View Full Version : Dark Eldar - players advise please

Escalation Painting
04-09-2015, 05:36 AM
Hi guys
I have recently started painting up a dark eldar army.

I am looking for so,even advise on how to play these guys!?
What's good to use, war gear, relics etc. Also how to use certain units?

I lived the look and story so thought I'd give them ago. I have a lot of marines and chaos that I use normally so these are a whole new ball game.

This is what I have so far, but will be adding another more!

1 archon
30 Kabalite warriors
3 raiders
6 readers
5 Hellions
10 Scourges
2 venom
5 wracks
1 talos

Maybe we can start a littletactics feed!?

The Sovereign
04-11-2015, 11:22 AM
Dark Eldar are great fun to play, if not as competitive as their Craftworld cousins. DE play significantly differently than loyalist/traitor marines.

For starters, you can never go wrong with kabalite warriors in raiders with splinter racks. They can deepstrike in and unleash buckets of rerollable poison shards. Looks like you've already got some of that, so you're off to a good start.

Also, the Haemonculi Covens supplement has some great formations in it, and make a great ally.

Escalation Painting
04-13-2015, 03:31 AM
That's why I was thinking, lots of poison weapons.
I've also heard that venoms are really good?

Just got reavers because I've heard they are also a force to be reckoned with?!

04-13-2015, 05:22 AM
Reavers are good, maybe a little bit difficult to handle but in the end they can provide mobile cover, anti-tank, additional CC power and a lot of mobility.
Venoms are excellent and basically your core vehicle as it has the most "bang" for your points.

Everything on your list is perfectly playable mit the exception of Wracks and Hellions.
Wracks are only good in coven formations (Scalpel Squadron that is) and Hellions are utter garbage... the best you can say about them is that the model looks good. Everything they can do the Reavers do much better.