View Full Version : Skitarii in the Horus Heresy

04-10-2015, 01:52 PM
Any word whether some of the new Skitarii forces are or will be added to the Horus Heresy Mechanicum army lists?

Seems like there would be a high level of compatibility, but I don't think there is a lot of precedence.


04-10-2015, 03:46 PM
Basically: we haven't heard anything, and trying to predict what Forge World will and won't do is kind of like trying to predict the weather when all you have is a piece of seaweed.

They'd be silly not to, but then they'd also be silly not to release any Wraithknight upgrade kits.

04-10-2015, 04:17 PM
don't know if they will be added to the heresy list, but I could see 40k ad mech featuring skitarii and Forge World options in an imperial armour book.

04-11-2015, 12:00 AM
Everyctime FW are asked about this at the Heresy weekenders they insist the Mechanicum and the Adeptus Mechanicus are two very different entities. Lots of stuff that we have in thr 41st Millenium didnt exist in the 31st and visa versa

Or course they might just ignore the fluff and do thrm to increase sales, but they have indicated they belive they should be kept seperate

04-12-2015, 09:46 AM
There are definately skitarii in 30k background- and one of the skitarii commanders is a viewpoint character in the book know no fear

However the new skitarii book has added clarity to the fact that there are 6 sub factions within the cult mechanicus (page 7) of which the skitarii are just one. (Titans, robots and the like being others).

I would happily have a gentleman a agreement in my gaming circle to allow the skitarii to be used in both 30k and 40k but don't expect GW to sanction that officially.

04-12-2015, 10:22 AM
if they really take off (which, judging by the reaction here, they will) I could see Forge World adding their own mechanicum stuff in, because the plastic Skitarii will bring so many more players to their range. plus the first week of Skitarii the Forge World newsletter basically said 'hey, come check out our mechincum stuff too'. nothing concrete there of course, but suggestive. if people are buying plastic infantry, and you send out an email reminding people you make a transport tank...

04-12-2015, 10:45 AM
Skitarii are also mentioned as one of the major militant arms of the Mechanicum in Book 3, along with the Tagmata Omnissiah.

04-13-2015, 10:52 AM
Thanks for all the responses,
I can see how FW would not want an influx of GW models into their forces etc but it would be a shame not to integrate the two more tightly.