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View Full Version : white scars 2000 point army

08-04-2009, 03:00 PM
ok this one is especially for one of our fellow fly lords Mkerr so here it is and please all advice is most appreciated on with the list

Korsarro khan, moondrakken
command squad, bikes, standard bearer, champion, 2 meltaguns
chaplain, bike

5 bikers, 2 meltaguns, attack bike, multimelta
5 bikers, 2 meltaguns, attack bike, multimelta
5 bikers, 2 plasmaguns, attack bike
5 bikers, 2 meltaguns

Fast Attack
2 landspeeders, 2 assault cannons
3 scout bikers, combimelta

Heavy Support
5 man devastator squad, 2 plasmacannons, 2 heavy bolter, razorback
predator, TL lascannon
predator, TL lascannon

now im in spain on holiday as im doing this so i hope thats all right and adds up to 2000 but if not i will edit it when i get back home to the proper army list i might have got the bike squads a bit wrong if anything

08-04-2009, 09:10 PM
First off, don't outflank. It splits up your army, forces them on separate board edges, and is simply too easy to counter. Stick with combat tactics. Khan is good enough on his own with H&R and furious charge.

The Command Squad is your only real beater unit, so don't be afraid to splurge. lightning claws, storm shields, meltaguns for all with a Thunder Hammer thrown in for good measure. Super killy. At this point, the Chaplain is overkill.

Bikes look fine, just stick with meltas and ABs.

Give your Speeder (surprise) melta and flamer. They can DS or deploy normally depending on the circumstances and gives you a little extra reach against tanks plus horde killing.

Don't bother with Scout Bikers, they're just too fragile and a one-hit wonder.

Ditch the Heavies altogether, they just don't fit. More Speeders and another decked out Command Squad with a Captain would serve you better.

08-05-2009, 04:35 AM
well the scout bikers are there for bait tbh and they will turbo boost in their scout move towards an enemy tank. So in the first turn they're really going to want to kill off that combimelta in which case they will have to kill the whole squad, in doing this i should gain two squads of fire (but if there good enough i might only get one) or a tank to draw away from the rest of my army. As for the predators and devastators, im not after a completely fluffy army. they are there because they really need to be, lascannons are there while the meltas get into position and the devastators are there for anti elite infantry and tougher than usual models, land speeders are nice but to fragile im afraid, if there in a large number they draw attention and fire power. As for the chaplain, i think i have to agree i have no real use for him, i just really liked the model :)

08-05-2009, 08:36 AM
It's not very hard to kill them and blocking their movement is quite easy, just push tanks back and create a buffer of other models.

With all that melta and speed you won't need long range fire, that's the whole point of a bike army.

Speeders can Deep Strike or go into reserve, so they're guaranteed to fire when they come on. If they want to waste a unit shooting a single AV10 skimmer more power to them.