Squad
-Only when a Terminator Captain is in the Dettachment
-3 to 9 Terminators

Tactical Squad
-1 point cheaper per Marine

Land Speeder
-Can join Units with Bikes when the LS Squadron includes only one Model

-Predators, Vindicators and Whirlwinds can form Squadrons of 1-3 Tanks
-No Land Raider Squadrons in the Codex
-Land Raider Redeemer and Crusade are Fast Attack

-Three in one Codex
-Codex Astartes Battle Company
-Raven Guard Strike Squadron (can only chosen by armies with the Raven Guard Chapter Tactics)
-White Scars Hunting Party (can only chosen by armies with the White Scars Chapter Tactics)

05-05-2015, 11:42 AM
all possible

05-05-2015, 11:53 AM
Losing one of our 2 good assault units? Sad. Everything else seems pretty neat though.

Erik Setzer
05-05-2015, 11:58 AM
Cheaper Marines? Land Raiders in Fast Attack, which makes no sense except to let people run even more tanks (than they already would with squadrons) in a CAD? Land Speeders being able to attach to Bike Squadrons?

So, basically, more moves toward Epic 28mm. Larger armies, lots more tanks and super-heavies.

Hoping these aren't true. Otherwise it continues a meh shift in the game's playstyle, and also means other books need updating ASAP or or are behind yet another book.

Mr Mystery
05-05-2015, 12:19 PM
Damn those additional options!

But seriously dude, rumour source isn't at all reliable if memory serves.

Erik Setzer
05-05-2015, 02:07 PM
Damn those additional options!

But seriously dude, rumour source isn't at all reliable if memory serves.

Yeah, I'm not going to kick things and yell and bawl until I see it in print (or scans of such). The Land Speeders attached to bike squadrons just seems so wrong. Ditto reducing Marines *again* to just 13 points each, which is what Chaos Marines are, who don't have ATSKNF.

I don't mind more options, but I feel like my Marine force will have to drop a lot of cash to work if this kind of shift happens. Well, they already kind of do, but this is just pushing it further. Basic Marine infantry should be fine, but the game has so many death star units, big monstrous models, tank squadrons, and gobs of AP3 (unless you're the Orks, in which case you get a Stompa that people will whine if you take, but not really the rest of those), so the Marines just die way too easily while feeling like they aren't doing much. Seems that's how a lot of infantry are starting to feel. I don't mind that in true Epic, but when 40K gets to where basic infantry are getting turned into a "tax" fee and just scooped off the table in buckets, it feels like I'm not even playing 40K any more.

Make infantry better, don't keep pushing people to buy more and more vehicles and super-heavies. But eh... guess the profit margins aren't good enough.

(Come to think of it, that might be what's hurting Orks getting love, Ork players just get around the prices by making our own stuff. :-P)

Mr Mystery
05-05-2015, 02:28 PM
Is it pushing, or merely enabling?

GW have said on several occasions they don't want to restrict players.

Why shouldn't a Space Marine player field a Spearhead force, with lots of armour?

Remember. GW know that precious few hobbyists ever just buy and stick religiously to a single, set list. We add to our collections - especially when it's our 'army of fixation' such as my Necrons and Ogres. I'll keep buying those because I really like the armies. They chime with me.

Open up the options to me, and the impetus to collect gathers pace, because I can field more of my collection in different combinations.

05-05-2015, 02:33 PM
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the Predator Squadron is a Formation that forces them in to it like the Seer Council or Conclave of the Burning One.

It also wouldn't surprise me to see some of the current dataslate Formations folded in. Maybe not Strike Force Ultra, but Stormwing and the Reclusiarch Command Squad are strong possible.

05-05-2015, 02:53 PM
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the Predator Squadron is a Formation that forces them in to it like the Seer Council or Conclave of the Burning One.

It also wouldn't surprise me to see some of the current dataslate Formations folded in. Maybe not Strike Force Ultra, but Stormwing and the Reclusiarch Command Squad are strong possible.

They stopped selling the ghost warriors Dataslate, so signs point to this.

05-05-2015, 04:57 PM
i know I'll be well narked off if Honour Guard squads are gone, I'm halfway through making the one I'm making for my Chapter Master, what they need is better equipment selection (they are the chapters uber elite for pete's sake, they should be first in the queue at the arsenal when its time to go to war) and a plastic set a la Sanguinary Guard.

They along with a plastic Techmarine (with options for servo arm, harness and conversion beamer) are what Space Marines need as that's what's missing. New Assault Squad would be nice, more stuff in the Dev Squad would be nice, but neither is actually needed.

Erik Setzer
05-05-2015, 06:13 PM
Is it pushing, or merely enabling?

GW have said on several occasions they don't want to restrict players.

Why shouldn't a Space Marine player field a Spearhead force, with lots of armour?

Remember. GW know that precious few hobbyists ever just buy and stick religiously to a single, set list. We add to our collections - especially when it's our 'army of fixation' such as my Necrons and Ogres. I'll keep buying those because I really like the armies. They chime with me.

Open up the options to me, and the impetus to collect gathers pace, because I can field more of my collection in different combinations.

Eh... I think I see a lot more possibilities (especially based on what we've already seen) to have a productive discussion with positive people on this. I just feel like to have an enjoyable game of 40K that feels like 40K and feels like units matter, I need to play 1000 points, no super-heavies or gargantuans.

05-05-2015, 06:43 PM
Eh... I think I see a lot more possibilities (especially based on what we've already seen) to have a productive discussion with positive people on this. I just feel like to have an enjoyable game of 40K that feels like 40K and feels like units matter, I need to play 1000 points, no super-heavies or gargantuans.

To me 40k is like chili.... you can just keep adding stuff to it and still call it chili, but we all know it ain't no chili. :P

Arkhan Land
05-05-2015, 08:38 PM
Eh... I think I see a lot more possibilities (especially based on what we've already seen) to have a productive discussion with positive people on this. I just feel like to have an enjoyable game of 40K that feels like 40K and feels like units matter, I need to play 1000 points, no super-heavies or gargantuans.

I think it should really go both ways, I love smaller games with only a vehicle or two, and I love games where there are heavy tanks beyond number. Every week I play probably one game under or around a thousand and a 2k game, plus whatever happens at a store/random email exchange matchups. Diversity is the spice of life. I think in a 1000 point game you do get to sort of enjoy the finese of infantry, but theres also nothing like a dozen tanks engaging in a total ordnance annihilation destructothon

05-05-2015, 09:03 PM
i know I'll be well narked off if Honour Guard squads are gone, I'm halfway through making the one I'm making for my Chapter Master, what they need is better equipment selection (they are the chapters uber elite for pete's sake, they should be first in the queue at the arsenal when its time to go to war) and a plastic set a la Sanguinary Guard.

Right there with you. I'm about at the same spot with my Honor Guard. What with building, revising and buying new stuff I'm already into it for quite a bit. If they do axe the HG, ima be proper cheesed.

I'm skeptical about the whole thing though. Some of the changes would be cool, some I'm thinking are not needed. like reducing tac marines point cost, really? they're cheap enough as it is, leave it alone. although moving Vanguard to fast attack does make sense to my nit picky brain. I'd be interested to see who the new IH character would be though, (cuz I likes me some fluff)! all in all it doesn't sound too bad, but will be interesting to see what comes of it.

05-05-2015, 09:03 PM
To me 40k is like chili.... you can just keep adding stuff to it and still call it chili, but we all know it ain't no chili. :P

That's a doubly hilarious analogy, because I love chili but really hate beans, so I won't eat chili as long as beans are involved. And here I am with 40k and I really hate certain specific rules but really enjoy my Grey Knights...

Erik Setzer
05-06-2015, 05:18 AM
Hmm... That first sentence in my post seems to have gotten away from me. And I do want to clarify I didn't mean it as a "knock" on anyone, just that people who are more positive tend to see just the brighter side of things, while people who are more depressed* tend to see not just that but also the potential negatives and other stuff. And it's hard to get people to see those things without sounding like a "whiner" and a "complainer" and you're "trying to bring everyone down."**

I'm actually trying to get excited about positive stuff with 40K and all (my growing stockpile of such stuff shows that), but I do see the problems that could be mounting. And I get to see them manifest in the people I play with, so I know it's not just paranoia.

*Don't recommend "Just think happy thoughts!" That is a stupid idea and you should be throat-punched if you ever say that to a depressed friend.
**Even better, making all of those comments to such a person usually makes them feel worse about him/herself, which just creates more of a downward spiral.

Mr Mystery
05-06-2015, 05:40 AM
And it's all about novelty and fashions.

Ref my Ogres. Soon as 8th Edition Warhammer hit, I was padding out my regiments to Horde sized, because suddenly it made my Ogres really, really fun to play with, rather than somewhat limited. After that, we got our book. LOTS OF BIG THINGS POUR MOI MATRON!

Same with allegations SM will get Predator squadrons etc - it's a new way to field your toys, so of course it will be embraced. Some might stick with it, others go back to a more combined arms approach etc.

This is the thing about the meta - it's GW playing the tune, and everyone else dancing to it, in one form or another.

05-06-2015, 06:42 AM
That's a doubly hilarious analogy, because I love chili but really hate beans, so I won't eat chili as long as beans are involved. And here I am with 40k and I really hate certain specific rules but really enjoy my Grey Knights...

:D Grey Knights are a really cool faction. Being a long time marine drop pod / bike army nerd I've never been able to get the hang of playing them. Hopefully the new books coming are good enough to let a person play faction pure in the world of Epic 40k.

05-06-2015, 07:29 AM

As cliche as it sounds, I highly recommend reading the book "Who Moved My Cheese". I swear it could be a commentary on the sociological behavior of the 40k community when new rules come out. Especially lately.

Erik Setzer
05-06-2015, 07:40 AM
Same with allegations SM will get Predator squadrons etc - it's a new way to field your toys, so of course it will be embraced. Some might stick with it, others go back to a more combined arms approach etc.

Predator squadrons I don't really mind. It's when I see things like Land Raiders in "Fast Attack" - why the hell is a heavy tank in "Fast Attack"?!? - or Space Marines getting cheaper again despite being no worse (which might just suggest the points for everything in the game have dropped... so maybe instead of dropping stuff even more, just re-up the points of underpriced stuff?).

