View Full Version : Judgement Day Challenge - Painting Judge Dredd Miniatures

Mr Saturday
04-27-2015, 03:00 AM

It's always nice when you discover someone has the same unhealthy obsessions as yourself. In my case, it's Judge Dredd. Why this has not translated into a massive pile of Judge Dredd minatures is down to many reasons, but none of them a worthy excuse. To that end, myself and another hobbyist/blogger have made an accord. We have decided to embark on a common project called Judgment Day. Each of us will post a Judge Dredd related miniature every two weeks, so between the pair of us we shall be posting a new mini every week. This should lead to a sizable population increase in our respective mega cities.

Will we manage to keep the momentum up? Who knows, but it's going to be a fun time. Each of us is posting to our blog as the project continues, at Mr Saturday's Mumblings (http://mrsaturdaysmumblings.blogspot.ie/) and Sho3box (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/).

First up from me, it's Judge Mortis.


I've been reading 2000AD since I was eight years old, and collecting miniatures since I was twelve. Odd then, that this is the first 2000AD miniature I've ever painted. It's nothing less than a crime. I've always been a huge fan of the dark judges, and Judge Mortis, while not as much of a rockstar as Judge Death, is a favourite of mine. It's the insta-rot thing he does I reckon. He sure has a way with thossseee sssinerssss.

his particular incarnation of Mortis is the original Citadel Miniatures version. He's quite small, but has lots of lovely detail. Hell, he even has a dimension jump on his belt, a vital piece of kit for your dark judge about town I feel. I have his brotherssss from the same release in stasis, no doubt they'll make an appearance of a future Judgement Day post down the line. His base is a resin Microart Studios base with some extra debris added.

From now on, expect a Judgement Day post from one of us every Monday. Next week I bring you another old enemy of Mega City One.

04-27-2015, 07:52 AM
My half of the inaugural Judgement Day project post is another icon from the setting, albeit a less threatening one.


Walter is a divisive character, with there being a pretty decent pair of arguments for and against him being part of Dredds world. Like him or not, he is an iconic part of Mega City One.


Walter is a Mongoose Publishing/Warlord miniature. The paint job was very straightforward, but he looks a lot like he does in that comics all the same, which is the goal I guess. The blog post on the figure is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/04/27/judgement-day-1-walter-the-wobot/).


mrsaturday will be posting up the next Judgement Day figure on Monday, I will be adding another figure on the following Monday and we will alternate like that until further notice. Thanks for looking.

Mr Saturday
05-04-2015, 04:01 AM

This week we have the first of what I'm hoping will be a growing faction. An East Meg 1 judge, we'll call him Judge Kariyev. I'm a big fan of the Apocalypse War series, and I do love the look of the East Meg judges. I'm hoping he will soon be joined by some further comrades, all determined to weed out the weakling judges of Mega City 1 and install a more... ordered... rule. This fellow is a Warlord/Mongoose model. He was quite a clean sculpt, needing only very minor cleanup. I re-posed his legs and head slightly to give him a slightly more dynamic post as he steps off the sidewalk. Paint-wise I kept pretty close to the standard sov uniform, which I'm pretty happy with. You be the judge! (See what I did there?)

05-04-2015, 04:26 AM
Thats lovely. The colours are beautifully vibrant and "comic book"-y.

Darren Richardson
05-04-2015, 03:42 PM
Lovely work, we really need more Dredd on these forums!

And I agree, Mortis is certainly the most creepy of the Dark Judges, I remember first being introduced to him.... that poor guy with the glasses :urgh:

It's also nice to see a mix of old and new miniatures, I do wonder how they look in scale size.

Mr Saturday
05-05-2015, 04:32 AM
Thanks! The old Citadel Judge Dredd models are quite small compared to the Foundry or Mongoose models. That said, some models still work. Mortis is about a head shorter than the East Meg judge, but then, Mortis is a shriveled corpse...

05-11-2015, 09:47 AM
Its Monday, Judgement Day #3. Its my turn this week.


I recently got a little carried away painting a Construction Crew as part of my ongoing "Sci-fi non-combatants" project. I painted a number of unarmed robots for that, as can be seen in this image.


I copied that scheme for KNU7 (who is armed, so wouldnt fit into that project directly anyway).


