View Full Version : Sharing is Caring - dishing out USR

Mr Mystery
04-05-2015, 12:46 PM

Currently reading White Dwarf, and on the bit about Sicarian Infiltrators. And it boldly says that they are fast than a Genestealer crossing the board. And thanks to 'Dune Strider' that's quite true. +3" on run and charge. That's pretty mega as boosts go. Average charge becomes a distinctly impressive 10", and of course the minimum jumps to a not inconsiderable 5"....

Much as I'm a big fan of the Skitarii stuff, it seems a little unfair for such a rule not to be shared.

Winding back through the mists of time, Genestealers and other small Nids got Fleet of Foot to help them across the board. Over time of course, this became a USR - and I think dune strider is exactly what dedicated assault units need.

Genestealers, Wyches, Banshees - all depend upon getting into combat nice and quick.

Are there any other currently army specific rules you would like to become USR?

04-05-2015, 01:56 PM
Well, the old effect of Fleet allowing units to both charge and run in the same turn could be a way of increasing their speed. Would be particularly helpful for Banshees, if they retained the Acrobatic rule in it's current form.

04-05-2015, 02:18 PM
now if only they could give this to Khorne Daemonkin...

04-05-2015, 02:31 PM
now if only they could give this to Khorne Daemonkin...

Not needed as everything in the book worth taking moves 12" anyways or is a Soulgrinder.
The CSM options in the book have other serious problems to solve before mobility gets an issue.

04-05-2015, 03:59 PM

Currently reading White Dwarf, and on the bit about Sicarian Infiltrators. And it boldly says that they are fast than a Genestealer crossing the board. And thanks to 'Dune Strider' that's quite true. +3" on run and charge. That's pretty mega as boosts go. Average charge becomes a distinctly impressive 10", and of course the minimum jumps to a not inconsiderable 5"....

Much as I'm a big fan of the Skitarii stuff, it seems a little unfair for such a rule not to be shared.

Winding back through the mists of time, Genestealers and other small Nids got Fleet of Foot to help them across the board. Over time of course, this became a USR - and I think dune strider is exactly what dedicated assault units need.

Genestealers, Wyches, Banshees - all depend upon getting into combat nice and quick.

Are there any other currently army specific rules you would like to become USR?

Getting stealers into combat isnt the problem. Charging through terrain is.

And im not particularly surprised to see another "imperial nerd hard on" unit that is better than the xeno equivalent. Because those things would be faster than stealers with that +3

Mr Mystery
04-06-2015, 01:41 AM
It's about what units need which USR to boost them up a bit - for instance, Genestealers - what existing USR do they need?

04-06-2015, 05:21 AM
Not needed as everything in the book worth taking moves 12" anyways or is a Soulgrinder.
The CSM options in the book have other serious problems to solve before mobility gets an issue.

yes but even so, you could pull off a 1st turn charge if you could charge after fleet...

04-06-2015, 05:53 AM
Even armies who can charge after fleet are prohibited from doing so (Harlequin rising crescendo allows you to charge after run but only after turn 1, Orc Waaaaagh allows the same, only usable after turn 1). I guess this is intentional.
And even if they could... they are pretty bad in cc for their point value.

04-06-2015, 07:13 AM
Yeah, 4+ reanomation protocols for everyone. Lets kill the game totally, not just the matches against necrons.

04-06-2015, 09:02 AM
I pine for the days when the standard infantry movement was 4" and the superior race's standard movement rate was 6"

04-06-2015, 12:51 PM
I pine for the days when the standard infantry movement was 4" and the superior race's standard movement rate was 6"

It certainly did spice things up tactically.

Mr Mystery
04-09-2015, 05:31 AM
Yup. Fleet was originally an answer to that, as it provided speed to the speedy.

Then of course Run was introduced, and Fleet became a mechanic to allow you to assault after Run.

But Dune Strider adds 3" to movement, run and charge.

Certain Nids could do with that, as could Eldar Assaulty Aspects. Reduces the need for a Transport, without removing it entirely as they can now cross the field in less time, and dash between cover that's further apart. That helps to mitigate incoming firepower fairly considerably.