But with the changes I see, I can imagine a Marine army like this:

HQ: Bike Command Squad
Elites: Sternguard in Drop Pod x2
Troops: Scout Squad x2 (this assumes Bike Squadrons aren't Troops in any way)
Fast: Land Raider x3
Heavy: Predator Squadron, Vindicator Squadron, Hunter/Stalker (for AA)

Just swap out one FA Land Raider for another Drop Pod to reduce points and make sure both Sternguard squads come in on the first turn.

There's not much all my bolter-toting Marines could do to a force like that. It can put out a lot of nasty firepower and has a lot of survivability. You can swap some tanks for Centurions with grav weapons for extra bonus. And who knows what new stuff might be added?

The thing that really bugs me is that I'd know, if someone puts that out, I can't take it on with my typical Marine army, and it would be 2-3 hours (at least) of slow painful death... but I still wouldn't just pack up my stuff upon seeing it, because I feel that'd be rude.

And you can explain such a list easily: The Command Squad is on bikes to keep up with the armored column. The Scouts are scouting ahead to help direct the column. The Drop Pods are a way to send in reinforcements swiftly once the enemy is located and engaged. Boom, perfectly reasonable explanation. You can explain even the most WAAC lists in 40K if you're willing to go that far.

(On a side note, if 40K Vindicators ever get Power of the Machine Spirit as an option, I think I'll actually quit. I have one of those in 30K games, it's just obnoxious.)

05-06-2015, 07:57 AM
As cliche as it sounds, I highly recommend reading the book "Who Moved My Cheese". I swear it could be a commentary on the sociological behavior of the 40k community when new rules come out. Especially lately.

A workplace classic.

05-06-2015, 08:16 AM

As cliche as it sounds, I highly recommend reading the book "Who Moved My Cheese". I swear it could be a commentary on the sociological behavior of the 40k community when new rules come out. Especially lately.

Well worth a read for anyone.

05-06-2015, 02:21 PM

As cliche as it sounds, I highly recommend reading the book "Who Moved My Cheese". I swear it could be a commentary on the sociological behavior of the 40k community when new rules come out. Especially lately.

HAH! I read that. I never thought to compare the two, but I think you're right!

05-10-2015, 07:35 AM
Well, with the Eldar codex being released so soon after the last one it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume this one might get replaced too.

I'm glad I only get the books for the backround though, I'm not sure how id feel about it if I was into the game side.

I'd be upset if I played. I bought the Tyranid Limited Edition codex. At least it was what $100 or so Canadian not $200+ that GW seems to be charging for now.

I wonder how all the people who bought the Limited Edition Space Marine codex feel now. I am curious if they are going to buy the limited edition all over again.

05-10-2015, 09:45 AM
I'd be upset if I played. I bought the Tyranid Limited Edition codex. At least it was what $100 or so Canadian not $200+ that GW seems to be charging for now.

I wonder how all the people who bought the Limited Edition Space Marine codex feel now. I am curious if they are going to buy the limited edition all over again.

I skipped the "it's just a different cover" limited editions, but picked up the new limited Eldar. Yes, they are more pricey, but they actually come with unique stuff now. Although the Harlequin special was a cooler set, coming with psychic cards and a complete objective deck, plus painting guide. Eldar felt a little light after that.

Edit: For marines, I might consider a Raven Guard edition, if it has sufficient extras.

05-13-2015, 06:07 AM
from the Mexican Ork on Facebook

http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/KirstenIGMB/11053359_966022020098049_2795864305641823254_n_zps 2eonffgf.jpg (http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/KirstenIGMB/media/11053359_966022020098049_2795864305641823254_n_zps 2eonffgf.jpg.html)

Mr Mystery
05-13-2015, 06:13 AM
Interesting stuff!

Not a patch on the Mechanicus though, who remain the most interesting Imperial faction evars. Fact. True story.

05-13-2015, 06:16 AM
Those tanks are confirmed exclusives though http://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/2015/05/13/new-warhammer-world-exclusives/ thankfully I live in Nottingham, get hype :)

05-13-2015, 06:30 AM
I foresee a thriving eBay trade in Warhammer World exclusive kits.

Arkhan Land
05-13-2015, 07:04 AM
pretty pretty

05-13-2015, 07:21 AM
I foresee a thriving eBay trade in Warhammer World exclusive kits.

Yup anyone living in Nottingham just got handed a cash cow, buy these at WW and ebay them for all those that can't get there. I want both of these so guess I'll have to actually have to organise that road trip to WW now.

05-13-2015, 08:12 AM
I hate exclusives like this. So totally screws those of us not near WW.

Mr Mystery
05-13-2015, 08:26 AM
Which is why those of us who visit WW periodically might be willing to grab them for you at cost + actual P&P.

05-13-2015, 08:30 AM
I'd rather this than "limited to 100" models like the Void Shield Generator and Plasma Obliterator.

The secondary market price might not be quite so eye-watering...

05-13-2015, 08:38 AM
I'd actually trade one of my 5 plasma obliterators for a set of these...

Maybe not.

05-13-2015, 08:39 AM


05-13-2015, 08:57 AM


They're packed securely in a vault next to my "strategic oil reserve".

In a couple years they'll go on Ebay.

05-13-2015, 09:02 AM
I think I have to block you now. It's nothing personal, I just hate everything you stand for.

05-13-2015, 09:31 AM
I think I have to block you now. It's nothing personal, I just hate everything you stand for.

In all fairness, I did wait until the day after they were released to snap them up :P If people really wanted them, they could have gotten them on release day.

Path Walker
05-13-2015, 10:20 AM
Awesome, i've always loved a little jaunt to Warhammer World, now I have even more reason to, not even bbothered about the tanks, I want an Ork Badge!

05-13-2015, 01:47 PM
mmmm pretty

Ian Wills
05-13-2015, 05:38 PM
*fingers crossed for more Raven Guard*

05-14-2015, 02:33 AM

But I want it NOW!

Erik Setzer
05-14-2015, 09:23 AM
Which is why those of us who visit WW periodically might be willing to grab them for you at cost + actual P&P.

Doesn't really help. Sure, someone might be able to rely on a person being friendly who can pick one up and send it... but then it's still extra cost and a lot of inconvenience for the person overseas, just for not living in the right location.

As long as they don't have rules in-game, we're fine. But knowing the new M.O., they'll have in-game rules, so people can have a gaming advantage for living in the right place, which will help GW sell their stock quicker (and at that point, the secondary market doesn't matter... as long as they can tell investors, "Look, we sold our whole stock of this kit!", which often sounds more amazing than the reality of "We sold 200 kits to scalpers who know they can charge an arm and a leg on eBay!").

05-14-2015, 10:35 AM
Doesn't really help. Sure, someone might be able to rely on a person being friendly who can pick one up and send it... but then it's still extra cost and a lot of inconvenience for the person overseas, just for not living in the right location.

As long as they don't have rules in-game, we're fine. But knowing the new M.O., they'll have in-game rules, so people can have a gaming advantage for living in the right place, which will help GW sell their stock quicker (and at that point, the secondary market doesn't matter... as long as they can tell investors, "Look, we sold our whole stock of this kit!", which often sounds more amazing than the reality of "We sold 200 kits to scalpers who know they can charge an arm and a leg on eBay!").

Investors don't care about the sales of a single kit. And the sales of an event exclusive are probably 0.00000001% of total revenue.

If the rules are that awesome, kit bash your own. I mean, we're just talking a different weapon, right?

Erik Setzer
05-15-2015, 12:00 PM
Investors don't care about the sales of a single kit. And the sales of an event exclusive are probably 0.00000001% of total revenue.

It's not so much about the amount of money from it, it's being able to say, "Look, we made something that's in such demand it flew off the shelves! We're hot stuff!" The End Times were doing good for that right up to the third book. Limited edition stuff is great for that. They might be able to make more in the long term, but it looks better to make a run and sell it fast because it's "popular" than to make a lot of stuff that sits on shelves for a while because people know they can pick it up later and don't have to rush to buy it.

Also, if the sales of an event exclusive total about half a pound, then something's going wrong with the pricing. (I'm pretty sure you're overestimating GW's revenues, which fell last year, by quite a wide margin.)

05-15-2015, 03:39 PM
Well its not exactly an event exclusive. The tanks will be available year round, but only purchasable at the Warhammer World store. the exclusive part is just that the Grand opening will be the first chance for those lucky enough to have tickets to buy them.

"These exclusives and the Space Marine command tanks will only be available to purchase here at the Warhammer World Store. For the lucky ticket holders, the Grand opening this weekend will be your first opportunity to take these exclusives home. If you are not a ticket holder, have no fear, Monday 18th May will be your first opportunity to grab these exclusives, as we will be selling them all year round."

Mr Mystery
05-15-2015, 03:44 PM
I are predict!

These WHW world models shall be available in GW stores as a destination item within one month of the WHW Grand Opening.

Ohmmmm,.......ohmmmmmm....I r channels inner savant...

05-15-2015, 04:07 PM
It's not so much about the amount of money from it, it's being able to say, "Look, we made something that's in such demand it flew off the shelves! We're hot stuff!" The End Times were doing good for that right up to the third book. Limited edition stuff is great for that. They might be able to make more in the long term, but it looks better to make a run and sell it fast because it's "popular" than to make a lot of stuff that sits on shelves for a while because people know they can pick it up later and don't have to rush to buy it.

Also, if the sales of an event exclusive total about half a pound, then something's going wrong with the pricing. (I'm pretty sure you're overestimating GW's revenues, which fell last year, by quite a wide margin.)

What, the randomly selected number of zeroes wasn't accurate? Shocking.

My point is, which Investor Report (http://investor.games-workshop.com/) do they ever talk about the sales of an exclusive or limited item? I certainly don't see it in the annual or semi-annual reports.