I am pleased with how the figure turned out. With KNU7 and a couple of the other robotic Construction Crew elements serving double duty as Renegade Robots, it looks like my second completed faction for Dredd games (after the Justice Department figs that I painted a few years ago) will be robots.

Robots that have broken their programming and proceed to +++ KILL ALL HUMANS +++ is about as sci-fi as sci-fi gets, so I am getting a kick out of them.

The blog post for KNU7 is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/judgement-day-3-knu7/).

Mr Saturday
05-18-2015, 02:47 PM
Judge Lagransky is my entry for Judgement Day # four (http://"http://mrsaturdaysmumblings.blogspot.ie/2015/05/judgement-day-post-4-judge.html"). He was quite straightforward, now that I have settled on the colour scheme.


That gives me two basic Sov judges, so for next week I think I'll add something with a little more firepower. I've also been working on adding some Mega City One specific basing elements, but you'll have to wait a bit to see that.


You can see the elderly Citadel Judge Mortis here with the Mongoose Sovs. While he is indeed smaller than the judges, the scale difference isn't THAT bad. Certainly not for gaming.


Back to Sho3box (http://"https://sho3box.wordpress.com/") for next week's installment. Ooh, exciting!

05-18-2015, 02:49 PM
Awesome, loving the work

05-25-2015, 02:55 AM
Thanks to everyone who has got involved in discussing this undertaking so far. *I am really enjoying the project a lot and the feedback combined with the tag team approach makes it feel different to my other painting projects

Judgement Day #5: Former Judge Rico Dredd


Rico was Judge Joe Dredds clone brother. *Like many fictional twins, he turned out to be a bad sort. *Joe put Rico away for twenty years hard labour on Titan (where all inmates are bionically modified to perform the required ). *Rico did his twenty, came back to Mega City One to get revenge and Joe killed his clone brother in a shootout.


The model is a nice clean design that matches the various comic book interpretations of the character throughout the years pretty well, without being slavish to it. *The scheme that I painted the model in did similar: its not an exact match but it is pretty recognisable to anyone with an interest in the Dredd strip I think.


The blog post for Rico is HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/judgement-day-5-rico-dredd/).

My next model (up in a fortnight) will be another generic, rather than named "historical" MC1 type. Its Mr Saturday up next Monday though, Im not sure what he has planned.

Darren Richardson
05-25-2015, 04:51 PM
nice work on all the models so far guys, it's great to see new and old models being used in this project.

Keep it up!

Mr Saturday
06-01-2015, 06:31 AM
This week Judge Alexandrov and his Krashnikov 97 carbine join my Sovs, laying down sheets of East Meg 1 justice for the proletariat.


I like this sculpt, the gun has a nice heft to it, though I think he could do just adjusting the strap to take a tad more of the weight. Alexandrov has a little more Dredd-centric base work done, with a smashed Mega City One judge helmet at his feet, (from the Mongoose SJS judge's base). I have three Sovs complete now, not too far from a playable force.


06-08-2015, 02:38 AM
Judgement Day #7: Renegade Robot B0L7


Another renegade construction robot today, something of a companion piece to KNU7 from a few weeks ago.


The scheme also fits in with my sci-fi Construction Crew from my sci-fi non-combatants project.


Somewhat unexpectedly, Renegade Robots have become the second faction for the Dredd setting that I have ready to game with (after MC1 Justice Department). They sort of just appeared to some extent, without me really planning it much.


More photos and the like in the blog post (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/judgement-day-7-b0l7/). I think that it will be a flesh and blood MC1 perp next time. Mr Saturday will put up the next update first, next Monday,

Thanks for looking.

Mr Saturday
06-14-2015, 06:37 PM
This week Judge Borzilov steps forth ready to incinerate those who dare oppose the Dictatorat.


I like this sculpt. He carries the oddest looking flamethower I've ever seen. Those gloves of his must be pretty well insulated. It looks very Carlos Ezquerra, organic and no straight lines anywhere, but to my knowledge he never drew one for the Apocalypse War series. I wanted to give the hint that it gets a lot of use, so I gave it some heat damage with sepia, purple and finally blue washes the closer to the end of the barrel I got. I highlighted the very edge with silver to show where it has burned clean. I also adjusted his legs to suit the base and give him a tad more movement. Borzilov brings me up to four Sov judges, almost ready for play...


