View Full Version : My Ulthwe eldar so far...

02-25-2010, 04:18 PM
Right I'm a little rusty when it comes to posting images etc so please bear with me if any of them don't work right.

The eldar have always been my first army since I was eleven years old and first began playing with little toy soldiers. As with all of you I decided that it wasn't something I needed to grow out of and as a result i've had a creative outlet that has become more and more valuable to me as the years have gone by.

I originally had an Alaitoc army since this was the army GW had painted up and did painting articles on so all I had to do was copy their work, which of course was beyond an eleven year old and even up to my late teens eluded me. Thankfully i've learned more and more and now I have the confidence to go my own way, designing my own paint schemes etc. It's a nice position to finally be in.

I settled on Ulthwe in the end since everything is dark and brooding with them, plus I love the fluff of the uber-interferers in mankind's and other's affairs.
Now, it takes me a very long time do anything in old entish, but thankfully I do get to spend that time thinking up of a unified paint scheme and theme for my army. So please bear with me as I briefly explain the rationale behind my army's appearance.

Firstly there are no metallic colours or NMM on my models. This is because I just don't see the eldar using anything other than crystal, wraithbone and other psycho sensitive plastics in the construction of their devices. Can you imagine an eldar steel worker? Me neither.

Secondly and most importantly eldar are psychic and this infuses all their technology. Now, since eldar are also subject to emotions many thousands of times stronger than a human's, I believe this will change the appearance of all their wargear. Thus we have the wild red of Saim-Hann, the puritanical white of Biel-Tan and the darkness of Ulthwe, a place of constant mourning that has the eye of terror in plain sight at all times, a reminder of all that fell and once was and a sign of the slow death the eldar face. This also explains the parity in aspect warrior colours, since these warriors work themselves into a trance like state of ritualised combat which is the same on every craftworld.
So to reiterate, IMO all eldar you see on the battlefield are coloured by their craftworld's particular outlook on life, while the aspects are coloured by their form of combat/training. My Ulthwe use almost nothing but black with a tiny amount of bone for contrast and crimson (red gore) for flexible areas here and there.

I'm meandering I know but hey, see the entish comment above...

For areas on my models that would need to be harder than most (for example jet engines, weapon cowling, blade edges etc.) I use gloss varnish to represent this type of wraithbone. I am afraid that using it too much would look pretty bad so i'm very sparing with it right now, a test model with all gloss armour plates and matt undersuit is certainly something i'll be trying in future.

Ok, so here is an example of a WIP wraithlord that gives you an idea of where i'm coming from:



As you can see from this (assuming it's worked that is...) i'm putting my faith in black. Also you can see that the base is a dark crimson too. This is another feature of my army - ever since I saw the original artwork on the box of the falcon grav tank kit i've wanted to paint an army that's set in a red desert much like Australia's Simpson Desert. Can't explain it very well, it's just the way I envisage them.


And here's my old vyper painted 5 years ago - great to see it up and out of it's box again these days :)

02-25-2010, 04:23 PM
Here's my wave serpent (shameless plug!), which gives a pretty good example of what I was saying about using gloss varnish - the air intakes on the engines, the missile launcher heads, part of the boarding ramp and most of the underside have been varnished. After a talk with a fellow gamer I decided to gloss varnish the gemstones as well, nice tip there Ugo, cheers!
The underside being varnished is very useful practically for when the damn thing gets shot down, preventing the paint from scraping off. The other areas have been varnished for purely aesthetic reasons.
And here's that base I prepared earlier. I really prefer putting sand/grass etc on flying bases than just leaving them as clear perspex.

Again apologies for double posting, I ran out of photo space

02-25-2010, 04:28 PM
Excellent! I love the motif on the side of the wave serpent. Nice and clean.

02-25-2010, 04:53 PM
That is frickin awesome.

Almost enough to put me off collecting Eldar because I will never be able to do them justice, paint-wise.

Shadow Queen
02-25-2010, 05:01 PM
thats frackin' fantastic work.... You gonna add any Harlyquins?

Mr. J??

02-25-2010, 05:37 PM
Thanks for the comments, I hope I can add some new work to this thread soon. For now here's my WIP avengers.

