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View Full Version : Chaos Daemon ICs joining units without Daemonic Instibility

Chad Thornton
04-15-2015, 03:56 PM
Using only actual rules as written I am curious how people feel about the following idea: A Herald of Slaanesh joining a unit of possessed csm with the mark of Slaanesh.
In the Daemon Codex the following restrictions are listed (p26)
Daemonic Alignment: Daemons can only join units that are comprised entirely of Daemons with the same alignment as themselves (i.e. a Hearlad of Slaanesh can not join a unit of Plaguebearers).
Daemonic Instability: A unit with this rule cannot be joined by a model without this special rule.

Note, no restriction disallowing a model with this rule from joining units without it. Am I reading more into it than is there, or is it possible. Keep in mind it would only work daemons, so possessed from CSM, but it would also affect units from the new Khorne book.

04-15-2015, 04:08 PM
it would also affect units from the new Khorne book.

Daemons from the Codex: Khorne Daemonkin do not have the instability rule.

04-15-2015, 04:24 PM
Yeah, Daemon of and Daemon with a mark of, are two different things. Its basically to stop instabillity from wreaking havoc.

04-16-2015, 02:55 AM
I see where you are going, but I read this to mean 'Daemon of Slaanesh' which is an actual sub-division within the codex, as opposed to 'models with the daemon rule and a mark of slaanesh' which is something slightly different, and what possessed are.

The only place you find entries written 'daemon of (etc)' is in codex daemons, so you will only be joining units from that codex.

04-16-2015, 03:10 PM
I see where you are going, but I read this to mean 'Daemon of Slaanesh' which is an actual sub-division within the codex, as opposed to 'models with the daemon rule and a mark of slaanesh' which is something slightly different, and what possessed are.

The only place you find entries written 'daemon of (etc)' is in codex daemons, so you will only be joining units from that codex.
The chaos space marine daemon prince is a daemon of....first one actually.

But hes not an IC

04-16-2015, 05:03 PM
Hmm, I can see what you are saying Chad, the rule states that a unit with Daemonic Instability cannot be joined by Characters without it, but does that mean a Character with the rule cannot join a unit without the rule? From the wording above, I would say that it would work.

04-16-2015, 05:08 PM
CD Khorne Herald cant join CSM Possessed with mark of Khorne (not Daemon of...)
CD Khorne Herald cant join CKD Berzerkers (not daemon of...)
CD Khorne Herald can join CKD Bloodletters
CKD Khorne Herald can join anything from CSM or CKD (no daemonic instability)
CKD Khorne Herald cant join anything from CD (doesnt have instability!)