06-15-2015, 05:25 AM
Lovely. The East Meg 1 boys are really starting to look like a force now :)

06-21-2015, 05:53 PM
#9: Benny the Bat-glider


A perp with a batgliding suit and a big moustache today.

Bat-gliding is a common pastime in Mega-City One. *Like many of the earlier sculpts from the Judge Dredd range, this design comes straight from one of the Daily Star strips.


Mega City One is defined less by the Judges than by the behaviour of the citizens and as such models like this sum up the setting rather nicely I think.


The blog post for Benny is here. (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/judgement-day-9-bat-glider/) Thanks for looking :)

06-28-2015, 02:48 PM
Mr Saturday will be along tomorrow with his next Judgement Day submission, but in the mean time I thought that I would put up a few photos of the Apocalypse War game that we got played yesterday :)





More photos of the game here for anyone interested. (https://sho3box.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/pulpalleymc1vsem1u.jpg?w=468&h=398)

07-06-2015, 02:28 AM
Mr Saturday did submit a #10 last week, but he never posted it up here, tut tut ;)

#11 Judge Shaw


With gaming against Mr Saturdays invading East Meg One forces being a thing now, I decided to paint a Judge equipped with one of the iconic weapons used in "The Apocalypse War" storyline, the stub gun.


I rushed the painting a little bit due to other commitments. It bugs me a little, but its adequate.


Details in the blog post. (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/07/06/judgement-day-11-justice-dept-stub-gunner/)

Mr Saturday
07-13-2015, 03:30 AM
Oopsies. I did neglect to post, didn't I? Here's Judge Gogol, the tardy East Meg senior judge.


This week I'm throwing up a cheeky submission for Judgement Day. The very tiny Sov satellat. This was originally intended to be an addition to a larger submission, but there you go. I could bore you with various excuses about life annihilating hobby time over the last week or two... so that's pretty much what I'll do.


Taking excuses as read, let's look at the wee satellat. The satellat is most associated with agent Orlock, East Meg One's finest assassin/saboteur/master of espionage, and instigator of the block mania outbreak that preceded the Apocalypse War. This little robot has gotten Orlock out of a couple of scrapes over the years, with a loud BLLLLEEEEEEEE! to warn out approaching danger.


This little fella has already seen action on the tabletop, causing much irritation to Cheetor's Judges in our initial skirmish. Speaking of which, the Sovs are now at league strength. Here's a shot of the whole squad.


There are several more members of the league to be added yet, but it's pretty satisfying getting them to a gaming size force. More (and most likely more than a tiny robot head) Judge Dredd fun from Cheetor next week.

07-20-2015, 03:23 PM
Gaze into the face of
Judgement Day #13, Judge Fear


Deadworlds most well known whipping boy, this model sat in various stages of completion on my painting table for nearly two years.* It was a tangible relief to finish him.


I worked on the rest of my Dark Judges hundreds of painted miniatures ago, back in late 2011.* How I paint is always changing, so it was tricky to try to go back to paint Fear in the same style as the others, but I managed it... eventually.


The figure is unreleased as far as I know.* Although the rest of the Dark Judges have been available from Foundry for years now, Fear was not.* I picked up this model on a trip to Foundry a few years ago: I dont know if it is available for sale.


Somewhat dodgy paint job aside, it really is a personal pleasure to have these four creeps ready for a game.* All together now...

"The crime iss life, the ssentence iss death!"

More info and images in the blog post (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/07/20/judgement-day-13-judge-fear/) for anyone inclined.

Mr Saturday
07-30-2015, 04:14 AM

This week, Sov Judge Officer Pashkov joins the ranks of the East Meg One judiciary. I haven't painted a human face in a while, so I enjoyed painted Pashkov's features immensely. I made him slightly haggard, as he is on active duty on the front lines after all. All that stress, and the possibility of running into Dredd would make anyone prematurely grey.

This week, Sov Judge Officer Pashkov joins the ranks of the East Meg One judiciary. I haven't painted a human face in a while, so I enjoyed painted Pashkov's features immensely. I made him slightly haggard, as he is on active duty on the front lines after all. All that stress, and the possibility of running into Dredd would make anyone prematurely grey.

Wolf of Winter
08-06-2015, 10:48 AM
I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread. As a fan of 2000AD and just recently(ish) picking up the starter set from Warlord, I'm very inspired by the goodies in this thread!

So far the only thing that makes me cringe a little are some of the odd proportions on the Warlord figures, although they are fun to paint. I must look into getting hold of some of the Foundry miniatures!