05-15-2015, 04:35 PM
I doubt a month, however I do think they will be available with the next marine codex

05-18-2015, 02:14 PM
I've been keeping my ear to the ground and the latest word on the street is that retailers were told to remove the Codex, Assault marines and Devs from their reorder lists. Looks like Codex Adeptus Astartes is inbound with some repackaged or hopefully updated kits. A part of me wishes they would just rip the bandaid off and fluff scale the whole marine line... although that action could melt the interwebz. :p

05-18-2015, 02:29 PM
via Steve the Warboss 5-18-2015

Regarding Codex Space Marines
-Space Marines next after Mechanicus.
-3 Week Release

via 40KGamer 5-18-2015

I've been keeping my ear to the ground and the latest word on the street is that retailers were told to remove the Codex, Assault marines and Devs from their reorder lists.

05-18-2015, 02:52 PM
Oh new kits? Or just re-boxes.

I imagine that the new kits should includ grav weapons :)

05-18-2015, 02:57 PM
Flip a coin. Could be re-boxes with 32mm bases, could be new sprues with grav pistols (and mebbe grav-cannons for Devastators? I dunno, flip another coin)

05-18-2015, 02:58 PM
Oh new kits? Or just re-boxes.

I imagine that the new kits should includ grav weapons :)

I am really hoping for updated kits. Tacticals got a facelift last time around so it would make sense for these to get some new options. I wouldn't mind a new assembly for the jump packs either. :cool:

05-18-2015, 03:01 PM
I wouldn't hold out much hope for the jump packs; the shiny new Vanguard Veteran ones go together the same way as the ancient Assault Squad ones.

05-18-2015, 03:08 PM
I am really hoping for updated kits. Tacticals got a facelift last time around so it would make sense for these to get some new options. I wouldn't mind a new assembly for the jump packs either. :cool:

I suppose that will be quite a simple one yeah the slightly more ornate armour

05-18-2015, 03:10 PM
I suppose that will be quite a simple one yeah the slightly more ornate armour

And a few pose tweaks.

05-18-2015, 05:47 PM
More arm extensions would be really welcome. I get they are supposed to look like they are running, but they always seem so cramped up to me. Its hard to get a true dynamic pose out of the stock assault marine kit. The new arm design with the separate hands it's pretty sweet.

I'm not holding my breath tho... If they didn't update the assault sprues for the blood angels, I'm not convinced they'll do it here. I'm really really hoping tho!

05-18-2015, 07:12 PM
More arm extensions would be really welcome. I get they are supposed to look like they are running, but they always seem so cramped up to me. Its hard to get a true dynamic pose out of the stock assault marine kit. The new arm design with the separate hands it's pretty sweet.

I'm not holding my breath tho... If they didn't update the assault sprues for the blood angels, I'm not convinced they'll do it here. I'm really really hoping tho!

Well they did rip the assault squads out of their rightful position in the BA codex, I guess GW didn't want people scrutinizing their BS to strongly

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-19-2015, 02:46 AM
So chipper as per usual I see...

05-19-2015, 02:53 AM
So chipper as per usual I see... Why do you do Warhammer again?

why do you think?

Actually no, dont tell me, you lot of self absorbed charmers probably think I only post here to piss you off or something.

Because you're somehow unable to conceive the idea that the game and background are separate from the company. As in, liking one doesnt mean a person must grovel for the other

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-19-2015, 03:12 AM
I am a little confused why they are pulling the Devastator box, the revamp for that was only in like '06 or whatever, and it is still a massively serviceable kit!
As for the Assault Marines, I agree with the points raised above, for a dynamic squad it is really hard to get that idea straight out of the box.

05-19-2015, 03:18 AM
But surely it would be counter-productive for someone like you to pay money to a company they quite clearly despise... That's like if I (a vegetarian) went into a McDonalds and bought a Big Tasty...

To be fair, you do post a hell of a lot of negative stuff, and remember, this is our hobby as well as it is yours. Do you think that I want to come into every rumour thread and see you posting negative comments? That's probably why loads of posters fall out with you. (maybe we aren't the problem!)

Anyway, that is all I have to say on that.
I am a little confused why they are pulling the Devastator box, the revamp for that was only in like '06 or whatever, and it is still a massively serviceable kit!
As for the Assault Marines, I agree with the points raised above, for a dynamic squad it is really hard to get that idea straight out of the box.

- - - Updated - - -

EDIT: To be honest, I'll just ignore you so I don't see this fishing bait again. You clearly get a kick from being super-negative about literally everything, so enjoy that world of bland that you have imprisoned yourself in.

God how small minded. I point out that I dislike GW therefore, I should NEVER buy anything from them :rolleyes: I mean that logic doesnt even make sense given my statement about liking the game and background. (Im assuming you're also trying to construct some witty logic trap where you would next claim that because I dont by ENOUGH, then I dont have the right to an opinon)

You lot consistently run people off this forum for daring to offer a critical look at GW even if they were right along side you the day before supporting something GW does. Seriously I could consistently name the posters that act like a rabid mob around here if anyone dares post anything even vaguely negative.

Its even worse as the only ones of you that actually offers something approaching a contribution to the hobby rather than being a bunch of "yes men" are Kirsten's hobby thread and Yorks articles.

edit: as to putting me on "Ignore" Congratulations, you know what would be less childish, just doing it instead of proclaiming about it to the high heavens.

05-19-2015, 08:42 AM
Well they did rip the assault squads out of their rightful position in the BA codex, I guess GW didn't want people scrutinizing their BS to strongly

Choking down my utter annoyance at your "rightful position" comment....

05-19-2015, 03:49 PM
Choking down my utter annoyance at your "rightful position" comment....

Eh each to their own. But there is no denying that for the majority of the existence of BA as an individual force assault troops have been their mainstay unit. Even the 3rd ed BRB let you take them as troops. But this is getting off topic so lets just leave it at our disagreement

05-20-2015, 12:20 AM
Choking down my utter annoyance at your "rightful position" comment....

Well, to be fair your white knighting of Eldar across the board is equally annoying.

05-20-2015, 09:13 AM
Retailers are now chiming in to BoLS regarding Space Marines 5-20-2015

Since Monday 5-18-2015 the following products have been removed from compulsory re-order:

-Space Marine Assault squad (48-09)
-Space Marine Devestator squad (48-15)
-Codex: Space Marines (48-09-XX)

That lines up exactly with the kits said to be replaced with the new codex.

05-21-2015, 08:59 AM
via bird in the trees 5-21-2015

Space Marine Assault Squad Kit

5 man box.
2 sprues.
New grav pistols.
New head style.
The entire squad can field alternate pistols, multiple are provided.
Special weapons are still 1 each.
Chainswords and bolt pistols default options remain.
Did not see shields, special cc weapons, or sgt options. Possible they might be on a separate sprue.

05-21-2015, 09:52 AM
So the whole squad can take alternative pistols, but only one special weapon? Either that's really poorly phrased, or... I don't even know what or.

05-21-2015, 09:58 AM
I so hope they put a formation in like the Spear of Sicarius that comes in ~1750 vs 2500. That formation is exactly what a drop pod assault always should have been!

Power Klawz
05-21-2015, 10:01 AM
I think what it's trying to say is that there are enough "special pistols" to give one of each type to every member of the squad, whereas there are only 1 each of the actual special weapons. One would assume that this would mean a pretty large divergence from previous assault squad incarnations. Depending on the cost of the upgrades, might be interesting to see a full plasma or grav pistol assault squad. Would make them mobile, extreme close range fire-fight specialists, although still a bit naff in actual fisticuffs.

Still just an unsubstantiated rumor at this point, but seems like an interesting if somewhat curious possibility. Especially if they can keep their bolt pistols and go full gunslingers.

Erik Setzer
05-21-2015, 10:45 AM
The rumor was just about box contents, not rules, so we still don't know what the actual rules might be (emphasis on "might").

05-21-2015, 11:23 AM
Well, the rumors are shaking free now...

via Steve the Warboss: 5-21-2015

Assault Marine Box
-5 Miniatures
-Hands and Arms seperate like Tactical Marine Box
-5x Bolt pistols & Chainswords
-2x Plasma and Grav Pistols
-Same CCW like Tactical Marine Box
-Many Head and Breastplate options
-Most Bitz are Mk6
-no Power Axe
-no Shield
-no special Weapons

Devastator Marine Box
-5 Miniatures
-Same CCW like Tactical Marine Box
-5x Bolter
-1x Combiweapon with Plasma, Flamer, Melta & Grav option
-1x of every heavy weapon
-1x Grav Canon
-Some Mk2 or Mk3 Bitz
-Many Mk5 Bitz

Power Klawz
05-21-2015, 12:23 PM
I'm not really buying the no special weapons thing. Would really obviate one of the primary uses of assault squads in the first place. Plus, that would leave CSM with something Imperial marines don't have... which is just not something that is done.

05-21-2015, 12:38 PM
special weapons are a relatively new thing though, wouldn't surprise me if they were dropped again, leave assault marines for assaulting.

Erik Setzer
05-21-2015, 01:24 PM
special weapons are a relatively new thing though, wouldn't surprise me if they were dropped again, leave assault marines for assaulting.

Define "relatively"... I have a pair of Assault Marines from 4th, maybe even 3rd, edition with flamers in their hands.

Luckily, I have enough other Assault Marines to keep the unit full strength even if I can't use those guys any more, but it'll still suck to have them suddenly become useless after more than a decade of use.

05-21-2015, 02:30 PM
No power axes makes me sad :(

05-21-2015, 02:58 PM
Given the sources, I wouldn't get sad too quickly.

05-22-2015, 10:29 PM
via Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?407604-Warhammer-9th-Edition-Rumor-Discussion&p=7452286#post7452286) on Warseer 5-22-2015

I can confirm that Space Marines are coming, as well as Dark Angels. Three weeks of SM releases, one for DAs. After the AdMech stuff is done there is an Eldar armybox, and then it's Marines.

As for those rumours in the OP: eh, "rules rumours" are usually crap, as are these. I consider the "sprue rumours" to be nothing more than wishlisting too.

Well, it will be right after the SM releases, so late June or early July. And quite a lot of stuff too, should be only WHF for a while.
There is a lot of WHF coming after the SM releases are done. Just not at the beginning of June.

