View Full Version : Combat squads and drop pod question

02-27-2010, 04:34 PM
Can I split a tactical squad into combat squads, deploy 5 and drop in the other 5 via thier drop pod?

02-27-2010, 04:56 PM
Can I split a tactical squad into combat squads, deploy 5 and drop in the other 5 via thier drop pod?

What are you playing? Space Marines or DA? If DA no, if SM, sorry I am not shure, I think you can.

02-27-2010, 05:27 PM
SM have to split up after they land in drop pods, read page 51 its quite clear, the bit at the end about combat squads. Hence they land and then split in two about the drop pod.

02-27-2010, 05:29 PM
"if you play DA then, no?" come again?

It states that half of the original squad can take a transport while the other half does not, as long as they are deployed at the same time. i.e. in the same reserve turn. Unless I have this completely backwards then I have been playing wrongly and all my opponents as well...

I believe this is in the FAQ on the GW website.

papa smurf
02-27-2010, 05:33 PM
vandal is quite right. if the squad is going to split into a combat squad from a drop pod, they must all come from the drop pod. i have a couple drop pods in my army, so i kinda have to know this stuff, lest i run into problems in game.
thinking about it fluff wise, i can think of very little times where splitting on the squad level before a battle even begins would make too much sense, but splitting once the mission has started to adapt to the battle situation makes a little more sense.

02-27-2010, 05:37 PM
"if you play DA then, no?" come again?

It states that half of the original squad can take a transport while the other half does not, as long as they are deployed at the same time. i.e. in the same reserve turn. Unless I have this completely backwards then I have been playing wrongly and all my opponents as well...

I believe this is in the FAQ on the GW website.

I thought this was a SM rule, not a DA rule. Combat squad rules are different for both codecii. Another nerf to the DA codex. I can't find my DA codex at the moment. It's been a while since I played with my DA, so sorry if I made a mistake.

Will double check again.

02-27-2010, 05:42 PM
Q. Can you take a Drop Pod with a 10-man
squad and then put a Combat squad in it,
deploying the other Combat squad on the table,
or leave it in reserve but not in the Drop Pod?
A. No, because squads that are placed in reserve
may not break down into Combat squads.

This is from the DA FAQ. So units placed in reserve can not be broken into Combat Squads. I thought I remember something about DA not being able to go into combat squads but forgot the reason. Now I remember after reading this.

02-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Thanks all for responding. That was my take as well, I just wanted to be sure.

I started an all drop pod space marine army really just cause I love the idea and fluff. The game play has been challenging at times (cough.. orks, nids). Just looking for ways to vary it up.

I thought setting back a 5 man with a ML or lascannon and dropping in the sgt and flamer had some potential.

I didn't want to go the route of dropping in the pods sans marines as that just feels... wrong to me. But I'm more of a for fun player who likes to be a bit compettitive rather than the other way around.

Thanks for the quick replies.

02-27-2010, 07:52 PM
@ daggitkiller double check with the SM codex and the SM FAQ. The FAQ I quoted is from the DA FAQ so may not apply to SM, just DA only. I think SM can do what you are thinking of, but is not applicable to DA.

02-28-2010, 03:31 AM
I assure you us space marines can only split after landing and no amount of rereading will change it, its clear and well written.

So ignore anyone who tells you a normal space marine can.

What dark angels, space wolves or others can do or other marines I have not checked