Keep up the good work!!!!

Mr Saturday
08-10-2015, 05:32 AM
Thanks Mr Wolf, it's been a thoroughly enjoyable project thus far.


This week's Judgement Day offering is one of my favourite bad guys from Judge Dredd, Orlok the assassin. Orlok was an East Meg One agent who poisoned the water supply of Mega City One, leading to the mass outbreak of block mania, the precursor to the Sov invasion. He also killed Judge Giant. Yes, Orlok is a massive jerk, but he's one of the few who can go toe to toe with Dredd in a fist fight. A must have for a Sov collection really.

I went for a pretty modern looking scheme, with a worn leather jacket and boots, black trousers and gloves. I put most of my time into the face. Orlok has a very distinctive scar, and I accentuated it a tad to make it more of a point of interest. As the gear is very modern day, (If we ignore the rolled up sleeves. Orlok is so hard he can roll up leather sleeves.) I also added the smashed Judge's helmet to anchor him back into the Judge Dredd universe.

Wolf of Winter
08-10-2015, 08:44 AM
Brilliant! I love the skin tones on here, they do accentuate the scar very nicely. Love the work on the leather jacket too. Did you chop an existing figure for the judges helmet?

Another job well done! :D

Mr Saturday
08-10-2015, 09:00 AM
Thanks very much!

Did you chop an existing figure for the judges helmet?

The judges helmet comes from the base on the SJS figure. A very handy little bit for Dredd figures. I wish there was a a Dredd-themed basing kit...

Wolf of Winter
08-10-2015, 10:00 AM
Thanks very much!

The judges helmet comes from the base on the SJS figure. A very handy little bit for Dredd figures. I wish there was a a Dredd-themed basing kit...

Hmmm... I'll have to snag one and see if I can cast it up in resin to use also, thanks for the heads up!

08-11-2015, 05:19 AM
Whoops, I forgot to update the forum when I posted #15 on my blog. I was rather busy that weekend (good busy, international toy soldier gaming sort of busy, but busy nonetheless) and neglected the forum.

#15 Judge Fear Spirit Form

Its a small contribution this time, the spirit form of Judge Fear that shows up when the reanimated corpse that he occupies is destroyed (corporeal Judge Fear included for comparison purposes).


The model is small and simple but nicely formed I think and it was easy to get it painted fairly fast. I havent painted that ectoplasmic green g-g-g-ghost effect before, but I am fairly pleased with how it turned out.

The Judge Fear Spirit Form blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/judgement-day-15-spirit-form-judge-fear/).

Im really looking forward to seeing Orlok in hand Mr S, the more restrained colour scheme makes lots of sense.

08-20-2015, 05:10 AM
Another quick one from me as I try to clear some of the toy soldier backlog, also a bit later than scheduled this week...

#17 Judge Mortis Spirit Form

Like Fear last time, this is what happens to Judge Mortis when he is between corporeal forms.


A small submission, but one that I get a kick out of, even if the pastels and the way that the model is sculpted make notions of My Little Pony come to mind...


The blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/judgement-day-17-judge-mortis-spirit-form/). I think that Mr Saturday has something a bit more substantial planned for next time.

Mr Saturday
08-24-2015, 05:21 AM


Today's Judgement Day submission is the Karpov MF7 Sentenoid. Deployed to support the Sov invasion of Mega City One, this robot was a mainstay of the Sov forces during the Apocalypse War, one electrocuted Mega City One judge at a time.


I've been ticking away at the Sentenoid for a while now. It comes in eleven parts, and I pinned the hell out of it. It required minimal clean-up. It's attached to the base by only two of the four legs, so pinning was the only way. I wanted to go nuts on the base too. The Sentenoid takes up very little of the actual base, so I had plenty of room for a dead Mega City One judge and some Apocalypse War paraphernalia. The truly devoted might recognise the leaflets scattered about the base.


It's a very nice model when it's all together, and surprisingly large. I also tried out AK Interactive's Fuel Stain effect on some of the vents and such. It's a nice oily, glossy finish. A little hard to see on the photos, but it adds another level of interest to the model. They are oil-based, but that's no real impediment. They do a great range, so well worth checking out.

With the Sentenoid finished, that completes the Sov Invasion box minis. Here's the whole gang:


There's only one more Sov left in my radar now, the main man himself. I've been looking forward to getting a brush at him for some time now.