Darnok is fairly accurate over time and he is laying out a schedule that looks like this:

May 23 - Cult Mechanicus (final week-3, Eldar Army box in here somewhere)
May 30 - Space Marines (week-1)
June 6 - Space Marines (week-2)
June 13 - Space Marines (week-3)
June 20 - Dark Angels (week-1)
June 27 - WFB 9th Releases begin

What this tells us is that we are seeing multiple rumormongers over the last few months placing WFB 9th int he second half of June consistantly, although there are differences over the exact week.

You will note that this changeover from the non-stop hectic releases for 40K to WFB lines up fairly closely with the fiscal year changeover for GW. They are certainly trying to stuff in all the 40K they can to round out their annual revenue numbers.

05-23-2015, 03:03 AM
We'll know for sure in about ten minutes, but I'm suspicious of "Eldar army box in here somewhere," because it's not listed in the leaked White Dwarf price list picture.

And if the forecast for less than a day isn't accurate...

05-23-2015, 04:39 AM
Just. Want. Sisters. Of. Battle.

05-25-2015, 11:56 AM
via B&C's Master Sheol (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/?p=4057290) 5-25-2015

Space Marine Week 1 Releases

In preorder this week:

- New Assault squad
- specific sprues with shoulder pads, torsos, heads and so on for UM, BA, SW and DA!!!
Yes!!! Plastic bits to bling our armies!!!

Splatter Paint
05-25-2015, 12:38 PM
As if those bits didnt exist yet....

Why not give us Ravenguard, Imperial Fist plastics, or some white scar bits!

05-25-2015, 12:41 PM
so plastic upgrade kits for certain chapters? that would certainly be well received. would definitely need to cover all the big chapters though.

05-25-2015, 02:27 PM
Well, veteran IFs can be done relatively well with the BT upgrade pack, although not too many, and needs some IF shoulders to keep it from being too BT. DA also have their own upgrade sprue already, as to SW, so not sure why they are getting sprues. BA and UM are fine. Would still like the other First Founding to get sprues though, and an IF sprue would cover about half their successors... (Crimson Fists, Sons of Dorn etc.)

05-25-2015, 06:22 PM
Where's the Salamander love?

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-25-2015, 09:41 PM

new assault marines

dark angel and ultramarine upgrade sprues.

hope they do iron hands, raven guard, imperial fist and salamanders too.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-25-2015, 10:19 PM
Man, love those bits!

05-25-2015, 11:49 PM
The mini upgrade sprue for the smurfs looks good, and hopefully will be a sensible price. Would be nice to get something like that for the other first founding chapters too (that aren't already rumoured to be getting these). I know I'd buy a load of those for my Fists, as would much rather that than using the finecast packs that already exist. Can't say I'm that impressed with the Assault Marines though, but that might be cos I just painted up a squad of 10 of them and don't have any use really for any more. Probably buy whatever bits I like out of the pack from Bitzbox if/when they get that set in stock.

05-26-2015, 12:10 AM
via B&Cs Timotheus & Master Sheol (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/page-44) 5-26-2015

Assault Squad & Chapter Upgrade Sprue

Mr Mystery
05-26-2015, 12:51 AM
Will this is all really rather nice!

05-26-2015, 12:57 AM
At last, Dark Angels shoulder pads with plain old winged swords on, something noticeably missing from the Company Veterans.

05-26-2015, 01:46 AM
And for the blind, there we have the *NEW* Assault Marines equipped and painted up as Imperial Fists.

05-26-2015, 08:05 AM
And for the blind, there we have the *NEW* Assault Marines equipped and painted up as Imperial Fists.

*NEW*? What did you expect from them? To be completely remodelled? To be absolutely different than space marines but still - be a space marines? Jeez..
They look absolutely fine and GW should apply the same treatment to termies right now.

Erik Setzer
05-26-2015, 08:21 AM
Having the upgrade sprues as a separate product will be good. People who want them can get them, people who don't want them won't have to pay extra for stuff they won't use. Also allows for future expansion if there's enough demand.

05-26-2015, 08:32 AM
Looks like Honor Guard ARE in the codex contrary to prior rumors.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-26-2015, 08:41 AM
Yey! Marines!

05-26-2015, 09:01 AM
Looks like Honor Guard ARE in the codex contrary to prior rumors.

I see the company champion but I must be overlooking the Honor Guard.

05-26-2015, 10:15 AM
Looks like Honor Guard ARE in the codex contrary to prior rumors.

And if so, not likely to be HQ, but Elite like the BAngels.

05-26-2015, 11:06 AM
I see the company champion but I must be overlooking the Honor Guard.

They're mentioned in some of the words.

You know those things you buy playboy for? :P

-edit- apparently my source is looking at a Horus Heresy ruleset.

Arkhan Land
05-26-2015, 11:18 AM
You know those things you buy playboy for? :P

what this about pointed political commentary

05-26-2015, 12:54 PM
They're mentioned in some of the words.

You know those things you buy playboy for? :P

-edit- apparently my source is looking at a Horus Heresy ruleset.

Reading is hard. ;)

Austin Becht
05-26-2015, 09:06 PM
My only major hope for this release is that the three special detachments are not chapter specific. I'm hoping they get a detachment with 6 FA choices, as I want to do Drop Pod Skitarii with Iron Hands (because I want to play cheese with a side of fluff, or is it the other way around?), not Flesh Tearers (or Raven Guard, if such detachment happens to be the rumored Raven Guard detachment). I mean, we pretty much know we are getting the transports in Fast Attack, a la Blood Angles and Space Wolves.

Otherwise, I could care less about any of the re-sculpts, or much else for that matter. Only other thing I would like is a plastic Iron Hands upgrade sprue, at a reasonable price.. The current one is almost half the cost of the Tactical Marine squad, and is in Finecast; not exactly my cup of tea. :P

05-26-2015, 11:09 PM
via Warseer's Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?409276-Space-Marines-Codex-Rumours-MKII&p=7454893&viewfull=1#post7454893) 5-26-2015

I've been told there would be two more upgrade sets, so UM and DA are only the first half of that. Devastators will be the second kit after Assault Marines. Add a few clampack characters, and that's the SM release. DA will only get a codex and a character (plus this upgrade frame). I don't know whether the older DA upgrade sprue will remain in production - I hope so.

via B&C's Timotheus (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-codex-assault-marines-devastators/page-47#entry4059061) 5-26-2015

That matches with what my local redshirt told me today. I asked whether there will be more upgrade kits apart from the Big 4 and he said he doesn't think so.

05-27-2015, 01:39 AM
As if those bits didnt exist yet....

Why not give us Ravenguard, Imperial Fist plastics, or some white scar bits!

As if those bits don't exist yet lol. No ok Raven Guard and White Scars don't have upgrade packs. You have to assume the chapters that have been done are the ones that sold well in resin.

It not great when everyone else gets the love, but then I collect sisters.:( and I'm convinced the Machanicus were the assumed "new sisters".

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-27-2015, 01:44 AM
Time to get a colour scheme I am happy with for my Sons of Proteus. It's only taken 6 years and 3 changes so far...

05-27-2015, 03:06 AM
I'm thinking that the new factions sprues are going to be a precursor to other sprues for sub-factions. However it all hinges upon how well these work out. I'm thinking they intend to do 4 sub-factions in a sprue which are clipped off and put into their own clam-pack.

Would be great for them to do this for other armies with sub-factions like Eldar, Chaos or Orks. Would also be a great way to beef up sub-factions for other armies like Dark Eldar, Necrons and others which may not necessarily have their own "official" sub-faction right now.

Erik Setzer
05-27-2015, 07:40 AM
The four upgrade packs are UM, DA, BA, SW. Basically enough bits to convert a squad and a character. BA and SW seem kind of odd, SW moreso than BA (since they only did BA-specific Tactical Squad and Terminator Assault Squad). Even as a SW player, I'm kind of annoyed they did SW rather than one of the other chapters, though I know they're part of the "big four."

Seems they'll be in stores for a short time, then switch to web-only. Or maybe just web/FLGS-only, but probably web-only. Basically, they're just not going to eat up shelf space with them after the initial run.

And I'm happy to see the Assault Squad still has special weapons, given that the box cover shows a guy with a plasma pistol and a guy with a flamer. But it's supposed to also have a grav-pistol... I want to see what that looks like and how useful that is.

Mr Mystery
05-27-2015, 08:12 AM
By 'supposed' you mean 'rumoured' :p

Erik Setzer
05-27-2015, 10:37 AM
By 'supposed' you mean 'rumoured' :p

No, I mean the product description said that:

"The kit contains dozens of weapon options (many new such as grav pistol etc.) and allows customers to make Assault Marines with or without jump packs."

You can guess where that might have come from, but I'm not saying much more than that, because we don't need GW stomping nice people who let us learn things a few days early.

Mr Mystery
05-27-2015, 12:34 PM
Should've said. All we've seen so far are rumours.

05-27-2015, 03:13 PM
via Citadel of Paint (http://citadelofpaint.blogspot.com/2015/05/new-space-marines-assault-marines-and.html#more) 5-27-2015

Space Marine Chapter Upgrade Sprues & Decal Sheets

05-27-2015, 03:56 PM
always good to see more plastic options for upgrades, conversions and the like, but I do find it an odd choice of chapters. only one of them is actually in codex space marines, dark angels rumoured to be out in the next month, why not release codex chapters now, and dark angels with the dark angels book? why not blood angels and space wolves separate? lots of people would like to see iron hands, white scars, raven guard, imperial fists, and salamanders.

05-27-2015, 04:00 PM
I wonder what is the purpose of Corax White when Skull White exists?

05-27-2015, 04:02 PM
replacing skull white, better depth and flavour, adds a hint of cinnamon on the tongue. notes of winter and shadowy death.

05-27-2015, 04:05 PM
Gosh, I hope it's not a replacement; it's described as an undercoat, not a primer

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-27-2015, 05:33 PM
always good to see more plastic options for upgrades, conversions and the like, but I do find it an odd choice of chapters. only one of them is actually in codex space marines, dark angels rumoured to be out in the next month, why not release codex chapters now, and dark angels with the dark angels book? why not blood angels and space wolves separate? lots of people would like to see iron hands, white scars, raven guard, imperial fists, and salamanders.

