View Full Version : Tom's Eldar (and Harlequin buddies)

04-16-2015, 03:12 AM
As there's a lot of Eldar hatred going on right now, from people second guessing new rules, I thought I'd show mine a bit of love and get their photos posted up.

Starting with my winged autarch, and two Dire Avenger Exarch buddies. I really need to finish painting the remainder of the Dire Avenger squads.



Am slightly disappointed that the Autarch release is only one kit combo, and basically seems to be exactly what I converted this guy to be.

Next up, a Farseer and a bit of a Warlock retinue.


And a load of other farseers ready to be painted, bonesinger with a little conversion to give them a sword, and warlock in need of a pinning repair.


04-16-2015, 03:27 AM
Next up are the guardians painted so far. They're standard guardian defenders, but I like a bit of variety in the modelling so I got some alternate heads for one of the units. There are a load more that are blocked in, but as it would just be more of the same colour scheme I left them out of the photos for now.


Wraithy guys next, so at least I can point to this thread to show I had them before the new codex, in the event of incurring some D-weapon based hatred. The Wraithseer is also needing a bit of pinning repair. There should be another Space Wolf floating on top of the flying base leg, with a bit of conversion work to have his hands clutching at his throat trying to prise off his helmet while the Wraithseer has him in a Vader-esque force choke.


And then a couple of shots of the rangers - I'd already posted up photos of individuals as WIPs into the Gallery, but here's the current squad as a whole. 2 more are underway with trees made and block colours done, and one more guy still needs his tree doing and is just undercoated.



04-16-2015, 11:20 AM
Forgot to actually put up any photos of the Harlequins painted so far, so the thread title was a bit of a lie...

Death Jester and Solitaire are the only ones I've done for now. I'm a bit daunted about painting patterns onto the Troupe guys, so wanted to start with these two who I could envision being plainer. I wanted the Solitaire to be understated, with drab colours on the outside of his jacket... something greyish, but also with links to Slaaneshi colours. So, I opted for Daemonette hide and Slaaneshi grey. The inside of the coat I wanted brighter, like a fancy suit lining, but also with the pink colour hoped that would still keep it in a slaaneshi palette.

For the Death Jester I wanted to do his colour scheme more metallic, rather than bone colours, to give him a slightly Necron-y vibe. There's some lore in 40k about how Orks are the only species who are not afraid of Death, because the C'Tan weren't able to interfere with their gene pool, and the whole thing about Necrons as the ancient enemy of the Eldar had me thinking that they probably signify death to them pretty nicely. Tried to paint a few green glowy effects too to imitate the gauss weapons.


For the others, when I get onto them, I want to give them colour schemes on a model by model basis representing their specific roles. For example, I want one in shades of greens and browns to represent him playing the role of Kurunous, whereas the one playing the role of Lilith should be mostly white I think.