09-01-2015, 06:18 AM
#19 Renegade Servo-Droid

A quick one today, a former services industry employee turned rebel.


The figure is a Mongoose/Warlord Renegade Robot. I decided to go for a less industrial scheme on this guy compared to the more obviously industrial robots on the set. I intend to match this colour scheme with some unarmed menial robots at a later date.

I used the same colour scheme on the gun as on the other Renegades. I imagine that they hijacked an arms shipment at some earlier point as I like the little thread of consistency that the consistent weapon colour brings.


The blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/08/31/judgement-day-19-renegade-servo-droid/). Mr Saturday will have another submission next week.

Mr Saturday
09-07-2015, 04:49 AM
This week, to conclude my East Meg One project I give you the main man himself, War Marshal Kazan.


Kazan is a pretty hilarious mini, for a murderous dictator. He's sending everyone to Siberia with that finger. Everyone. The sculpt is a fair bit more buff than the character in the comic, and that moustache...

Apparently Carlos Ezquerra (the artist who worked on the Apocalypse War series) gave him that little moustache as it was quite popular with fascists during the Franco years in Spain. It gave him a chuckle, as it gave me one when I was painting it. The tache, the weird shades, the white crew-cut, he's just fabulous, and manages to totally pull it off. The fact that he's a total ******* helps his cred too. I can't wait to get him on the gaming table.

With Kazan finished, that concludes my East Meg One project. I now have a hearty group of Sovs, enough to give me options when picking a force. There are at least two new Sov minis coming down the line, which I will certainly be adding to the collection once they are released. For now though, here's the whole gang.


09-16-2015, 04:14 AM
Its the next 25% of the Dark Judge spirit forms from me today, being the big cheese himself, Judge Death.

#21 Judge Death Spirit Form


Of the four Spirit forms, its probably my least favourite sculpt, but its ok all the same. The spirit forms of the Dark Judges are so iconic that I get a kick out of the fact that there even are miniatures to represent them to be honest.


Judge Fires floating head will be along in not too long.* Mr Saturday will be posting next Monday as usual.

The Judge Death Spirit Form blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/judgement-day-21-judge-death-spirit-form/).

Thanks for looking :)

Mr Saturday
09-21-2015, 05:01 PM
This week it's one of the dark brothers, Judge Fire. The dark judges remain my favourite Dredd villians by a mile. This is the Citadel version from the mid 80's. Small, but full of evil.


I wanted Fire to look like a blackened corpse that's burning internally. Fire can be tricky to get right, but I'm pretty happy with the result. Lots of washes and glazes over a bright yellow base was the order of the day, including a white wash for recesses where the heat is most intense. I also painted some highlights on his body to give the impression of heat emanating from within, like a burning coal. This also served to guide the eye to areas that would be lost amongst the black. Fiery toenails for the win.

09-28-2015, 05:04 AM
#23 Judge Fire Spirit Form


This is the last of my Dark Judge spirit forms painted, which is very satisfying. The flame effect is a little bit comic book, not hugely authentic looking I reckon, but its an adequate swing at a difficult subject all the same.

Oddly, both Mr Saturday and I working on and posting Judge Fire related miniatures consecutively was a coincidence, rather than a plan.


I get a kick out of having that lot painted, Im ten years old again in some small way :)

The associated blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/judgement-day-23-judge-fire-spirit-form/).

Thanks for looking!

Mr Saturday
10-06-2015, 03:07 AM
This week it's the Citadel Judge Fear. There's a bit of a dark judge vibe going on at the moment.


That brings me up to three of the old time dark judges. Pretty obvious who I'll be working on next.


10-12-2015, 03:34 AM
#25 Rhode Island Red


A mid-eighties Citadel miniature today, the first old Citadel Dredd miniature that I have ever painted actually. *It was a fun model to work on.


The character of "Rhode Island Red" only appeared in a single Dredd story, in the Judge Dredd Annual 1981. *I stuck pretty closely to the palette as defined by the story.


Red appeared in recurring 2000AD promotional images for several years however, making him something of a poster boy for the mutants of the Cursed Earth.

The old Citadel Dredd range was 25mm rather than 28mm, so not all of the range really fit with my other models, so I dont have very many. *For things like mutants and robots and other less scale sensitive types, I am perfectly happy to mix them in.