Yeah, I agree - the sprues are really nice but i find the choice a bit difficult to understand with a few of those. I'd genuinely like to know why they went with the SW and BA ones as they seem well accounted for with their own tactical squad kits. Hopefully they'll do those other popular chapters too though, and it would be cool to see some more obscure ones later down the line.

05-27-2015, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I agree - the sprues are really nice but i find the choice a bit difficult to understand with a few of those. I'd genuinely like to know why they went with the SW and BA ones as they seem well accounted for with their own tactical squad kits. Hopefully they'll do those other popular chapters too though, and it would be cool to see some more obscure ones later down the line.

I would have loved them to make Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Imperial Fists upgrade sprues. but looking at the parts, I can see some of the reasoning- Space Wolf sprue has a head, frostblade and the proper shoulders to make a great Ragnar in plastic, letting them retire the old model. The grail and heads on the BA sprue let you do Corbulo. The sprues seem designed to replace the old shoulder pad kits, and also include some parts to replicate special characters or finecast models (with the UM upgrade sprue, you can imitate Calgars Honor Guard to a degree)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-27-2015, 06:05 PM
I would have loved them to make Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Imperial Fists upgrade sprues. but looking at the parts, I can see some of the reasoning- Space Wolf sprue has a head, frostblade and the proper shoulders to make a great Ragnar in plastic, letting them retire the old model. The grail and heads on the BA sprue let you do Corbulo. The sprues seem designed to replace the old shoulder pad kits, and also include some parts to replicate special characters or finecast models (with the UM upgrade sprue, you can imitate Calgars Honor Guard to a degree)

Ah, that is some good reasoning - that might very well be why! i appreciate the well thought out response to this query.

05-28-2015, 12:38 AM
Space Wolf sprue has a head, frostblade and the proper shoulders to make a great Ragnar in plastic, letting them retire the old model.

Thats the first thing I thought when I saw the SW sword. Infact I think thats the main reason I will buy it.

Erik Setzer
05-28-2015, 05:33 AM
Should've said. All we've seen so far are rumours.

Sorry. Was trying not to be too exact on it because I'm paranoid about GW retaliating against people who are nice enough to give out info early.

- - - Updated - - -

always good to see more plastic options for upgrades, conversions and the like, but I do find it an odd choice of chapters. only one of them is actually in codex space marines, dark angels rumoured to be out in the next month, why not release codex chapters now, and dark angels with the dark angels book? why not blood angels and space wolves separate? lots of people would like to see iron hands, white scars, raven guard, imperial fists, and salamanders.

These are the "Big Four." From a sales standpoint, they're the ones who sell the most. It's the same reason Space Marines are the only army to have a codex for every edition of 40K (since they started making codices in 2nd edition)... they know SMs sell well, and it's safe money.

If the upgrade kits are done now, why hold them back? Might as well push them all out together.

The one I can't figure is the SW kit. BAs only got Tactical Squad and Assault Terminator Squad, so they can use the bits for Assault Squads, Devastator Squads, characters, etc. But SWs have unique kits for pretty much every unit already.

- - - Updated - - -

replacing skull white, better depth and flavour, adds a hint of cinnamon on the tongue. notes of winter and shadowy death.

Hint of cinnamon, eh? So it tastes better when you spray it on your mouth and tell someone to witness you?

05-28-2015, 08:13 AM
Regarding new codex - am I the only one, who thinks that it is absolutely stupid that chainsword is simple CCW which equals scout knife or pointy stick? It should have at least AP or any positive modifier.

05-28-2015, 08:49 AM
Yeah, I agree - the sprues are really nice but i find the choice a bit difficult to understand with a few of those. I'd genuinely like to know why they went with the SW and BA ones as they seem well accounted for with their own tactical squad kits. Hopefully they'll do those other popular chapters too though, and it would be cool to see some more obscure ones later down the line.

I think the answer is obvious and is the same answer that I'm given when I wonder why we haven't seen any Xenos from FW since last year.

05-28-2015, 08:54 AM
I love how GW shoehorned the Space marine Release into the weekend their Financial year closes. Anyone want to bet that constant currency sales are still going to be down from prior year?

I really wish they would have added some support for the other first founding loyalists. The same 4 gets pretty tiresome.

Austin Becht
05-28-2015, 09:15 AM
I really wish they would have added some support for the other first founding loyalists. The same 4 gets pretty tiresome.

Yeah, you'd think if they are releasing the Space Marine codex, which has nothing to do with Space Wolves and Blood Angels, that they'd leave those two out of the picture and focus upon the chapters actually presented in the book. As for Dark Angles, giving them an upgrade kit is fine as they are getting their codex right after Space Marines. But Blood Angels and Space Wolves? Forget that they already have chapter-specific kits of their own...but they aren't even part of the Space Marines or Dark Angels codexes. But to each their own, I guess...

Anyways, when do y'all think rules rumors will start? I'm really interested in the changes they might or might not make...especially when it comes to points and the special detachments.

05-28-2015, 09:39 AM
Regarding new codex - am I the only one, who thinks that it is absolutely stupid that chainsword is simple CCW which equals scout knife or pointy stick? It should have at least AP or any positive modifier.

it does become a bit silly when a human priest with a chainsword becomes S6 and AP2, or a striking scorpion gets +1 strength from theirs, or sticking a little chainsword on a powerfist gives it armour bane, but a space marine's confers no benefits...

Erik Setzer
05-28-2015, 10:33 AM
it does become a bit silly when a human priest with a chainsword becomes S6 and AP2, or a striking scorpion gets +1 strength from theirs, or sticking a little chainsword on a powerfist gives it armour bane, but a space marine's confers no benefits...

And Ork choppas get nothing, despite being designed to peel armor apart, especially the ones that have wires and such are are powered up. Apparently when you hand an Ork a power weapon even, it loses its ability to cut through even a t-shirt.

05-28-2015, 02:56 PM
Always thought Chainswords should cost 5pts and give rending. Would make them something besides a nice aesthetic upgrade.

05-28-2015, 03:56 PM
Can I then get stealers that ignore all armour (because they are meant to mince terminators)

Seriously guys, 40k is all RELATIVE, yes chainswords are super destructive and awesome. But your using them to hit things that are super TOUGH and awesome.

therefore in game terms it all evens roughly out. This talk of "not making sense" is a bit silly given that these things have made sense to the vast majority of players and games designers for over 20 years

- - - Updated - - -

I really wish they would have added some support for the other first founding loyalists. The same 4 gets pretty tiresome.

Thats a fair point, but remember at GW prices FW is a perfectly acceptable alternative and they do cover most of the other main chapters these days (and a few of the more obscure ones)

Sure its not as nice as working with plastic, but the option is there for a little compromise

On another note, price depending the little upgrade sprues is AWESOME, I always thought that GW went the wrong way when they stopped with the upgrade pieces after DA and BT and went with separate kits, never seemed sensical to waste all that shelf space for what was mostly the same product.
Now I have so many ways to grab the bits I want for conversions without having to fork out shed loads for more basic marine bodies. (Tzeentch, undead, spacewolves, looks like your finally up on the conversion list.)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-28-2015, 04:00 PM
/\ on the subject of genestealers, it would be cool if they did an upgrade frame similar to these space marine ones that have lots of ymrgl bits.

05-28-2015, 04:13 PM
/\ on the subject of genestealers, it would be cool if they did an upgrade frame similar to these space marine ones that have lots of ymrgl bits.
It would, would also be cool to see GW take this concept all over the joint, like the Chaos Legions are just dying for something like this. Or even Eldar adn Orks for the craftworlds and clans, in theory it would let GW really expand the potential aesthetics of those armies with minimal outlay and shelf space being occupied.

But I dont think we'll see that, shame.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-28-2015, 05:26 PM
It would, would also be cool to see GW take this concept all over the joint, like the Chaos Legions are just dying for something like this. Or even Eldar adn Orks for the craftworlds and clans, in theory it would let GW really expand the potential aesthetics of those armies with minimal outlay and shelf space being occupied.

But I dont think we'll see that, shame.

Nah, I think the chaos legions deserve more specific kits - more like the grey knights PA one, upgrade sprues wouldn't be enough IMO. Would work for Eldar and ork clans though I agree. But yYeah, I don't think we'll see it either. Would like to be wrong though!

Erik Setzer
05-28-2015, 06:28 PM
Well, Ork clans and Eldar craftworlds basically just differ in color scheme and what units they bring to battle, they don't do that much different in terms of decoration. I'd love more stuff for Orks, but I'd prefer something like the old vehicle mod pack (lots of vehicle bits) than a clan sprue. Give me more conversion pieces, let me paint my guys as I want, I'm a happy bugger.

05-28-2015, 07:45 PM
Well, Ork clans and Eldar craftworlds basically just differ in color scheme and what units they bring to battle, they don't do that much different in terms of decoration. I'd love more stuff for Orks, but I'd prefer something like the old vehicle mod pack (lots of vehicle bits) than a clan sprue. Give me more conversion pieces, let me paint my guys as I want, I'm a happy bugger.

Marines are the most likely to use these kits, followed by CSM. But there are tons of options for other factions:

Tau- Farsight Cadre- 10 shoulder pads, couple variant heads for crisis suits/broadside/riptide, upgrade parts for a Cadre Fireblade (Farsight Enclave also would make an easy formation in a new Tau book)
Nids- Genestealers- Ymgarl heads and bits
Orks- Kommandoes- 5 heads and backpacks, plus a couple weapons and parts for a kommando nob
Orks- Grot accessories- some ammo grots and grot riggers, a grot orderly, and an attack squig
Eldar- 3 Shining Spear heads, torsoes, and lances, plus Exarch parts.
IG- Veteran squad upgrades (10 carapace armor torsos, demo charge, camo cloak rolls, few new heads
DE- Bloodbrides- different torso fronts and heads, alternate looking wych weapons
DE- Trueborn- different torsos and heads, extra blaster, extra shredder
Imperial Knights- alternate banner, tilt plate, 2-3 more face designs
Daemons- Blessings of the Dark Gods- alternate heads, weapons, bits to go with the plastic chariot herald kits to represent the different wargear options they can take (one per god, and with the assumption that most blessings will become wargear and not randomized)

05-28-2015, 07:56 PM
Thats a fair point, but remember at GW prices FW is a perfectly acceptable alternative and they do cover most of the other main chapters these days (and a few of the more obscure ones)

Sure its not as nice as working with plastic, but the option is there for a little compromise

On another note, price depending the little upgrade sprues is AWESOME, I always thought that GW went the wrong way when they stopped with the upgrade pieces after DA and BT and went with separate kits, never seemed sensical to waste all that shelf space for what was mostly the same product.
Now I have so many ways to grab the bits I want for conversions without having to fork out shed loads for more basic marine bodies. (Tzeentch, undead, spacewolves, looks like your finally up on the conversion list.)

