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View Full Version : 2100 Nid vs Space Marines

02-26-2010, 01:18 AM
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War

2100 points

My Nids:
Hive Tyrant /w Bonesword and Lash-whip, One Pair Scything Talons, Regeneration, Acid Blood, Hive Commander, and the psychic powers Leech Essence and Paroxysm. One Tyrant Guard added for protection.

16 Hormagaunts
3 Warriors /w Bonesword and Lash-whip
4 Ripper Swarms

3 Venomthropes
3 Zoanthropes

Heavy Support
3 Carnifexes /w 2 pair Scything Talons, Frag Spines, and Adrenal Glands
3 Carnifexes /w 2 pair Scything Talons, Frag Spines, and Adrenal Glands

The biomass collection aka Space Marines. He used a fair amount of proxy so I wasn't completely sure what everything was, but did my best.

Chapter Master /w Relic Blade
Master of the Forge /w Conversion Beamer

10 Tactical Marines /w Missile Launcher and Flamer, Sergeant has Powerfist
10 Tactical Marines /w Missile Launcher and Flamer, Sergeant has Powerfist
6 Scouts all with Sniper Rifles and Camo Cloaks

5 Sterngaurd Veterans. Sergeant has Powerfist
Ironclad Dreadnought /w Drop Pod
5 Sterngaurd Veterans. Sergeant has Powerfist

Fast Attack
5 Vangaurd Veterans equiped with Storm Shields

Heavy Support
Whirlwhind /w Hunter Killer Missile and Extra Armour
Whirlwhind /w Hunter Killer Missile and Extra Armour
Ironclad Dreadnought- Master of the Forge allows Dreadnoughts to be taken as Heavy Support

Battle Commences...

02-26-2010, 02:15 AM
Map was standard size with 2 ruins on each side with a large tower in the middle.

My Plan of Attack: Keep my Carnifexes and Hive Tyrant within 6 of Venomthropes to recieve +5 cover save even in the open. Zoanthropes would provide cover fire while my Warriors would trail behind Carnis providing Synapse. Hormagaunt squad would outflank and hopefully Rage into the enemy. Deathleaper would pop up to attack vehicles.

He puts Scout Squad and Master of the Forge into the ruin on the left which he reinforces to give a +3 cover save to all inside. Scouts have Camo Cloaks increasing their save to +2! Tactial Squad #2 deployes to the right of Fortified Ruin.

I deploy my Ripper Swarm into ruin opposite of his Fortified Ruin hiding in cover.

Turn 1 Marines
He brings in everything except Chapter Master and Vangaurd Veteran Squad. Whirlwind #1 sets up to the left of Fortified Ruin. Sterngaurd Veteran Squad #1 moves up between Whirlwind #1 and board edge. Tactical Squad #1 moves into position between Whirlwind#1 and Fortified Ruin.

Whirlwind#2 sets up to the far right of his side behind a second ruin. Sterngaurd Veteran Squad #2 moves up between Fortified Ruin and second Ruin. Tactical Squad #2 moves into position slightly ahead of Stergaurd Veteran Squad #2 and to the right. Ironclad Dreadnought #2 sets up to the left of Sterngaurd Veteran Squad #2.

Ironclad Dreadnought #1 /w Drop Pod deepstrikes next to my Ripper Swarm in ruin. Fires all of it's weapons reducing them two just 2 Ripper Swarm bases. They have lured a large prey item within range...

Turn 1 Nids
I bring everything onto the table except my Hormaguants and Deathleaper. My two Carni broods pincer the Ironclad and it's Drop Pod ready to crush them to scrap. My Zoanthropes move up behind the Ironclad for a rear shot. Hive Tyrant /w Guard hangs back to watch the action while Venomthropes shelter behind him. Space Marines on other side of the board watch the monstrous horde in grim silence

Shooting- Zoanthropes unleash 3 S10 AP1 shots into Rear Armor 10 on the Ironclad. The Ironclad EXPLODES, but fails to wound anything nearby. Carni brood#2 and the rest of my army run, but front rank rolls horrible while my back rank rolls 4-6! The horde slowly inches directly towards the Marines.

Assault- Carni brood#1 on the left assaults the Drop Pod and crushes it with wild abandon. The Carnis survive the explosion without taking a wound, but are sad to find no crunchy snacks inside.

I started this late in the day so I'm afraid I gotta stop and get some sleep before I try to complete it.

Carni Charities need your support too! Feed the poor innocent Carnis that only want to give everyone a big hug!

02-26-2010, 10:14 PM
Turn 2 Marines
No reserves come on.

Movement- Ironclad Dreadnought moves up to get ready to hit the Carnis before they hit the footslogging Marines nearby. Everything else stays in place.

Shooting- Whirlwind #1 does a wound to Carni Brood #1 with a Hunter Killer Missile. Sniper Scouts do a wound to the Hive Tyrant and his Guard. Master of the Forge fires his Conversion Beamer dealing a wound to Carni Brood #2 and insta-killing a Venomthrope caught in the blast. Whirlwind #2 fires missile barrage into the middle of the Nid horde, but fails to wound anything in the blast zone.

