View Full Version : Techpriests and inquisitorial retinue.

Isaac Gutierrez
04-24-2015, 06:57 PM
In the rule of "the blessing of the omnisiha" (sorry if written wrong, I speak spanish) it says that a techmarine or master of the forge adds +1 for his fixing attempts for each servitor in his unit. If my techpriest is in an inquisitorial retinue with servitors, does he gets the +1 as well?


angkor what?
04-25-2015, 05:31 AM
I could be wrong but usually it says something like. for each servitor with servo harness adds +1 to the roll. Do inquisitorial servitors have servo harnesses?

Isaac Gutierrez
05-07-2015, 08:43 AM
Any other insight on this? The inquisitorial servitors with servoarm are identical to the space marin servitors with servoarm, same stats, equipment and description. The only change is that on the mindlock rule, space marine servitors need a techmarine and inquisitorial servitors need an inquisitor to not take the test.
The rule that states the techmarine can add to his "blessing of the omnisahia" rolls for each servitor with servo arm is on the techmarine profile, not the servitors, so my guess is that the inquisitorial servitors work the same way with him.

I ask this because the inquisitorial retinue can have more models and is more flexible. So I would rather put my techmarine with them than on a normal space marine servitor unit.

05-07-2015, 11:57 AM
RAW, yeah your techmarine would get +1 for each servitor with a servo arm in the inq. retinue, I don't have any rules for the retinue though so i'm not sure if he's allowed to join it? Also the servitors would be unable to take heavy weapons which I think makes them a little more pointless for a retinue? :(