View Full Version : Ryza or Mars??

04-20-2015, 05:09 AM
Finally got my hands on the new skitarri ranger/vanguard kit. They are beautiful but a complete pain in the *** to build! I've already built one squad of vanguard and encountered quite a few problems. For example one of the robes and a few of the radium carbines were completely broke in half straight out of the box and I had to fix them with green stuff and miracles.:rolleyes: Is anybody else having these problems? or is it just me?

Anyway the question I wanted to ask is should I paint these guys in the colour scheme of Mars or Ryza (bright orange if you haven't picked up Codex: Skitarri) I was just wondering because I already have a red tyranid army (Hive Fleet Nephilim) and I felt it might get a bit monotonous painting red all the time, however I don't think I have ever seen a bright orange army while playing Warhammer 40k? any other suggestions are also welcome :)

Mr Mystery
04-20-2015, 05:24 AM
If you're bored of Red, Ryza is a decent choice.

As for the snapping - built a box of Vanguard, and no issues my end, though I can see how it could occur.

Dunno how long you've been in the game for (because post count doesn't mean much!), but there is a knack to it. I try to snip the fiddly bits (like gun barrels) first, using a finger to provide bracing to the opposite side. Work your way round, leaving the biggest bit to be snipped until last.

Certainly works for me!

04-20-2015, 11:59 AM
Awww seriously? They made Ryza red? :( Ryza is my favourite FW, orange is certainly not my favourite colour. Hmm, will have to get my hands on the Codex and see what it looks like.

If you like plasma weaponry as a concept and theme, go Ryza. It is what they are famous for ;) Ryza is probably the second most powerful FW after Mars, with possibly only Lucius or Gryphonne IV (prior to being 'Nidded) being on the same level of production.

04-20-2015, 02:02 PM
For example one of the robes and a few of the radium carbines were completely broke in half straight out of the box and I had to fix them with green stuff and miracles.:rolleyes: Is anybody else having these problems? or is it just me?
Sounds like you got a bad cast. I had a Sentinel that was a bit like that once. Half the hunter-killer missile was just flat-out missing, among other defects. I took it back and got a replacement, no fuss. You might have made too much lemonade for that to be viable now, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Awww seriously? They made Ryza red? :( Ryza is my favourite FW, orange is certainly not my favourite colour.

Basically their predominant colour is the same orange as Ryza Rust. Funny, that. The rest is metal and black, with the occasional bit of copper trim and blue eye lenses.

But if you want to paint your Skitarii blue and call them Ryzian then there's absolutely nothing stopping you. It's just like the song says:

Ryza, Ryza, malen Ryza
Jeder tut's auf seine Weise

04-20-2015, 03:07 PM
Ahh ok, a rusty orange is ok actually. Should have guessed they would be that imaginative with the colours...
Yeah, I could paint them differently, but when I paint an established force, not a homebrew, I do try to approximate the "official" colours.

04-22-2015, 02:15 AM
I think it was just a problem with the cast because the majority of the parts were fine, it was just the front section of one robe that was broke into three pieces on the sprue.

The one thing that attracts me to painting Ryza is that it is completely different to the colour scheme of Mars. This means that they should get a lot of attention from the folks at my local GW. Saying that however I personally have never seen a bright orange army and I've got until this Friday to decide what paint scheme I want to do.