Assault- No one in range. On to Nids!

Turn 2 Nids
Deathleaper and Hormagaunts come on.

Movement- Deathleaper pops up behind Whirlwind #2 ready to fire Flesh Hooks. Hormagaunts outflank on the right side and Rage since they are out of Synapse. They head straight for Whirlwind #2.

The rest of the Nids head straight forward trying to get in range of some crunchy snacks.

Shooting- Zoanthropes try to fry Sternguard Veteran Squad #2 with Warp Blast, but are less than an inch short! Hive Tyrant uses Paroxysm on Tactical Marine Squad #2 reducing their WS and BS to 1 until my next turn. Deathleaper fires at the rear armor of Whirlwind #2, but fails to hit. The rest of the Nids run forward.

Assault- Hormagaunts try to reach Whirlwind #2, but can’t reach it. Deathleaper can’t assault the turn it comes on so it has to sit there with prey drool inducing close.

Marines will have another turn of unchewed shooting. :(

02-28-2010, 01:15 AM
Turn 3 Marines
Reserves- Chapter Master with Vanguard Veterans carrying Storm Shields come on.

Movement- Chapter Master with Vanguard Vets move to within 6 inches of my Deathleaper ready to take him down. Ironclad shuffles forward a little more to try and draw the Nids from the squishy Marines near him. Whirlwind #2 backs away from the Hormaguants a short distance. The rest of the Marine army stays put.

Shooting- Whirlwind #1 fires at the Warriors trailing behind Carni Brood #1 dealing one wound. Sternguard Veteran Squad #1 fires Hellfire rounds at Carni Brood #1 dealing a second wound to the brood. Scout Snipers fire at the Hive Tyrant and his Guard killing the Guard, but the Hive Tyrant makes his saves.Tactical Marines Squad #1 fires into the Ripper Swarms and manages to kill thim all.

Ironclad fires his weapons at Carni Brood #2 dealing a second wound to that brood. Tactical Marine Squad #2 manages to hit 3 times even at BS 1 and do another wound to Carni Brood #2. Master of the Forge fires his Conversion Beamer at Carni Brood #2 killing off the wounded Carnifex. Sternguard Veteran Squad #2 fires Hellfire rounds at the Hive Tyrant, but their wounding rounds bounce off of his armour.

Whirlwind #2 fires into the Hormagaunts killing 3 of them and pinning the rest. Chapter Master and attached Vanguard Vets fire into my Deathleaper who takes 2 wounds.

Assault- Chapter Master with his buddies attack my Deathleaper. Deathleaper lops the head off of one Vanguard Vet, but can’t get past the shields of the rest. Chapter Master ends the Deathleaper with a power weapon to the chest. Chapter Master consolidates towards the Pinned Hormaguants who are sitting ducks in the open. The Ironclad is still out of range and the rest of the army sits tight.

Turn 3 Nids
Reserves- None

Movement- Everything moves up and drools at the prey that is now near at hand. Zoanthropes take care to have a clear shot at the Ironclad. Hormagaunts sit in the open since they are pinned.

Shooting- Zoanthropes take aim at the Ironclad and hit him on his front armour. Two Lances glance him, but another penetrates his thick armour. The Ironclad’s systems fail and he is now an impotent wreck that can only watch the ongoing battle. The Hive Tyrant uses Paroxysm again on the nearby Tactical Squad #2 reducing them to BS 1 and WS1. Nothing else can shoot so the Nids move on to their favorite part fo battle.

Assault- Carni Brood #1 is finally in range of Whirlwind #1 and charge it. 15 S10 attacks causes the lunchbox on tracks to explode. The Carnis take no wounds from the explosion and sniff around the crater for goodies.

Carni Brood #2 and the Hive Tyrant all charge Tactical Squad #2. The Hive Tyrant and Carnis (who thanks to Living Battering Ram and Adrenal Glands are Initiative 4) tear into the squad while their prey fails to wound them in return. The Power Fist attacks all failed to hit thanks to Paroxysm. The Tactical Squad lost 9 men, but still hung on with only a lone Marine to defy the hungry monsters. Good for me because now my big critters couldn’t be shot.

Nothing else could assault this turn. My Hive Tyrant and Carni Brood #2 were safe from rapid fire, but Carni Brood #1, my Venomthropes, and my Hormaguants were all going to take a lot of bolt rounds to the face. :(

At least my hungry Carnis finally have snacks. :D

03-01-2010, 02:13 AM
Turn 4 Marines

Movement- Tactical Squad #1 moves close to Carni Brood #1 to make sure everyone is in rapid fire range. Chapter Master and his Vanguard Vets move up close to the Hormagaunts. Everything else stays put to fire.

Shooting- Sternguard Vet Squad #1 and Tactical Squad #1 fire into Carni Brood #1, but despite all those shots the Carni Brood only takes one unsaved wound. Sniper Scouts fire at my Zoanthropes dealing a wound. Master of the Forge and Sternguard Vet Squad #2 combine fire into Venomthropes wiping out the brood. Chapter Master and his squad fire into the Hormaguants killing 4.

