View Full Version : Newbie looking for Black Templar advice

04-02-2015, 11:12 PM
Hi everyone. I'm just starting with 40k for the first time and trying to pick an army. I love the background of Black Templars but was curious about a few things. In the current state of the game, can one or more big Crusader squads in Land Raider Crusaders do okay in an all-comers environment? I have absolutely no idea how well or poorly anything works as I've only played a few demo games, but Crusader squads and Land Raiders are some of my favorite thematic things about the Black Templars. And while I ask, can a huge Crusader squad (shooting or assault oriented) do well footslogging?

Also, where is the best way to start with a BT army? I own absolutely nothing right now, would any of the boxed sets be a good purchase? I saw a Dark Angels and Blood Angels set that includes a rulebook, and thought maybe I could just paint them as Black Templars and sell/trade the second army in those sets?

I appreciate any advice. Some other armies also interest me, but people tell me a marine army is generally a great starting army for a newbie.

04-03-2015, 05:29 AM
If you really want specific advice about BT I would recommend going to the BolterandChainsword (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/7-black-templars/) but I can answer a few things.

The Black Tide (50+ BT footslogging) looks intimidating and awesome, but it is not that strong. It is a cheap way of getting into the game and can be built on later, not to mention that you will have all the dudes you will probably ever need.

Having them jumping out of LRC's is probably the safer route to take, but those LRC's take up a lot of points that could be used on other things that you may want.

Just remember that what ever build you take to execute your plans on the table with Righteous Zeal and to show your opponent No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear! :cool:

04-03-2015, 07:54 AM
My BT army is mainly CC backed up with a storm raven and a couple of LR! Yeah the LR take up the points but the first time I used my BT I didn't have my LR so the just got wiped out by long ranged weapons!

Depends if you want a competitive list as well which I cant comment about as I don't use those sort of lists!

As for getting the models I wouldn't get the box sets with BA or DA, get the normal tactical squads and then get the conversion set you can get off the GW website! The BA and DA don't have the right feel or look to be passed off as Templars, but that's my opinion!

04-03-2015, 09:40 AM
Warm welcomes for another Marine player.

Competitively the BT do about as well as other marines from that codex. Aside from the lack of psykers which can be rectified with allies. Yes LRC take up a lot of points but its really the only way to give yourself a good chance of getting the squads where they need to be. You will have to take a minimum of 2 so your opponent has to split fire so there goes 500+ points. But its worth it. You also need to decide if you're going to be playing this army more for fun and fluff or to win as many games as you can.

The DA and BA models arent really suitable as the detail removal you would have to do makes them not very optimal. You wont be able to add the BT kit pieces from GW for them since those kits rely on building a marine from its bit pieces whereas the DA/BA ones are almost fully built already and removing things like shoulder pads and arms from them will be a pain.

04-03-2015, 11:28 AM
I disagree. You CAN Footslog it, but it really depends on what you are facing and the environments you are foot slogging through. Open tables while facing an Armoured Company of IG is a great way to lose models fast (trust me, I've tried, and it was only one squadron I was facing!). An important component here is to have a good fire support unit or two to back them up while they are advancing.

However, it is usually safer for an Assault Crusader squad to be riding their Crusader in. Their ranged firepower is nothing, so they need to get in quick and safely in combat. A Land Raider does this job wonderfully, if expensively.

Firepower Crusader squads are a different story. Usually you don't need them more than the minimum size, since their primary job is to bring the Plasma Gun and Heavy Weapon of choice. Use Neophytes to bulk them out if you need to to save points, but size usually isn't their main point. Avoid Plasma Cannons with this group, as they should be semi-mobile to cover Assault units or hit trouble spots. If you want Plasma Cannons, get a Devastator Squad and stick them in a spot to blast from.

I also recommend getting on the Black Templar board of the Bolter and Chainsword forum. Great guys, if a little focused and tend to stay in character (but great fun while doing so). Just watch out for the Paddle.

04-03-2015, 11:47 AM
To be honest, use Space Wolves counts as. Lots of Marines in drop pods with dual ccw and meltaguns would be solid, and look appropriate. Especially if you get some cavalry models to use as TWC.

Dave Mcturk
04-03-2015, 12:46 PM
templars are awesome. black and white pops.

i run razor spam templars - great fun.

shame about the named characters bwtf. just 'make' your own !

a few legion back up and youre sorted.

04-03-2015, 02:56 PM
I have absolutely no advice of value to give about black templars other than, every time I see them I want to go watch Kingdom of Heaven again.



04-09-2015, 10:02 AM
For Dorn! As I've been playing my Imperial Fists I've found Marines to be decent in combat. They can usually tie up something like Orks and crush Tau or IG, just keep them away from Typhus and demons! Combined with ObSec Land Raiders you should be able to create a decent maelstrom army, using your squads to tie up difficult enemy units and your Land Raiders to punk objectives.

Pistol+Chainsword on the Initiates as two attack Marines are definitely better in melee and Black Templars don't really do Marine based shooting. A couple of characters to bolster the squads melee ability and round out the squad with neophytes to soak up wounds. Add in some decent support units and you have a solid army.

I'm bored at work so I created a list for fun:
+++ Black Templars (1850pts) +++

++ Space Marines: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
Chapter Tactics

[b]+ HQ +

····Power Armour

[b]High Marshal Helbrecht [Artificer Armour, Combi-Melta, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Sword of the High Marshals]

+ Elites +

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought * [2x Twin-linked Autocannon, Cyclone Missile Launcher]

+ Troops +

Crusader Squad [Flamer, 10x Initiates, Land Raider Crusader, 5x Neophytes, 5x Shotgun]

Crusader Squad [Flamer, 10x Initiates, Land Raider Crusader, 5x Neophytes, 5x Shotgun]

+ Heavy Support +

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank * [Armoured Ceramite, Battle of Sarosh, Lascannon, Schism of Mars]

Space Marine Rapier Weapons Battery *
····Space Marine Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer]
····Space Marine Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer]
····Space Marine Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer]

Thunderfire Cannon

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

Put the Rapier Battery in the same terrain as the Thunderfire and have the tech marine boost its cover save.

Chaplain goes in one squad Helbrecht in the other. Use the Chaplain squad where you really need to stay stuck in. Use Helbrechts special powers to boost your Crusaders the turn they Charge.

Contemptor is your primary AA backed up by the Sicaran with its one use legacy. It's also decent against a wide variety of targets with its missiles and autocannons.

That's what I would build for Black Templars, high armour, good firepower, ok melee and very well rounded.

04-10-2015, 10:18 AM
Best way to go Las Plas gun line. Kept it to the 5 man minimum. Then mix it with with centurions, thunder fire cannons and couple stormtalons.

04-10-2015, 04:19 PM
crusader squads in land raiders are very cool, they look great, work well with the background, and will be a headache for your opponent, go for it.