Good call. I always forget how close the plastic is to resin prices now!

Mr Mystery
05-30-2015, 05:46 AM
New sprues are groovy.

But can't help feel the Space Woof one is a little redundant, seeing how much you can do with a couple of Grey Hunter Boxes, an Assault Squad and a Devastator Squad?

Erik Setzer
05-30-2015, 07:27 AM
Marines are the most likely to use these kits, followed by CSM. But there are tons of options for other factions:

Orks- Kommandoes- 5 heads and backpacks, plus a couple weapons and parts for a kommando nob
Orks- Grot accessories- some ammo grots and grot riggers, a grot orderly, and an attack squig

I'll stick with Orks because they're "my boyz"... Kommandos already have a box set, including a Nob, just like Tankbustas. That's likely all they'll get, because paying +4 points just for Infiltrate and Stealth isn't particularly useful for Orks, given that they still don't really have a save (6+ is laughable) outside of cover, and can't charge if they Infiltrate, so you're paying 10 points per model to get BS2 models closer to the enemy. I'm a Blood Axe guy, but modern Kommandos aren't worth GW throwing more money at. If they did go that route, I'd prefer they just make sprues for Kommandos and Tankbustas and throw together new plastic boxes that include the Boyz sprues and those sprues.

Grot accessories would be nice, but they aren't the same style of upgrade pack as Space Marine chapter bits. They're like vehicle accessories: Useful for any Ork army, not one specific clan. So yeah, I could see them being useful, but it doesn't really disprove the point that clan accessories are moot with Orks.

- - - Updated - - -

New sprues are groovy.

But can't help feel the Space Woof one is a little redundant, seeing how much you can do with a couple of Grey Hunter Boxes, an Assault Squad and a Devastator Squad?

Well, heck, they already have their own specialized Assault Squad and Devastator Squad boxes with Space Wolf bits. So it's even more redundant. Maybe Bikers? Vehicle crew and characters?

05-30-2015, 12:15 PM
Deathwing and Ravenwing armies are a long standing staple of the Dark Angels, that isn't going to change.

True, but they won't be troops any more. You'll have to use formations, which will remove your ability to choose how many squads to play. You'll have to play 'X' character and 3+ DW squads or some such. I often play only 1 squad of termies these days. I only own 2 bike squads and 1 knight bike squad. It's conceivable I won't even be able to play them any more as I am not buying more. People are right to be worried.

05-30-2015, 01:06 PM
I doubt that people need to worry too much.

ravenwing and deathwing both just have too many unit options to be turned into restrictive formations. if they do become formations (that bit is entirely possible) they will be very open, like the khorne daemonkin one is.

05-30-2015, 01:40 PM
New sprues are groovy.

But can't help feel the Space Woof one is a little redundant, seeing how much you can do with a couple of Grey Hunter Boxes, an Assault Squad and a Devastator Squad?

The Space Woof box feels slightly long in the tooth to me actually. I don't mind the new sprue.

05-30-2015, 01:44 PM
You what? They're less than six years old.

05-30-2015, 01:47 PM
6 years is a long time dude.

05-30-2015, 02:31 PM
via B&C's Neratius (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305237-rumours-space-marines-devastators-and-codex-pg-68/page-68#entry4064294) 5-30-2015

New Astartes Devastators & Codex Spotted:


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-30-2015, 02:38 PM
Wow. Grav Cannon Devastators. That is some a grade bullsh*t.

05-30-2015, 03:05 PM
Grav cannon devastators... Yes please!

05-30-2015, 03:10 PM
those look awesome

Brother Sutek
05-30-2015, 03:24 PM
I better see these for my DA's! As for any other armies...guess everyone loves grav.

05-30-2015, 03:36 PM
Aww nuts, I only just finished painting the two 10 man Dev Squads and both Assault Squads for my 3rd Company, guess I'll be doing the 5th Company of the Imperial Fists as well after all as these and the new Assault Marines both look really good. Ohh shut up wallet, quit your snivelling.

05-30-2015, 03:59 PM
6 years is a long time dude.

Tau Crisis Suits are fourteen years old. Ork Warbuggies are at least eighteen. Don't even ask about Bretonnians. There is a giant laundry list of models that need replacing before a perfectly good kit that fits together well like the Space Wolf pack does.

Wow. Grav Cannon Devastators. That is some a grade bullsh*t.

Makes perfect sense to me, but what I can't figure out is why does it have an underslung grav-amp? It's exactly as powerful as those found on Centurions and Land Raiders, whereas the heavy bolters or lascannon lack the twin-linkedness when lugged around by power armour. And if you can undersling the grav-amp on the grav-cannon, why does the Centurion take up a whole weapon mount with it when they could be toting twin-linked grav-cannon with grav-amps?

I better see these for my DA's! As for any other armies...guess everyone loves grav.
With the Tactical Squad and Devastator Squad boxes full of grav and a new upgrade sprue that renders pointless any DA-specific boxes of same, I don't see how they can deny grav to DAs now. BAs already have it... I'm not willing to make any predictions about SW.

05-30-2015, 04:13 PM
With the Tactical Squad and Devastator Squad boxes full of grav and a new upgrade sprue that renders pointless any DA-specific boxes of same, I don't see how they can deny grav to DAs now. BAs already have it... I'm not willing to make any predictions about SW.

BA's don't have grav cannon devs.

Centurions are old hat... GravDevs are the new hotness!

05-30-2015, 04:32 PM
Well, nobody has grav-cannon Devastators yet. I meant BA have access to grav-weaponry in general, so there's no reason to think they won't get full use of this box either through an Amendment or when their next Codex rolls around.

05-30-2015, 04:32 PM
Finally! Go Grey Knights!!! ...um, wait.. no, nevermind..

05-30-2015, 06:36 PM
And if you can undersling the grav-amp on the grav-cannon, why does the Centurion take up a whole weapon mount with it when they could be toting twin-linked grav-cannon with grav-amps?




05-30-2015, 09:04 PM



I assume you in fact mean Australia, and $32 :D

05-31-2015, 03:32 AM
No, he definitely means Austria. If you look at the first picture with the Neuheiten, most of the things only have one price listed but Codex: Space Marines* has two prices, €46 for Deutschland and €47 for Österreich.

*Not Codex: Adeptus Astartes. Hmm.

05-31-2015, 06:33 AM

Poor, poor Austria. :(

05-31-2015, 08:00 AM
Excited about the new assault marines and bits. That eviscerator and extra kit bash is going to make one fine counts as Seth for my boys in red!

06-01-2015, 01:42 AM
No, he definitely means Austria. If you look at the first picture with the Neuheiten, most of the things only have one price listed but Codex: Space Marines* has two prices, €46 for Deutschland and €47 for Österreich.

And GW have found one more way to make their customers feel special. Same product same currency, 1 euro more for you, because the delivery vans use more fuel getting up the mountains.

Personally I'm loving the new Devs. I just hope thaey don't cost 25% more than the old ones for the sake of 2 grav gun and armour plates. Well I can hope:)

Hendrik Booraem VI
06-01-2015, 08:52 AM
I'm still hoping that the rumors end up being true and the Librarian, Commander, and Tactical marines all go down in points cost. And please let the Predators be fieldable in squadrons of 3! I would definitely beg my wife to let me get some Predators then!

Punch Kick Punch Kick
06-01-2015, 10:40 AM
I sure hope Astra Militarum recieve benefits for taking squadrons. Really seeks like Leman Russ One and Two finish a unit off and Leman Russ Three exists only for when one dies, which is pretty depressing.

06-01-2015, 11:21 AM
The new space Marine Terminator Librarian that's coming in the next couple weeks at some point:


Looks rather good, I know I'll be grabbing one of these.

Erik Setzer
06-01-2015, 11:48 AM
I think I'd go with the hand that looks like it's manifesting a power... maybe sculpt in some flames and paint them up to look "eldritch" or something. It's nice that it's not overdone, has plenty of detail without being over the top, and is generic enough for everyone.

Only reason I don't see myself getting one is I converted a Terminator Librarian a few years ago ago I like using personal conversions. Otherwise, this guy would be in my force casting Invisibility on a Knight.

06-01-2015, 11:51 AM
Very nice Libby. I love the open hand!

Al Shut
06-01-2015, 11:55 AM
And GW have found one more way to make their customers feel special. Same product same currency, 1 euro more for you, because the delivery vans use more fuel getting up the mountains.

That's not GWs doing, it's the same for a lot (all?) books.

06-01-2015, 01:28 PM
That thing is...fairly awkward-looking. Definite CAD-face Syndrome, and it's got that old PPS model problem where the torso and legs can't seem to agree on a direction. Too bad they didn't just scrape the Sanguine-specific detailing off of the BA version; it's an excellent example of what this model could've been.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-01-2015, 02:31 PM
Why release another Terminator Librarian when we need Terminator Chaplains and Captains?

Mr Mystery
06-01-2015, 02:45 PM
That thing is...fairly awkward-looking. Definite CAD-face Syndrome, and it's got that old PPS model problem where the torso and legs can't seem to agree on a direction. Too bad they didn't just scrape the Sanguine-specific detailing off of the BA version; it's an excellent example of what this model could've been.

I'm wondering how much is a wonky sculpt, and how much is a dodgy camera angle?

06-01-2015, 03:30 PM
I doubt that people need to worry too much.

ravenwing and deathwing both just have too many unit options to be turned into restrictive formations. if they do become formations (that bit is entirely possible) they will be very open, like the khorne daemonkin one is.

so hypothetically, what if they aren't, what if they are hyper restrictive formations only with no way to take terminators or bikes as troops in the DA codex, do you think if that eventuality happens that DA players would have a right to be miffed?