As for Mr. J... he will definitely be making an appearance. But not before I get my scorpions organised - they're my favourite unit in the game and I have big plans ;)


Thanks for your time

Shadow Queen
02-25-2010, 06:08 PM
Sorry you didn't get the batman referance.

02-25-2010, 06:16 PM
Hmmm I thought you were referring to the Death Jester, oh well.

*couldn't think of a way to slip 'why so serious?' in there effectively ;)

02-25-2010, 07:29 PM
AMAZING job on the texture on the vehicles, it's not canon but it's so amazing I'm not having my usual OCD seizures.

02-26-2010, 02:06 AM

02-26-2010, 02:18 AM
Really really nice stuff, love the simplicity of the basing that the wraithlord has, really sets off the darker paintwork.

02-26-2010, 03:23 AM
Ulthwe the Damned good looking IMO.

02-26-2010, 09:13 AM
AMAZING job on the texture on the vehicles, it's not canon but it's so amazing I'm not having my usual OCD seizures.

Glad the OCD is receding :) in terms of texture i'm not sure what you mean exactly, are referring to the smooth look to the paint? When I was younger I didn't know you were supposed to water down your paints, but now of course, especially with eldar, and especially with the big hulls of eldar tanks, I water down my paints a lot and apply a few coats e.g. the "wave serpents" on the side of the tank above were applied in about 5 super thin layers - it's easier to correct mistakes that way as they don't leave lumps and bumps on the surface, plus it makes putting down your original design easier, the paint goes on like ink but dries quickly like paint.

Thanks for the encouraging comments from everyone, it's great to hear from other people into the hobby out there.


02-26-2010, 09:38 AM
Conceding more than receding.

What I meant was that every craftworld has a specific decoration on its vehicles, Biel-Tan has thorny things, Ulthwé has spiky lines, alaitoc has a camo black/blue texture, Saim-hann has chevron shaped bands, Iyanden has blue flames from the front on the yellow bg.

This (http://www.purple-mantis.com.au/gallery/40k/fireprism_1a.jpg) is a traditional Ulthwé decoration (check the white lines). But yours is astounding enough already.

02-26-2010, 09:56 AM
Conceding more than receding.

What I meant was that every craftworld has a specific decoration on its vehicles, Biel-Tan has thorny things, Ulthwé has spiky lines, alaitoc has a camo black/blue texture, Saim-hann has chevron shaped bands, Iyanden has blue flames from the front on the yellow bg.

Ah yes I get what you mean. You know, I looked at my vyper for example and I wanted a snake (vyper) on it. I love the Saim Hann snake so much I simply stole it from the red guys, attached it to a lightning bolt and made it Ulthwe colour - I mean surely the way it's represented is common to all eldar, but it's only an actual symbol of Saim Hann. I also like the thorn image from Biel Tan and may well use it where appropriate on my own guys.

02-26-2010, 10:45 AM
I guess that wave serpent is going to be your centerpiece- it looks quite nice.

Good work on the freehand overall, it is adding quite a bit to the force.

Hairy Piggy
02-26-2010, 12:13 PM
Fantastic work you've done here, ESPECIALLY on the waveserpent. Great free hand design and the dire avengers are great as well. Simple clean and very effective. Keep it up!

03-06-2010, 08:23 PM
Trying to paint an Ulthwe army myself and glad to find such a great thread to draw ideas from! Can't wait to see more of what you have here. Would love some closer/larger pics of the wave serpent if you have any. Love the highlighting you've done where the plate corners are at...not sure what it is but looks different/better than most. (not to mention the freehand on it!)

03-08-2010, 01:11 PM
flipping mint man

love the mural like designs on the falcons et al

Silver Drakes Legion
03-16-2010, 03:35 AM
Amazing paint job! So since your doing ulthwe is a seer counicl in your future and what kind WS or jetbike?

03-16-2010, 03:52 AM
Amazing paint job! So since your doing ulthwe is a seer counicl in your future and what kind WS or jetbike?

Really my next plan is to slowly keep adding to my wraithlord's paintjob, but the next squad i'll be touching is my striking scorpions while also completing the magnetising of my war walkers.

I'm slow! But I'll post anything I come up with :)