View Full Version : How do I effectively use fletchette blaster and taser goad Infiltrators?

04-24-2015, 12:58 AM
I landed the opening bid on a sprue of Skitarii Infiltrators, which were a tad overpriced. I've got the bits to make five Ruststalkers with both weapons options, as well as the fletchette blaster and taser goad bits. I actually like the look of the flechette blaster, but I have no idea how to effectively use them on the table.

I realize the major benefit of the fletchette blaster and taser goad is getting +1 attack for 2 close combat weapons, but the 5 shot, strength 2 pistol with shred is beyond my comprehension. Who is this gun good against? What kind of units are these Infiltrators meant to tackle?