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View Full Version : Orks: How to beat Chaos?

Pariah Stevo
08-04-2009, 04:30 PM
Ive been stuggling with my friends new nurgle Army. He usually field 30 plague marines, 2 Princes MoN, 2 difilers, 2 dreds and some termies. ive found that against chaos my boys are only good for jumping on isolated princes. Mega-Nobs and kans are great to get into his infantry, but with the 4 walkers and princes around i'm getting pwned. Of course my first answer to the problem is Lootas Lootas Lootas. i was just wondering what fellow Warboss have found effective against chaos 'humies?

08-04-2009, 04:36 PM
One answer........... BIKE NOBZ WITH POWER KLAWZ!!!!!!

08-04-2009, 04:53 PM
One thing I appreciate about Chaos is that they don't have any heavy armor that isn't easily bike-able, and everything else is susceptible to light anti-armor fire (i.e., deffgunz and rokkits).

I've found rokkit deffkoptaz fairly effective against daemon princes, and highly effective against medium vehicles. They circumvent all of a Nurgle DP's circumventable defenses, are easy to deploy into position, and large enough that they make lousy targets for template weapons. Ditto for vehicles. The kill numbers on 225 points of rokkit koptaz are worse than for 225 points of lootaz, but I've appreciated their increased tactical flexibility and ability to Outflank.

Something else that might be part of your solution are cheap batteries of kannon with ammo grots. I've used those to good effect as well - the whole unit costs only 69 points and is a credible threat against any vehicle with AV12 or worse, but they still require an entire unit's shooting to eliminate, during which other units can maneuver.

08-04-2009, 04:55 PM
This is bulit namely with your opponent in mind

HQ: 2x SAG-mek with ammo runt
Troops: two full grot mobs (to guard the SAG's)
-anything else you like to fill troop slots with [but Nobz need Klaws].
Heavy: 3x kannon batteries, fully loaded (3 gunz, full crew, ammo runts, etc.)
Fast attack: koptaz with rokkits and buzzsawz.

The reasons:
Shock Attack Gunz; AP:2, big blast, average strength 6-8. That means easy wounds and no FNP; can kill termies.
Kannons; cheap, can be accurate, strength 8 means no FNP on marines, and can bust dreads and Princes.
Koptaz; costly, but have rokkitz (see kannon), plus powerklaws will wound on a 3+ (2+), ignore armour and FNP.

08-04-2009, 05:03 PM
I can absolutely see Old Paladin's list working well for this situation. As far as the way you've been doing it, I am personally thumbs-up on the use of meganobz to carve up helpless infantry. I am a big fan of small trukk-borne meganob units as a cheap way to take out units like plague marines that can't fight back effectively.

08-04-2009, 08:56 PM
Lootas blow apart Dreads, DPs, transports, and anything on foot.

For Grinders combat works just fine, that hidden PK will mess them up.

It's like fighting marines, only their units are bent towards combat and they have a lot less firepower and cheap utility units.

08-06-2009, 12:13 AM
Also think about looted wagons with boomguns. If you have kans or dreds, they will either get overlooked or they'll distract from the walkers. Add in a mek with KFF, and half of his shots are worthless.

Personally, I have a lot of luck with grotzookas on my kans. Good strength, and can cause a lot of wounds if accurate. Six blast shots against a grouped up bunch of plague marines will kill a good number, a lot if you get lucky.

08-06-2009, 04:41 AM
One answer........... BIKE NOBZ WITH POWER KLAWZ!!!!!!

HAHAHAH quite the easiest fix im afraid.. XD

but in my experience with DG, its hard to take on a full quad of plague marines even with a full squad of boys with a claw.

with things considered, you could also run the list of maxed out deff dreads and killa kans.. two big meks, one with KFF and one with SAG. fill out the rest with boyz in trukks? but yeah, that wall of killa kans with skorchas and deff dreads... nice stuff.. XD

08-07-2009, 04:21 AM
OH also figured out that the more claws you have the better it seems. so small squads of 12 boys in trukks with a claws on each nob gives you alot of power weapons which.. yeah.. killy..