View Full Version : Blog & Tourney

02-25-2010, 01:31 PM
So, I have joined the unwashed masses of the 40k netverse and crafted a blog.

This is multifold in purpose.

1) Shameless self-promotion. While not intentional, I think it's an unavoidable part of anyone making a blog.

2) Tournament development. I'm hosting one of the Independent Circuit Tourneys this year, a 128-person 40k & Fantasy event in August, and so far the only Virginia event (though that can and will change I hope). I'll be tracking the development of everything we do for that, and input from other people will be able to actively shape how things pan out in terms of rules, regs, etc.

3) Beer. I like it, I drink it, I'll suggest it.

I would so freakin' love input from various forum troll types on all of these subjects. I don't take the dominant-submissive approach to blogging, so ... being put in my own place in my own blog by someone who out-points me? Cool.

On the other hand, I refer to "unwashed masses" comment above - I'm just another faceless Joe on the internet, and if nobody comes and blabbers all over my page? No problemo.



Oh, as a PS for anyone in range of or interest in a larger qualifying GT in VA, keep posted there and elsewhere as we wrap up the polishings on our website and other components and subsequently open up registration.