The blog post is HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/judgement-day-25-rhode-island-red/) for anyone who wants a look. *I reckon that the subject of next weeks submission from Mr Saturday is fairly predictable, but my next figure for this project will likely be another mutant.

Thanks for looking!

Mr Saturday
10-19-2015, 07:14 AM
This week see the final addition to the dark judges, Deadworld's chief judge, Judge Death. He's probably my favourite Dredd villian, and he's dropped enough one liners over the years to show that he's definitely got more of a sense of humour in him than his brothers. It's probably the rictus grin. His recent outing in 'Dreams of Deadworld' portrays him in a much grimmer light, but still, he's ma boy.


This sculpt of Judge Death is TINY. He and his lieutenants are 25mm really, but it's still my favourite sculpt of the dark judge's leader. He was quite straightforward to paint, even if I kept finding parts of the model I'd missed sorting during cleanup. Nothing like taking a file to an almost painted mini. With Judge Death finished, that completes my dark judge project. I'll no doubt pick up the Mongoose spirit forms, and probably the Foundry versions too, but that's for another day. Next up I think it's time I took a crack at an actual judge. Judge Williams, to be precise. Bruce Campbell's block judge.


10-27-2015, 10:06 AM
#27 Cursed Earth Mutant Quaid


Mr Saturday and I have been chatting and we have decided to expand the scope of this project ever so slightly.* Up until now all of the figures shown have been licensed Dredd figures of one sort or another.* We have decided to give scope to let some of the other suitable figures that we own into this project, as long as they fit in very directly.* Its a thematic tightrope, but I reckon that we can walk it :)


Quaid here is a rather sorry specimen but a really great little sculpt to paint. Its an old Demonblade minature from the 90s, currently for sale from*Worlds End Publishing (http://worldsendpublishing.com/shop/).

I see the mutants in the Dredd setting less as monsters and more as oppressed "others", so I plan to continue in a vaguely "Spartacus" sort of vein with these mutant freedom fighters for a while.


The figure also has plenty of crossover potential for other sci-fi games, but I tend to mash all my sci-fi up anyway.

The associated blog post is here. (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/judgement-day-27-cursed-earth-mutant-quaid/)

Mr Saturday has a groovy submission planned for next Monday as far as I know.

Thanks for looking!

Mr Saturday
11-03-2015, 04:54 AM

No Judge Campbell this week, he's still en route. In the meatime we have the start of an undercity terrain set. Concreted over and left to decay, the under-city is the abode of mutants, troggies and werewolves. You heard right, werewolves. These pieces are from the Mantic Mars Attacks range, pretty much prefect for urban ruin. This set will get plenty of utility for modern and near future settings. The modular buildings from the same range are bang on too, and will give me a few multi-storey ruins.


I think I'll soon add a chem pit, and start looking about for some terrain mats. There are loads of great ones out, so I'm sure I'll find something to match. Course, I'll eventually need some denizens too, so troggies and werewolves are definitely on the list down the road.


Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-04-2015, 12:30 AM
I don't know much about the Judge universe, but this thread's gotten me interested. Lots of good stuff on display, and I enjoy the little histories you give to the various models in terms of manufacturer, era etc.

11-11-2015, 09:11 AM
I don't know much about the Judge universe, but this thread's gotten me interested. Lots of good stuff on display, and I enjoy the little histories you give to the various models in terms of manufacturer, era etc.

Thanks Rev., Im glad that you are enjoying the project. We are certainly getting a kick out of it.

The Dredd universe is something that Mr Saturday and I have been into since we were young kids and it directly led me to the 40k universe in many respects. 2000AD and Judge Dredd each were strong influences on the development of the original 40k setting (Rick Priestley wrote the Judge Dredd RPG just before he wrote Rogue Trader, and it shows).

#29 Servo Droid VAL-8


Another robot from me, a Pig Iron miniature this time. It sat on the table half painted since I painted the servo droid during the the Summer, so with time being a bit short at the moment I finished it off for this weeks submission.


The sculpt is quite nice, with a slightly downtrodden, perpetual servitude sort of vibe. Pig Iron make another variant, but it isnt available separately, so I dont have it. If anyone reading happens to have the other version of that model for trade then let me know please :)


The blog post is HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/judgement-day-29-val-8/) for anyone interested.

