View Full Version : Custom buildings what is acceptable and what is not.

04-12-2015, 03:48 AM
I wish to make fortifications for my harlequins but with the rule on wysiwyg really limits the design choice but what I had planed was get a fortification with a ADL or some other with a possible gun point and stick my Solitaire on the gun point due to the army lack of anti-air and the solitaire having 9BS will most likely always shoot down pesky air targets also with blitz getting up the field should not be a big problem unless rolling really poor.

So what building's could I use and what I had in theme was ruins of a eldar fashion.

04-12-2015, 06:58 AM
Miniature Scenery do some really interesting laser cut kits, including a "not Eldar" defence line and some larger pieces.



War Gamma do a resin defence line kit and various pillar and arch pieces.



Scibor do basing kits with lots of shattered statue bits which do have a post fall feel to them.



04-12-2015, 08:34 AM
I could also use The Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Eldar-Vauls-Wrath-Support-Battery) and convert it into a ADL.

04-12-2015, 11:08 AM
That could potentially leave you with some weapons to convert fortifications from too. I reckon the pieces would be a bit large though. The smaller heavy weapons that come with Guardians would be better size IMO. Also would come with weapons more similar to the Autocannon and Lascannon on Imperial emplacements.

Hmm, on second thoughts, a combination of the two would be best.

I really like the laser cut stuff, with the exception of the actual Aegis-style set. Maybe it s just because defense lines don't suit Eldar?

04-12-2015, 12:26 PM
Maybe it s just because defense lines don't suit Eldar?

Converted mine to be energy fields, where the actual height of the aegis is a darker, denser blue radiating from a very small generator and the rest is just shimmering in a hexagonal pattern.
Kinda like the DoW portable cover from the eldar guardians.


04-14-2015, 07:02 AM
Check out the Eldar ADL here
Brilliant model. All fits together really well, paints well, and looks the dogs *s
I use this defence line with an Eldar Support weapon as a Quad Gun proxy.