View Full Version : 40k superstitions

04-14-2015, 02:31 AM
cheack out my YouTube video talking about strange superstitions in wargaming.
I was wondering what kind f strange gaming superstitions do you guys have when you game


Da Gargoyle
04-22-2015, 09:22 PM
Meh - I don't rely on chance for my tactics, I roll low for shooting and high for moral. So I math hammer a little bit and count my victories within the game, like the time my guardians held up a terminator squad for 4 turns. Superstitious, me? No. It's just that the universe and dice gods love messing with me.

For example, in an allied game I stood up in front of a vindicator which then turned to decimate my squad. No luck involved there, the odds were overwhelming that this would happen. However, by turning to blast me the vindicator exposed its rear armour to 3 IG heavy weapons teams. One of las cannon two of auto cannon. 21 shots, not one hit. To add insult to injury my surviving dar threw a 12 to run off the table.

Stories, I got a million of them. My rangers average 1 kill every two to three games, though the odds are against them. Hit on 3+, wound on 4+ cover and armour saves make them incredibly ineffective at shooting. But they do sit on and objective and hold quite well. They usually survive because people laugh at them so much.

04-24-2015, 01:18 PM
I won't play with plasma weapons because I wound myself far more than I wound my opponent's models.

Also, in Bolt Action, my British army gets a free forward observer but I won't use him anymore because 90% of the time I end up losing one of my opponents when I call in an artillery barrage.