View Full Version : I have my army harlequins assembled for the coming play but i need advice...

04-28-2015, 05:46 AM
This is a themed list and I am currently looking for advice on there rules to use them to there role in the combat ahead of time

Using the Cegorach's Revenge Formation at 1500 points because having reroll's of 1 for inv saves is a godsend to me :)

Now for the troop choice's Model count

Troupe Master's
Neuro Disruptor + Harlequin's Kiss for High toughness and low model count units
Fusion Pistol + Harlequin's Caress for Killing armoured Targets
Shuriken Pistol + Harlequin's Embrace for low toughness and high model count units

Troupe Player's
5x Neuro Disruptor + Harlequin's Kiss for High toughness and low model count units
5x Fusion Pistol + Harlequin's Caress for Killing armoured Targets
5x Shuriken Pistol + Harlequin's Embrace for low toughness and high model count units

So far in my mind they are all designed with a roll in mind but I am unsure if I am missing anything here Because it feels I could be missing something I yet to know maybe some advice on how to employ these effectively also should I go ahead and stick them in the transport I did some reading and apparently they can disembark and charge from the transport as it is open top by that they can move normal speed disembark run then charge because of the rule about running and charging if they come with fleet on turn 2.

I am also not sure if I should keep them all grouped up with the same weapon types or mix and match so if one falls the other unit can take its place.

Now with the elite Model count

3x Death Jester + Heywire Grenades
3x Shadowseer + Neuro Disruptor and one with the laughing god's eye
1x Solitaire

Now from what I can see they can be used with a unit if there shadowseers and death jester or without making a unit of there own I have 3 combos

Death Jester and Shadowseer being a shroud to the enemy wile the death jester messes with the enemy

Shadowseer council using mass psyker power to nuke down the enemy wile the death jesters are in there own units following up the field picking off enemy's and making there units run into the shadowseers.

Shadowseer and death jester in a unit of troupes providing anti ranged shots and the death jester bringing enemy's in charge range when they fall back into the unit closing the range and making it easier for the charge.

with the solitaire and as its confirmed he can use both weapons in CC due to the wording of how both weapons come into play thank god I would most likely have him come in via deep strike and run him into cover till the following turn to do blitz.

Fast attack model count

3x Skyweaver + zephyrglaive for killing in close combat
3x Skyweaver + Haywire Cannon for dealing with armour

This is pretty self explained but mostly to come in deepstrike reserves due to there speed they can come in fast and hard wile the other units on the field posing a threat due to how close they are making it a "do I shoot the fast ones or do I take care of the troop choice that is almost in combat range".

But due to I've never fully understand the elder jet bike rule from what I get they can move as normal then shoot then a type of trust move in the assault phase where they can move 2d6 hope I got that right.

Now for the heavy support model count
1x Voidweaver + Prismatic Cannon

The main reason I picked Prismatic cannon is because of versatility due to harlequins having 1 heavy support slot in this formation that limits what I should choose so having access to 3 modes of fire can change based on what is needed for the fight.

Please avoid trying to say I should add such and such models to the mix from eldar or dark eldar I want this to be a challenge and fluffy too to remain pure harlequins :D

04-28-2015, 09:26 AM
So, what was the rule question again?

04-28-2015, 10:02 AM
did I miss anything with my tactical overview in the rules as I have a tendency to oversight some rules that can prove to be a huge advantage.

Drew da Destroya
04-28-2015, 12:19 PM
Because the Solitaire can move 12", ignoring terrain, I'd probably not bother with Deep Striking him. Let him start on the board, and run up into cover/behind Line of Sight blocking terrain. He should be pretty safe until turn 2 when he can move 12, run D6 (remember you can reroll this thanks to Fleet!), and then charge using your formation's special rule (and again, reroll those charge dice!). Oh, and give him a Haywire grenade, as it's literally his only ranged weapon (and his BS is amazing). You can drop it from the Jesters, since they're probably not going to use them, really. Give them to Troupe Masters instead for some versatility there.

I could see deep striking the Haywire bikes, but the melee ones should start on the board as well, otherwise it'll be turn 3-4 before they can even try for combat. They're fast enough that deep striking doesn't really help them.

You're spending a lot of points on Troupe upgrades, meaning each dead trouper is a lot of lost points. Maybe drop a few of those upgrades (not everyone in the squad needs a Disrupter, or a Fusion Pistol), and get some unupgraded dudes in your squad. This way, when your squads start taking damage, the "naked" guys die (put them closest to the enemy, so they're the ones getting shot) will die, and your tricked out dudes can get into combat and murder. Ablative wounds!

Also, make sure you have fun!

04-29-2015, 12:44 AM
Thanks for the advice :)

Power Klawz
04-29-2015, 10:48 AM
Yeah, just to reiterate that you don't need to fully stack entire units with upgrades, since some will inevitably die before they can have any effect and basic harlequins are still plenty fighty. (and relatively shooty, at short range.)

It is generally better to use the same equipment throughout individual units though, as taking contradictory weaponry can lead you into silly target priority situations, where 1 model in the unit might be able to take that last hull point of a vehicle while the rest of the unit would just have to stand around and play pokemon cards for the rest of the turn. Or whatever.

An exception to this rule might be the harlequin kisses, because they are pretty great and not super expensive. You could go ahead and buy one for every or the majority of the members and get a lot of use out of them. (Might still be advisable to take a few vanilla harleys to absorb bullets though.)

I would suggest making some cuts in line with the above advice, and then adding more harlequins. This list seems really short on bodies, even for a super-elite army like harlequins.

05-02-2015, 02:56 PM
Hmmm maybe ill buy 3 packs of harlequins and make them naked because after all harlequins can go to 12 per unit anyway and mix them up a tad bit like for instant 2 of each upgrade per unit with 6 naked ones to take the blows.

I also did some research on the formation provided in the harlequin book and the rule about formations apparently the way it looks so far

Main formations detachment because of the warlord special rule applied to them remember they work together as if they are a playwright so I was looking at it from a different angle rather then each model counting as a choice how about each formation is the choice instead.
Cegorach's Revenge (Huge Size HQ Choice)
Harlequin FOC chart (Normal Size HQ Choice)
The Serpent's Brood (Small Size HQ Choice)

Additional detachments because these lack the warlord special rule so it was designed to add these to customize the main army formation.
Cegorach's Jest (Troop Choice)
Cast of Players (Elite Choice)
The Heroes' Path (Fast Attack Choice)
Faolchu's Blade (Heavy Support Choice)

I don't think there's a limit to how many formations you can bring but I am assuming you cant bring ones that already have a unique rule like the solitaire in it because apparently there is only meant to be one.