View Full Version : Gunnery Sergeant Harker

02-27-2010, 01:17 AM
I have a question about the Catachan Devils special rule. When Harker dies, does his squad retain the rule?

I think they do. Other conferred rules, like the medic, say "as long as ____ is alive, his squad has ____". Catachan devils has no statement about life. So my thought is Harker's squad is still Harkers squad after he dies, so they retain the rule.

Is this correct?

02-27-2010, 01:29 AM
I would say so, yes. The rule is not the Harker confers Catachan Devils to his squad. The rule is that Harker and his squad have Catachan Devils.

02-27-2010, 02:01 AM
It is good to here it confirmed. I had several people arguing that they were only Catachan Devils while he was alive. Their argument was "GW forgot to write in the "as long as Harker is alive..." part. After a minute or two I reliquished my stealth cover save bonus for the rest of the game on them. Harker had spawn come out of him.

If anyone has any reasons why this shoud not be the case I would be interested in hearing them.

02-27-2010, 04:51 AM
it's really common sense to say that they do, after all harker doesn't make the men catachan devils, they're just a squad of catachan devils led by harker

02-28-2010, 10:11 AM
Their argument was "GW forgot to write in the "as long as Harker is alive..." part.
So, they were arguing against it based upon something that isn't written. Interesting. Did you point out the place in the rulebook where GW forgot to write "Bob9801 always wins."?

The rules are clear, Harker and his squad gain the Catachan Devils special rule.

02-28-2010, 02:33 PM
So, they were arguing against it based upon something that isn't written. Interesting. Did you point out the place in the rulebook where GW forgot to write "Bob9801 always wins."?

The rules are clear, Harker and his squad gain the Catachan Devils special rule.

Yeah. I thought it was a very bizarre thing to claim, they didn't want my squad to live. My 3+ cover save (2+ when to ground) was getting saving almost all of the hits and it really pissed them off. So when Harker was eliminated by spawn they wanted the stealth rule to go away.

Commissar Lewis
02-28-2010, 03:52 PM
^ That sounds like straight-up poor sportsmanship. I understand wanting a unit dead, but the argument they pulled sounded borderline, if not full on, cheating.

Saying "GW forgot to write it" sounds like one of the most juvenile and asinine arguments as to why a unit should lose a rule if Harker is killed.

On a side note relating to Harker, I'm going to make a counts-as for Harker - Private Jeanette Vasquez from Aliens. Except she's getting promoted to Sgt.

02-28-2010, 06:41 PM
It's really no different than Vulkan's benefit extending beyond his death. The rules state that his squad has those rules.

02-28-2010, 07:03 PM
But theres no such thing as a female space mari... ah ok it's imperial guard.

Lord Azaghul
03-01-2010, 07:55 AM
As previously mentioned. I think your opponents were just whining. The rules clearly stat which rules apply only to Harker (ie Relentless), and where applies to the squad.
While he is alive thing: GW been dropping that out a far bit.

03-01-2010, 06:34 PM
THEY FORGOT TO WRITE IT IN!!! HAHAHAHAHHA! They.....Forgot to write.....no no no really they said that....HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohhhh that makes me feel better! I wish all rules disputes could be solved and agreed upon in such a manner!

"I'm taking this 20 point Emperator Titan in my Imperial Guard Army"
"you cant do that! Its not even in your Codex!"
"Oh no its ok, they forgot to write it in."
"Well that was silly of them. Is that a Heavy support choice then?"

03-01-2010, 06:36 PM
On a side note relating to Harker, I'm going to make a counts-as for Harker - Private Jeanette Vasquez from Aliens. Except she's getting promoted to Sgt.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if anyone would mistake her for a man?

Commissar Lewis
03-01-2010, 07:50 PM
No, but she'd wonder if the one asking had ever been mistaken for one.

Man love that movie. Until a certain point, that is.

03-02-2010, 04:53 PM
They need to make an USCM movie. Not an aliens movie but a straight up Colonial Marines movie! Maybe they could call it....Codex: Imperial Guard or something like that ;)

Commissar Lewis
03-02-2010, 09:04 PM
Hell yeah. The Colonial Marines were my favorite part of Aliens. Except for Bill Paxton; he was a punk.

Actually I've been debating making a whole squad based on the Colonial Marines from the movie. Except, y'know Vasquez is leading it as a harker counts-as.

03-02-2010, 09:16 PM
Actually I've been debating making a whole squad based on the Colonial Marines from the movie. Except, y'know Vasquez is leading it as a harker counts-as.

Why would you do that? They're all gonna die, man!