Assault- Chapter Master and his squad assault the Hormagaunts. The Hormagaunts have the same Initiative as the Chapter Master, but go ahead of his accompanying squad. Two of the Vanguard Vets are chopped apart while all, but 7 Hormgaunts are crushed. The Hormaguants fail their leadership and escape from combat. My little critters run 10 inches towards the Hive Tyrant. The Hive Tyrant crushes the lone Marine freeing himself and Carni Brood #2 (down to 2 Carnifexes) from close combat. The Carni Brood consolidates towards Sternguard Vet Squad #2. The Master of the Forge has the misfortune of the Hive Tyrant edging up close to him. Nothing else tries to assault.

Turn 4 Nids

Movement- Carni Brood #1 edges up face to face with Tactical Squad #1 drooling with anticipation.. The Warrior Brood moves towards the Sniper Scouts still in their firing positions on the second story of the Fortified Ruin. My Zoanthropes edge sideways to get clear shots at the Sniper Scouts. Hormagaunts go into Rage again and head back towards the Chapter Master. Poor little guys have a lot of heart, but not much else at the moment. Everything else is stuck in assault with a lone Marine...

Shooting- Zoanthropes fire 3 Warp Blasts into the scouts dealing 6 wounds that the Scouts lose 3 of their number even with +2 cover saves! They pass their leadership test and hang around. I run my Warriors until they are right at the edge of the Fortified Ruin. Hormagaunts run up close to Chapter Master. Brave, but foolish..... The Hive Tyrant uses Paroxysm on the Master of the Forge knocking down his skill to 1.

Assault- Carni Brood #1 slames into Tactical Squad #1 and manage to devour the whole squad without taking a wound. The Carni Brood consolidates towards the Sternguard Vet Squad #1 huddling in the left corner.

The Hive Tyrant fails his difficult terrain assault and has to gaze hungrily at his prey sitting on the floor above him.

Carni Brood #2 assaults the 5 man Sternguard Vet Squad #2. The Carnis take a wound, but slice the whole squad into sandwich slices. The brood consolidates towards Whirlwind #2.

The Hormagaunts rush wildly into combat with the Chapter Master and...... are reduced to a small bloody puddle. :*(

I forgot to assault my Warrior Brood into the Sniper Scouts which really sucked because they probably wound have made it....I’m still kicking myself over that. Nasty Scouts who don’t like claw hugs....

03-02-2010, 01:03 AM
Turn 5 Marines

Movement- Sternguard Vet Squad #1 who are trapped in the corner advance towards the Carni Brood staring at them. Whirlwind #2 moves 1 inch to prevent auto hits from an assault. The remaining units stay still. I was surprised that the Chapter Master didn’t try to come closer to the action, but I soon found out why...

Shooting- Sternguard Vet Squad #1 rapid fires into Carni Brood #1, but the thick armour of the brood turns aside all the shots.

The Remaining Scouts and Master of the Forge combine their fire to try to take down the Zoanthropes. The Zoanthropes manage to only lose one of their number to the shots.

The Chapter Master manages to draw line of sight to my Warriors and calls down Orbital Bombardment down on them. The targeting systems on the ship were momentarily hijacked by a random inquisitor blasting a secret target off of the board edge... My Warriors were so distracted by the prey nearby they never even noticed.

Assault- Despite having several units in range to assault me he didn’t. He rapid fired me when he would have been better off taking the Initiative bonuses from my Carni Brood...

Turn 5 Nids

Movement- Hive Tyrant moves to within 1 inch of the Master of the Forge. Carni Brood #1 gets within 1 inch of Sternguard Vet Squad #1. My reduced Carni Brood #2 moves closer to Whirlwind #2. My Warrior Brood barely moves into the Fortified Ruin. The Zoanthropes stay floating in place.

Shooting- Zoanthropes fire into the Scouts again, but only manage to kill one more scout. The Hive Tyrant uses Paroxysm on the Master of the Forge again. Nothing else does anything.

Assault- Carni Brood #1 flings Sternguard Vet Squad #1 off the sheer drop of the board edge.

The Hive Tyrant assaults the Master of the Forge (lash whip reduces MoTF to 1I while assaulting into cover reduces HT to 1I as well) and manages to rip him in two while shrugging off several hits.

Carni Brood #2 manages to assault Whirlwind #2. The Brood manages to smash the vehicle apart even with it’s dodging.

The Warrior Brood rolls horrible again and fails to reach the remaining Sniper Scouts. :confused:

My opponent rolls to see if the game ends and it does.

Result- Marine Kill Points- 4 Nid Kill Points-7

Win for the Nids!

I think he would have done a lot better if he had concentrated his fire more. He spread it out and managed to wound everything, but killed little. He also didn’t really have the right tools to take on so many T6 critters. I was happy to win, but I did feel a little guilty.

My first battle report so be forgiving in any comments you feel inclined to make about it/me. ;)