Mr Saturday will be posting next week as usual. *Thanks for looking!

Mr Saturday
11-16-2015, 09:20 AM

This week sees something of a red letter day in my submissions for Judgement Day. An actual judge. It was a real treat painting him, and seeing the familiar colours of the Mega City One judiciary come together as the paint went on only added to the enjoyment. I see a lot more judges in my painting future. I may even give old stoney-face himself a go.

Judge Williams here is not the most by-the-book judge, but several commendations for insane bravery have kept him off the Titan shuttle. He is currently kicking his heels as Bruce Campbell block judge, and it time he will lead an Apocalypse War resistance unit with the BC Block Citi-Def. His faithful boomsti... I mean lawrod will come in handy. It'll be...


This also defines my approach to any zombies for Judgement Day. It's deadites all round.

11-26-2015, 06:01 AM
#31 Butlerbot P3R-C


An OOP Megaminis figure that I decided to press into service in Mega City, P3R-C is intended to represent one of the many robo-sevants seen in the pages of Dredd stories.


The figure is a little crudely sculpted, but it has some character. I particularly like the idea of it being the head of the robot staff in an "Upstairs Downstairs" sort of environment.


The colour scheme is a continuation of the previous too servo droids in this project.


The associated blog post is HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/11/23/judgement-day-31-butlerbot-p3r-c/). Thanks for looking!

Mr Saturday
11-30-2015, 08:28 AM

We head below city bottom this week to the undercity. A less well know denizen of the old cities are the werewolf packs. Dredd himself spent a little time running with the wolves during one of his undercity excursions during 'Cry of the Werewolf'. Originally caused by a convenient radioactive compound, the wolves are one of the many dangers lurking in the undercity.


This particular fellow is an alpha, as he is enormous. The 'giant werewolf' from the Citadel Night Horrors range. He comes with a separate head, so some fur sculpting was required to give him a mane on the back of the head and neck. He also has his junk out. Fair enough.

I wanted to go a bit further than a grey or black wolf, so I tried a little patterning on this guy. I'm happy with how it turned out, making what could be quite a plain mini into something a little more interesting.


The alpha, Prager, is the start of a group of unsavoury uncercity dwellers I'll be adding to over the next while.


12-08-2015, 03:20 AM
#33 Lazooka Joe


I had to rush to finish this Citadel mutant from the 1980s range in order to meet the deadline, so a few areas are bit rougher than I would like. The model design, although quite crude in places - very much of its era - is also so much fun that I think that I got away with it.


I couldnt resist adding a silly bit of branding to the large, ramshackle laser cannons power source. The unusual weapon combines with the fez, the mutant feet, the aggressive pose and the underwear (the sculpt defined that really, they look like drawers, not short trousers) to make a memorable figure.


My mutant freedom fighters are slowly starting to build now. I have wanted to put together a force of mutants since I started painting toy soldiers back in the eighties, so once again, the Judgement Day imperative delivers on a personal level.


The blog post is HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/judgement-day-33-mutant-with-bazooka/) for anyone interested. Thanks for looking!


Mr Saturday
12-15-2015, 04:12 AM
From me this week, it's private Raimi, from the Bruce Campbell block Citi-Def.


I agonised and procrastinated over the colour scheme for these guys, finding, in the end, some photos of American riot police and early 20th century American football gear that gave me some ideas. I've made Raimi a little haggard, as I enjoy painting haggard faces, and I've set this group up as an Apocalypse War resistance unit to face off against my Sovs. The rest of the Citi-Def boxed set has some nice sculpts in there, and now I've settled on a scheme I'm rather keen to do some more.

12-17-2015, 09:32 AM

Mr Saturday and I have agreed to take a short break from the Judgement Day project. With various other commitments at this time of year, we reckon that February first is a good time to pick things up, so Judgement Day #35 will be posted on that date.

I put a slideshow in the associated blog post, so if you are inclined to see all of the submissions to date in one place then click HERE (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/12/17/judgement-day-xmas-break/)

Hopefully you will join us in February for more 28mm Dredd.

Thanks for your enthusiasm for the project in 2015!

Wolf of Winter
01-06-2016, 04:06 PM
Looking forward to seeing what's next! I recently scored some of the Foundry Dredd figures (a little bigger that the Warlord miniatures it would seem) but this thread has got me pumped to get my Mega City One going!

Squaxx Dekk Thargo!