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View Full Version : Flesh Tearer veterans in my Blood Angels force - too cheesy?

02-27-2010, 06:34 PM
So I'm working on a Blood Angels army in anticipation of the new codex in April, and I'm also reading the Blood Angels series of Black Library books. At the moment I'm on "Red Fury" (hence I've stolen my forum handle from a character in it - *oops*) and I'm enjoying the tense rivalry between the Blood Angels and the Flesh Tearers. While modelling a veteran assault squad for said army, the thought occurred to me of painting that particular squad up as Flesh Tearers rather than Blood Angels, largely to relieve the monotony of painting so many Blood Angel assault marines but also to add a bit of extra character to the veterans and a bit of extra customisation to the army as a whole. Also, if the rumours of a codex entry for Seth (FT chapter master) are true, down the line I might field a Seth along with this one FT squad and the rest of the army as Blood Angels.

My understanding of the fluff would mainly be that different chapters don't really work together like this, and that the FTs are dramatically understrength anyway and hence unlikely to lend men to anyone. I still think it's a neat idea, and just need to think up some conceit that explains why they're working together. Something to do with the situation at hand meaning the FT squad are coincidentally in the same place as the Blood Angels? Perhaps they're envoys or something, and having arrived to deliver their message are pressed into assisting with whatever battle is at hand? This is the kind of thing that seems to happen in the book, anyway.

So I'd be interested to know, what does anyone think? Too cheesy, too unlikely, or neat idea? Does anyone else field slightly multi-chapter forces in this way?

02-27-2010, 06:44 PM
If the rumours are true all you need to do is design a Faustian BA force.

02-27-2010, 07:55 PM
My understanding of the fluff would mainly be that different chapters don't really work together like this, and that the FTs are dramatically understrength anyway and hence unlikely to lend men to anyone. I still think it's a neat idea, and just need to think up some conceit that explains why they're working together. Something to do with the situation at hand meaning the FT squad are coincidentally in the same place as the Blood Angels? Perhaps they're envoys or something, and having arrived to deliver their message are pressed into assisting with whatever battle is at hand? This is the kind of thing that seems to happen in the book, anyway.

Nothing unfluffy about marines working together - there are lots of instances of this happenning. The only problem with Flesh Tearers is that (apparently - I looked this up on lexicanum so I don't know how accurate it is) many forces are shy of working with them since they are a bunch of crazies. That said, there's not really a problem with the Blood Angels since they are brothers in craziness. The simplest reason for two forces working together is that force A goes comes along and realises they need X more marines, but they are the only ones from their chapter nearby, so they find force B that is nearby and ask for help. So long as you're not looking for narrative continuity between your battles this'll hold it together fine (My Stone Templars have a single Ultramarine comms operator who goes in the command squad - he's on transfer. There's no rules difference, just that he's the only painted new style UM guy I have and I wanted to use him.).

02-27-2010, 09:57 PM
The Flesh Tearers are a second founding chapter. They share the same primarch, they share the same blood. Sure they might be a little "crazy" but when you have back-up organs, can force yourself into a state of suspended animation, learn by eating and then spit acid...what's a wrong with a little blood lust?

02-27-2010, 11:32 PM
Agreed. I think there is zero problem with it. Hell, I've got some models painted as deathwatch that I use as my Legion of the Damned.

Anyways, Seth needs his retinue, too.

02-28-2010, 05:57 AM
I don't see a problem. I can see many situations where this would be happening:

A joint operation has gone horribly wrong for FT the survivors join the BA assault force
The FT's ride has been shot down, thankfully the BA offers them one
The FT are having an exchange program being taught new tricks
The FT are on a special mission sending them into BA territory
The FT have become disillussioned by the traditions of FT and goes to investigate their founding chapter
The FT are just passing through when BA requires assistance
The FT are an a redemption run when BA requires assistance
There is an enemy of the Emperor nearby, kill it! Kill it together!

And though not the exact same thing I have divided my Black Templars in those that are loyal to Marshal Fellend and those that are foremost loyal to the Chapter. With slightly different painting scheme.

02-28-2010, 07:56 AM
Thanks for all the responses guys, good to hear a lot of positive feedback to the idea!

If the rumours are true all you need to do is design a Faustian BA force.

That sounds intriguing, I clearly need to read up more!

(My Stone Templars have a single Ultramarine comms operator who goes in the command squad - he's on transfer.

Ah, having a specific role for the models "on transfer" is a really good idea. Like, your comms operator circulates because he's on a training rotation or training pilgrimage or something. I could probably do something similar with my FT assaulters. =D

Anyways, Seth needs his retinue, too.

Aha! An excuse to get a command squad for Seth! I like it. You think there's anything specific his retinue should include, like a loyal second or something? Otherwise I'd probably just do a suitably savage looking Command Squad in FT colours.

Oh and Fellend, that's an awesome list of suggested backstories - wish I was half as imaginative as that!

02-28-2010, 11:33 AM
To much freetime procrastinating from my studies.

02-28-2010, 01:45 PM
Well during Vraks the Dark Angels chaplian joined up with the Angels of Absolution, a DA succesor, to hunt down traitors. So some second foundings do work closely with firsts.

02-28-2010, 02:20 PM
Fluff-wise Flesh Tearers have extremely bad PR, even between sons of Sanguinius. But it is rumored that a schism is about to happen in the new codex, and even BA will have mean/crude brethren (the faction is called Faustian).

02-28-2010, 03:15 PM
Fluff-wise Flesh Tearers have extremely bad PR, even between sons of Sanguinius. But it is rumored that a schism is about to happen in the new codex, and even BA will have mean/crude brethren (the faction is called Faustian).

Regardless, the Flesh Tearers and Blood Angels have worked side-by-side in two consecutive books, with perhaps not affection for one other, but at least respect.

03-07-2010, 12:37 PM

Further to this, here's a very w-i-p shot of the squad in question:
