View Full Version : Chaos Daemons Stand Ins...

02-26-2010, 10:08 PM
Like the idea of doing a crazy assault Khorne army but absolutely hate, HATE, HATE GW Chaos and Chaos Daemons models so how about this

Skarbrand=Inquisitor Karamazov on his Throne of Poo

Daemon Price= Penitent Engine

Bloodletters= Guardsmen with CCWs in both hands

How much bigger are Bloodthirsters, and Daemon Princes compared to the models I listed? Do they use bigger bases?

My other completely crazy idea is to somehow mod a Leman Russ into a walking robot. Don't ask how I'd do it. I have no idea.

FWIW, this wouldn't be a tourney army. Just something fun to d**k around with when I'm bored with my Salamanders and Guard.


02-26-2010, 10:12 PM
You seem bent on using WH stuff, so why not using repentia for letters? The daemon prince might be slightly bigger than the engine but I think you went for decent enough units, except the guardsmen who are way smaller (repentia have huge eviscerators to compensate). It could easily be a LatD army using C:D rules and C:WH units.

02-26-2010, 10:44 PM
Only bent on using the WH stuff because it is a bit more unusual Imperial stuff.

Gotta say though, not a big fan of the Repentia although do love the massive eviscerators.

02-26-2010, 10:56 PM
Yes of course, it is a well placed sentiment, I was trying to be pragmatic and sticking to a single source of stuff, that you could possibly reuse elsewhere. You could also use arcoflagellants which are also pretty big.