Lets get these goal posts sorted now before we get any info

06-01-2015, 03:57 PM
I'm wondering how much is a wonky sculpt, and how much is a dodgy camera angle?
Maybe some, but definitely not the whole - the biggest problem with this miniature is the dramatically twirling cape vs. the completely static tabard. It's a pretty confused mini.

06-01-2015, 05:24 PM
Maybe some, but definitely not the whole - the biggest problem with this miniature is the dramatically twirling cape vs. the completely static tabard. It's a pretty confused mini.

Yes the cape is confused and looks like someone had to make the mini look bigger than the current Lib terminator to justify the new price tag. Although who knows it maybe limited to a box set campaign. I think the biggest problem is it's plastic, Every plastic model is a compromise. Plastic is great for rank and file but just doesn't do command justic. I'm tempted to pick up one of the old ones incase it gets withdrawn. It was a great sculpt, although it does look a bit small now.

Erik Setzer
06-01-2015, 07:39 PM
Yes the cape is confused and looks like someone had to make the mini look bigger than the current Lib terminator to justify the new price tag. Although who knows it maybe limited to a box set campaign. I think the biggest problem is it's plastic, Every plastic model is a compromise. Plastic is great for rank and file but just doesn't do command justic. I'm tempted to pick up one of the old ones incase it gets withdrawn. It was a great sculpt, although it does look a bit small now.

Plastic *could* do command justice. They can do beautiful models with plastic, and they can do multiple options and stuff, but lately they seem to be phoning it in a lot, going with static poses, maybe a single hand swap if anything, and that's it. At the same time, this guy's going to cost about 33% more than the current Terminator Librarian who looks very similar except in a more interesting pose and with more detail (and finer detail, at that), made from a more expensive material. For people saying GW hasn't been doing price increases, they've been missing things like that.

And then there's the Chaos Terminator Lord/Sorceror, plenty of options, made of plastic, more posing options, costs less. Because... reasons?

06-02-2015, 03:57 AM
Silly question sort of semi-related:

Does anyone know what happens to the e-book versions of the codices? Are the old ones still available in your personal libraries, or, are the deleted and you have to buy the new one?

Just pondering as I have the SM and DA ones on the ipad and will probably get the ebook versions of the new ones.

06-02-2015, 08:25 AM
I'm surprised GW hasn't clam-packed the terminator captain from Strike Force Ultra and the chaplain from the Reclusiarch Command squad for this release.

06-02-2015, 09:50 AM
Hints for the week after the Devs (WD Issue 72) are:
- Utilizing the Empyrean (translated from german)
- Space Marines
- 'Eavy Metal

Age of Sigmar Preorder starts 4th of July.

Austin Becht
06-02-2015, 12:33 PM
Hints for the week after the Devs (WD Issue 72) are:
- Utilizing the Empyrean (translated from german)
- Space Marines
- 'Eavy Metal

Age of Sigmar Preorder starts 4th of July.

"Utilizing the Empyrean" sounds like a nice hint to a psyker of some sort. AKA, the Librarian we've seen.

"Space Marines" is pretty obviously pointing to a continued release of our boys in blue...er...green...er...red...er...you get the point.

Not sure what 'Eavy Metal is supposed to be a teaser for. Perhaps a new "How to Paint" book? Though there has been no rumors if the sort... Maybe its just an article in the issue.

06-02-2015, 01:21 PM
- Utilizing the Empyrean (translated from german)

Maybe a hint at Thousand Sons or Tzeentch Daemonkin?

06-02-2015, 04:58 PM
Plastic *could* do command justice. They can do beautiful models with plastic, and they can do multiple options and stuff, but lately they seem to be phoning it in a lot, going with static poses, maybe a single hand swap if anything, and that's it. At the same time, this guy's going to cost about 33% more than the current Terminator Librarian who looks very similar except in a more interesting pose and with more detail (and finer detail, at that), made from a more expensive material. For people saying GW hasn't been doing price increases, they've been missing things like that.

And then there's the Chaos Terminator Lord/Sorceror, plenty of options, made of plastic, more posing options, costs less. Because... reasons?

They can do beautiful models in plastic, but technically speaking resin and metal can provide finer, sharper and more complex detail than plastic is able to. This is due to the ability of rubber moulds to bend. GW could provide just as many options in resin. The advantage of plastic is consistant quality, lower mould operating costs and longer mould life.

I actually prefer GW's current price structure, they set a price when a model get releases and then replace the model with a more expensive version in the future. I agree this makes some products prices look dumb, e.g hunter tank vs land raider, but I absolutly hated it when they would add 20% to something just because the price hadn't been increased in a while. Almost as much as spending £35 on a codex, and then finding out it's being withdrawn 4 months later.

I hope the "new" content in this codex Justifies the new book. The rest of the release looks very exciting

Path Walker
06-02-2015, 05:05 PM
90% of hobbyists I've seen are **** at doing posing on kits and make them look like arse, set poses for heroes and rare units keeps the costs of the molds down ensures that people are making amazing, layered interesting models and allows them to really push the boat out with the scultping. Look at the recent Tech Priest Dominus, the best model in the Mechanicum range and probably one of the most well done and evocative sculpts GW has ever done, wait until you start seeing some world class painters having a crack at it and you'l see that. The only people i've seen complain about the single pose (with options that most other companies do't offer) models all paint like they use their thumbs as a brush and so obviously can't appreciate a well sculpted model, so its easy to just ignore them.

Austin Becht
06-02-2015, 05:57 PM
90% of hobbyists I've seen are **** at doing posing on kits and make them look like arse, set poses for heroes and rare units keeps the costs of the molds down ensures that people are making amazing, layered interesting models and allows them to really push the boat out with the scultping. Look at the recent Tech Priest Dominus, the best model in the Mechanicum range and probably one of the most well done and evocative sculpts GW has ever done, wait until you start seeing some world class painters having a crack at it and you'l see that. The only people i've seen complain about the single pose (with options that most other companies do't offer) models all paint like they use their thumbs as a brush and so obviously can't appreciate a well sculpted model, so its easy to just ignore them.

The main problem with your statement is that the single-pose models are significantly more expensive then their more pose-able counterparts, so if the molds cost less, then the prices aren't showing it. I agree, all their single-pose models are fantastically sculpted, especially the Dominus. However, the Librarian is a but funky looking...no doubt about that; his tabard isn't flowing like his cape, and his face looks flat. How can one not complain about that? I mean, not all GW models are anatomically correct, or follow the laws of physics...but those are some obvious flaws on an otherwise fantastic model.

Path Walker
06-03-2015, 01:11 AM
The main problem with your statement is that the single-pose models are significantly more expensive then their more pose-able counterparts, so if the molds cost less, then the prices aren't showing it. I agree, all their single-pose models are fantastically sculpted, especially the Dominus. However, the Librarian is a but funky looking...no doubt about that; his tabard isn't flowing like his cape, and his face looks flat. How can one not complain about that? I mean, not all GW models are anatomically correct, or follow the laws of physics...but those are some obvious flaws on an otherwise fantastic model.

They expect every Space Marine player will buy several tactical squads, most will buy one captain and might never buy a terminator librarian. They're prices according to demand as well as costs.

Austin Becht
06-03-2015, 06:27 AM
They expect every Space Marine player will buy several tactical squads, most will buy one captain and might never buy a terminator librarian. They're prices according to demand as well as costs.

And yet I can go and look at the products of dozens of other companies, who offer just as detailed models, in metal or resin (which is generally more expensive then plastic), that they only expect customers to buy one of, and their prices are cheaper. Infinity named characters, for example, cost roughly the same as any other single blister in the range. Warmachine: metal warcasters, just as detailed as GW's hero units, and they cost less (most of the time). Same demand, costlier materials, and lower prices? That almost doesn't make sense, but its true. But if you really need more examples:

Relic Knights: I can get two highly-detailed plastic hero models for $30 or less. Oh, and it is of note that there are no "generic" heroes in this game, only named characters that you will only ever buy one of.

Mantic Games: all the hero models across all their ranges; mostly plastic, mono pose, amazing detail...and significantly less cost, often for models just as large, if not larger.

Malifaux: amazing details, significantly lower prices.

And I can go on and on...

06-03-2015, 06:32 AM
making a mould for casting metal models is very different though, it is cheap and easy, so it doesn't matter whether it is a generic model or a character, it is easy to make the money back. plastic moulds cost tens of thousands of pounds however, so it is far harder to make that cost back.

Path Walker
06-03-2015, 07:26 AM
Mantic Games: all the hero models across all their ranges; mostly plastic, mono pose, amazing detail...and significantly less cost, often for models just as large, if not larger.

Sorry, can't. stop. laughing. That is so wrong. Amzaing detail! hahaha!

Anyway, to let you know why pretty much everything you've said can easily be disregarded:

Metal for the material is more expensive, but material costs really aren't that significant, the difference in cost for metal, resin or plastic for most models is pennies. It doesn't have much of a factor on the eventual price of the model (for infantry sized models anyway)

Making moulds is the expensive part, plastic molds cost upwards of £25,000 or make, thats just to tool the molds, so, not couldn't any other costsl, they'd have to sell over a thousand Tech Priests say, just to make a profit. You have to pay designers, rule writers, artists, production staff, packing and distribution, so on and so on.

Most of those other companies either use metal/resin moulds, which, for vulcanised rubber press molds cost about £30 to make for metal, and maybe £10 for resin with silicone molds, you can do these at home, its a comparatively simple process (incidentally Mantic don't have plastic heroes, they have "Restic" or metal, restic is pretty much the worst material for models ever but it uses silicone moulds and is very easy and cheap to cast). They also don't use UK manufacturing paying a decent wage to British people in an area of the country that has a lot of unemployment.

Malifaux plastics are great, but they're single pose models and cost about £30 for a box of 6 models, thats GW prices. The hero models, they're metal, so, see above.

Relic Knights are a resin plastic similar to restic, the renders they showed were great but the actual models that came out of the molds were not.

