View Full Version : The Latest 40k "Deep Thought"

03-31-2015, 09:32 AM
Kharn is in his own Dataslate that GW has been pimping all week.

Case closed.

Erik Setzer
03-31-2015, 10:40 AM
If you're talking about Kharn's Butcherhorde, it doesn't actually have the rules for Kharn, so you'd still have to have the CSM codex for it. It also says they're from the Chaos Space Marines faction, and IIRC, Khorne Daemonkin are a separate faction from CSM and Chaos Daemons (though Blood Brothers with both).

They also left out Skarbrand, but no one talks about him, likely because he has no model. But there's also Karanak, who *does* have a model, but is also left out. Skulltaker, however, is in the book... so the whole "getting rid of named characters" idea isn't true.

I think people are just reading too much into it. He's likely meant to be part of a CSM force, not some random warband of Khorne Marines and Daemons.

03-31-2015, 11:28 AM
Was the thread on the first page full?

Lord Manton
03-31-2015, 02:58 PM
More often than not I think we can substitute "Deep Thought" with "Little to no thought at all"...

03-31-2015, 03:40 PM
"so the whole "getting rid of named characters" idea isn't true."

Yeah, the other part I liked is "I left out Warhammer Fantasy for reasons because if I didn't it'd undermine my whole point." The Fantasy releases of the last 6 months have been, what, 50% named characters...?

03-31-2015, 09:16 PM
"so the whole "getting rid of named characters" idea isn't true."

Yeah, the other part I liked is "I left out Warhammer Fantasy for reasons because if I didn't it'd undermine my whole point." The Fantasy releases of the last 6 months have been, what, 50% named characters...?

Mm, and all but two of those releases have been massive kits. Honestly, the End Times seemed like it's own separate hurrah, compared to the normal production that 40k has been going through.

Harlequin 'leaders' were standardized and generic. They go by titles, not names. Khorne Daemonkin only had the Skulltaker. Admech looks to be having no named characters at all. The last time a 40k named character was released..? Was when? back when Dark Eldar or Grey Knights got their reboot?

It was a thought I had, and I had the privilege of writing an article about it. You're, of course, entitled to your opinion.. but guess what? I can have an opinion too. :3

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-31-2015, 09:37 PM
The last time a 40k named character was released..? Was when? back when Dark Eldar or Grey Knights got their reboot?Well, the Necron reboot was the 'dex released following Dark Eldar and Grey Knights, and it introduced 7 new named characters, each of which has a model now. Plus, Logan Grimnar got a nice big plastic kit all to himself in the latest Wolves update, then there's Bjorn and Nork Deddog getting included as options in plastic kits.

Edit: Oh, and Tau 6th introduced Darkstrider and the tank pilot, while Eldar 6th introduced that Nightspear bloke. Dark Angels had a new Belial model in 6th too.

Special Characters have certainly been handled unevenly among Games Workshop's recent releases. Perhaps that's intentional, testing the impact/cost-effectiveness of different forms of releasing characters. Perhaps they would rather focus on generic HQs plastics, but are saving the new fantasty generic HQ plastics for after the upheaval of 9th edition. Not a lot I can confidently say.

03-31-2015, 09:42 PM
Well, the Necron reboot was the 'dex released following Dark Eldar and Grey Knights, and it introduced 7 new named characters, each of which has a model now. Plus, Logan Grimnar got a nice big plastic kit all to himself in the latest Wolves update, then there's Bjorn and Nork Deddog getting included as options in plastic kits.

Special Characters have certainly been handled unevenly among Games Workshop's recent releases. Perhaps that's intentional, testing the impact/cost-effectiveness of different forms of releasing characters. Perhaps they would rather focus on generic HQs plastics, but are saving the new fantasty generic HQ plastics for after the upheaval of 9th edition. Not a lot I can confidently say.

Finally, someone level-headed with some good information. I think that's the point that bugs me the most about GW's habits here is that things seem so uneven. I can understand dropping a bunch of the Dark Eldar characters from the last Codex since none had models, and I can understand GW making rules for things that already *have* models, even if they're old, like Skulltaker, but when making new kits, it seems to be this weird mix of generic HQ's (which are nice) and one or two named characters that get weird treatment. Nork being in the Ogryn box, and Logan getting that sled...

And yet, having a great opportunity to release a plastic Khorne Herald or new Khorne Berzerkers or new Kharn and include him in the dex and... they didn't. It's a little bizarre.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-31-2015, 09:47 PM
And yet, having a great opportunity to release a plastic Khorne Herald or new Khorne Berzerkers or new Kharn and include him in the dex and... they didn't. It's a little bizarre.On this note specifically, was stewing on that around the time the plastic Nurgle Herald was released - why only him? Came to the conclusion it was because the other three Gods already had plastic Heralds included in their Chariot kits. From GW's perspective, it may be a misuse of resources to make a plastic Khorne Herald when one's already included in the Blood Throne kit.

Edit: Whoops, slipped up there. The Blood Throne plastic Herald isn't designed for independent basing, and even if it were, the release of the Plastic Necron Overlord despite the existence of the Catacomb Command Barge's Overlord tears down that theory.

03-31-2015, 11:19 PM
On this note specifically, was stewing on that around the time the plastic Nurgle Herald was released - why only him? Came to the conclusion it was because the other three Gods already had plastic Heralds included in their Chariot kits. From GW's perspective, it may be a misuse of resources to make a plastic Khorne Herald when one's already included in the Blood Throne kit.

Edit: Whoops, slipped up there. The Blood Throne plastic Herald isn't designed for independent basing, and even if it were, the release of the Plastic Necron Overlord despite the existence of the Catacomb Command Barge's Overlord tears down that theory.

Yeah.. there's really no consistency in their strategy, at least from the consumer's perspective.

I'm sure in the long run, in a couple of years after finecast has been totally phased out, we'll look back and think of how silly we were as we assemble our new plastic Lucius the Eternal or Vect or whatever, but right now it's just mind-boggling why we're not getting certain things sooner rather than later.

Path Walker
04-01-2015, 02:05 AM
Tools take a long time to create and perfect, the reason we aren't seeing everything we would want to is because it takes time and a lot of money to get the tools made to make the plastic models.

Erik Setzer
04-01-2015, 05:23 AM
Edit: Whoops, slipped up there. The Blood Throne plastic Herald isn't designed for independent basing

Yeah, kind of have to clip off the chain, and even then, it seems a bit odd. I'm thinking I need to add a rock or something to my Herald's base so he doesn't look so odd.