Erik Setzer
06-03-2015, 08:16 AM
making a mould for casting metal models is very different though, it is cheap and easy, so it doesn't matter whether it is a generic model or a character, it is easy to make the money back. plastic moulds cost tens of thousands of pounds however, so it is far harder to make that cost back.

You know, I hear that excuse a lot to justify GW upping the price on stuff, especially after people noted that plastic models, made of a cheaper material than metal and resin models, were suddenly costing more. And yet, there are other companies, who can't expect to sell as many units as Games Workshop, but don't charge as much. And those other companies don't have insane BS rules to bend over FLGS's and distributors and try to make sure no one can buy at a discount and try to force people to buy direct so all the profit comes straight to the parent company.

So, since we've covered the excuse - yep, calling it an excuse like it is - of why the material that was supposed to make models cheaper somehow makes them more expensive, explain how smaller companies selling fewer models can charge less and still make a profit? (And don't claim they aren't, because they wouldn't be in business still.)

Heck, Malifaux is moving to plastic from metal, does ridiculously good models, and those models are cheaper than before. So, again, the whole "plastic models cost more to make than metal models!" line doesn't fly.

Seriously, people, you need to dig harder, or just stop trying to defend Games Workshop's business practices. If you want to pay more for less, fine, that's up to you, but this stuff is getting out of hand. It feels like trolling.

Erik Setzer
06-03-2015, 08:40 AM
Don't know if the Special Edition info was already posted here (I don't recall seeing it), but here goes: Slipcase with two "sections." First one is the codex. Second one has 46 tactical objectives, six objective markers, eight cards showing marks of power armor, and a guide with 190 successor chapters in color. Same price as other standard limited editions.

Also, Salamanders and Imperial Fists versions are delayed a bit, only about a week, but still, if you're wanting one of those, you'll have to wait a little to get it.

The codex is called Codex Adeptus Astartes: Space Marines on the cover (Space Marines in large print), but the slipcase for the limited edition says "Adeptus Astartes." But the Blood Angels codex also said "Codex Adeptus Astartes" at the top, and it could be like how the Eldar are "Codex Eldar: Craftworlds" and "Codex Eldar: Harlequins."

06-03-2015, 09:13 AM
46 tactical objectives? Is that a typo, or do your available objectives 11-16 change based on your choice of Chapter Tactics?

Austin Becht
06-03-2015, 09:51 AM
46 tactical objectives? Is that a typo, or do your available objectives 11-16 change based on your choice of Chapter Tactics?

If I remember correctly, the limited edition cedecies have a full deck of tactical objective cards, not just the swap outs.

06-03-2015, 10:10 AM
Yeah, but that's still only 36.

Austin Becht
06-03-2015, 10:18 AM
Yeah, but that's still only 36.

36 base tactical objectives, 6 swaps...yeah that leaves 4 unaccounted for. The idea of special swaps depending on chapter tactics could explain the excess. We'll see what it is...

Now get those rules rumors going! I want to know what things are looking like for my Iron Hands! I also wanna know if there's going to be a way I can get 6 drop pods in one detachment. Mwahahaha!

06-03-2015, 10:40 AM
via Descanso de Escriba (http://descansodelescriba.blogspot.com) 6-3-2015

Space Marine Command Tanks

Erik Setzer
06-03-2015, 10:50 AM
46 tactical objectives? Is that a typo, or do your available objectives 11-16 change based on your choice of Chapter Tactics?

Yeah, sorry, typo. It's 36.

Erik Setzer
06-03-2015, 11:01 AM
So the Command Tanks are making their entry into the normal Marine ranks? Is that confirmed? Are these just the rules from Warhammer World? What's the story here?

It'll be nice if they get to all Marines and the WW exclusivity was just a short-time thing as a "Thanks for showing up here, you get early access to these models!"

06-03-2015, 11:10 AM
I like the idea of Marine rules focusing on coordination buffs. Hope we see more of that in this book.

Erik Setzer
06-03-2015, 11:14 AM
I like the idea of Marine rules focusing on coordination buffs. Hope we see more of that in this book.

It'd be an interesting way of having the army work... They might be potent, but would require some actual effort to keep different elements working together properly. It'd be a fluffy rule, too.

06-03-2015, 02:00 PM
36 base tactical objectives, 6 swaps...yeah that leaves 4 unaccounted for. The idea of special swaps depending on chapter tactics could explain the excess. We'll see what it is...

Nah, 30 base and 6 swaps. The Codex objectives don't give you any option about whether to replace objectives 11-16 - you automatically do it if your Warlord's from that Codex.

So it'd be 10 unaccounted for, if not for...

Yeah, sorry, typo. It's 36.

Aww. :( That's the boring option. I was all excited about Chapter-specific objectives.

So the Command Tanks are making their entry into the normal Marine ranks? Is that confirmed? Are these just the rules from Warhammer World? What's the story here?

That's the rule sheet from the box. It's got no page numbers and the designer's note says you can use it in a DA/BA/SW army; if they put a note like that in an actual codex I'd have to push my jaw shut.

It'll be nice if they get to all Marines and the WW exclusivity was just a short-time thing as a "Thanks for showing up here, you get early access to these models!"

Doubt it. It says "Exclusive to Warhammer World" on the box, not just the website.

06-03-2015, 03:21 PM
via one of Gary's birds (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Faeit212/~3/fpXXR_zH6-4/space-marine-details-from-white-dwarf.html) 6-3-2015

from White Dwarf:

2 weapons each of lascannon, multi melta, heavy bolter, plasma cannon, missile launcher & grav cannon.
6 sets of legs inc one kneeling
The firing rockets are optional and there are 2 in the box.
Yes there really is a cherub carrying a melta bomb.

Chapter Tactics appear to be for the army and then certain Doctrines can be applied on a turn by turn basis
- Tactical Doctrine: Effected models can re-roll 1's in shooting and assault phases this turn. Tactical squads and characters that have joined them, may re-roll all failed to hit rolls

There's White Dwarf Exclusive objectives in this issue for armies using Salamanders Chapter Tactics (1 of them "Weather the Storm" is to launch an assault and to not suffer a casualty to Overwatch just for example)

Space Marine codex is 200 pages (largest yet) including a Gladius Strike Force Detachment and 12 Formations.

Codex features Salamander Chapter Structure and White Scar squad & company markings.

Codex is £35/$58 US

Arkhan Land
06-03-2015, 04:35 PM
well that answers that question

06-04-2015, 01:24 AM
I can get excited again!

But do they have cards or is it strictly generation by dice only?

(I might have to get a set of base cards and scribble over 11-16.)

Erik Setzer
06-04-2015, 05:12 AM
Doubt it. It says "Exclusive to Warhammer World" on the box, not just the website.

Yeah, but one can hope, especially with a unit that potent. Keeping it exclusive to one location in the world is about as stupid and unfriendly to customers (not to mention FLGS's) as the new formation mega-bundles they've started selling.

Mr Mystery
06-04-2015, 05:18 AM
It's coming to stores.

Trust me on this one.

06-05-2015, 05:41 AM
two of each weapon is very generous, I am impressed.

06-05-2015, 06:09 AM
Also rather amusing that the Sergeant has more options than the Tactical Sergeant does.

Erik Setzer
06-05-2015, 07:36 AM
two of each weapon is very generous, I am impressed.

Two of each weapon is more an "about bloody time" and "the only thing that makes sense." Yes, they could continue the boxes that force you to buy four of them to make a squad with four of the same heavy weapon, but I'm not going to act like it's a magnanimous act for them to stuff a few more pieces into a box that will already be charging for that much plastic (if not more).

It's a step in the right direction, and I applaud them for that, but it's kind of telling how bad things have gotten when common sense has to be treated as if it's some serious boon.

Unless they make the weapons proprietary with the bodies in the kit, I'm going to pick up a box of Tactical Marines (unless I still have enough spares around) and make a few squads, using the gravs for my existing army and the others for my other army. Unless they have a Devastator Company formation, at which point I'll just go old school with the army and deploy six or more Devastator Squads again.

- - - Updated - - -

Also rather amusing that the Sergeant has more options than the Tactical Sergeant does.

I don't understand a lot of the options... Sure, for show, it might look cool to put a power axe or power fist on a Devastator Sergeant. But who's going to pay that many points to upgrade the CC abilities of a single model who should never see CC? Heck, he'll die before the heavy weapons usually, as people opt to remove the Sergeant rather than lose firepower.

Basically, it becomes more bits to use for other squads. This box feels like a box of assorted bits for Marine squads labeled as a "Devastator Squad" box. That's nice, but I don't think it's how they intended it. I think someone really thought that people will put a 25 point power fist on a heavy weapon squad leader just because it looks cool. Hey, Kroot look cool, and you hardly see them in games, because they're just not that effective in game terms.

06-05-2015, 07:54 AM
Two of each weapon is more an "about bloody time"Just checking: you do know the current box (or old box, if you're reading this in the future. Hello from the 21st century!) comes (came) with two plasma cannon, two lascannon and two heavy bolters, right? The one multi-melta always languished unused because of its awkward combo of needing to get close for full effect but not being able to fire (or only being able to Snap Shot, from 6th onwards) when they move in order to get close, and until Dark Vengeance put a plasma cannon on its Tactical Squad everybody had a surfeit of missile launchers.

06-05-2015, 07:57 AM
multi meltas were used everywhere, the single hardest weapon option to get on any bits site.

06-05-2015, 08:01 AM
multi meltas were used everywhere, the single hardest weapon option to get on any bits site.

Absolutely! I never had enough MultiMeltas. even had to resort to using the awkwardly balanced metal/plastic hybrids from yesteryear. So 2 of each is definitely an awesome change with the new kit!

06-05-2015, 08:04 AM
I think all the options on the sergeant are good news too. it means that all the bits will be in demand, so bits sellers should have a good turn over of boxes, meaning hopefully enough weapons for everyone that wants them. except grav cannons, they will be like gold dust, everyone will want four :p

06-05-2015, 08:07 AM
multi meltas were used everywhere, the single hardest weapon option to get on any bits site.


06-05-2015, 08:13 AM
yup, I used them in my tactical squads because they had the same range as the bolters and I like that sort of thing, and because they were in drop pods so could land beside tanks. took ages to get hold of enough.